【 导语】当温度越来越高的时候,我期待已久的暑假就要来了,这定是一个充实的、快乐的暑假。以下是整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。
I had a very happy summer vacation, in which a lot of interesting things happened, among which the most profound thing for me was mashing garlic.
That morning, my father and I were sleeping soundly. My mother woke me up from my dream with an order. We dressed and asked my mother vaguely, "what's the matter?" My mother said, "today, you helped me pound the garlic, and I worked unhappily. First of all, I peeled the garlic. I moved left and right. My mother was secretly happy when she saw me embarrassed. I went to ask my mother," why is this garlic unreasonable? Take off your clothes. " Mother said, "put the garlic in the basin, put a basin cover on it, and shake it for a few times." I did as my mother told me, and then I opened it. Sure enough, all the skins fell off. Then I looked at my potholes. It was a world of difference. I began to pound garlic. I brought a jar, took a big stick, and pounded it hard, but I couldn't beat it. I thought to myself,
"you garlic babies are really naughty." at this time, my mother said to me, "try sprinkling some salt." sure enough, after I sprinkled salt, "they" stopped running around immediately. I also learned a truth from this. Nothing is difficult in the world, just afraid of those who want to do it. In this way, when it was time for dinner, I tasted my own cooking. Although it was not delicious, my heart was as sweet as honey. Maybe this is the taste of labor?
vaguelyFrom this, I understand that there is knowledge everywhere in life. As long as you find their eyes, you can find out these knowledge in life.
If you say happy things, it is this summer vacation. During this holiday, many interesting things have happened. I will tell you about it.
At the beginning of the summer vacation, my cousin clamored to play with me. I promised, and we went to play basketball. Although my brother is young, his level is no w
orse than mine. I got the ball first, but my brother kept up with me. I flashed from left to right to beat his attack. But just when I relaxed my vigilance, my cousin grabbed the ball. He threw it hard and it scored. I immediately grabbed the ball. But when I threw it, I tried too hard. Instead of scoring, the ball hit the basket and hit myself.
Alas, this game not only failed miserably, but also made a fool of myself. It's really unlucky. However, my cousin didn't laugh at me, and he came to comfort me, and I won't complain anymore.
The second half began, and I was ready to fight again. This time, my cousin grabbed the ball, but I walked over with a key step and grabbed the ball. Then came the most critical pitching. I aimed a little, and I threw it out. This ball miraculously scored, because this ball is cross half! In the next game, my cousin and I played very fiercely, and even drew with him. At this time, it was the most critical time. I used my whole body skills and finally grabbed the ball. I scored in one fell swoop with the encouragement of the first goal.
This is just a small thing in my summer vacation. I still have many happy things. If I have t
ime, I will tell you one by one.
The hot summer vacation is coming, and now the sport is swimming. So my mother and I immediately signed up in the gym.
Pan, pan, finally came the day of swimming. We first did warm-up exercises, and then we dived like a group of ducklings. Wow, the water is so cold! I know nothing about swimming. Looking at the eager appearance of other companions, I began to learn slowly from breathing.
"Poof!" I drank a few mouthfuls in a row, and my nose was sour. I thought angrily: hum, what's great, isn't it just a breath? Still want to embarrass Miss Ben?
With this idea, I learned to breathe and began to slide. Gliding is very important in swimming. It can make you swim easily and quickly. Facing the water of 1 meter and 20 cm, I just don't dare to slide out. Such deep water is no joke! The coach said to me calmly,
"overcome psychological obstacles and swim forward boldly."
After listening to it, I learned boldly. He also taught me how to kick my legs and made a lot of progress soon, which made the coach very happy.
After 10 days of hard training, I finally mastered the skill of breaststroke. This is the result of my efforts in the past 10 days.
I have long heard that XX is a beautiful city. One summer vacation day, my parents will take me to XX to play. I am both excited and excited to hear this news. What is Dalian like? With such doubts, we boarded the ship bound for XX.
First of all, we went to XX polar animal museum. Entering the gate, a cold wind rushed towards us. We first went to see the sea lion performance. An animal trainer took a sea lion onto the stage. Look, it has a snow-white belly, like an excellent actor walking to the center of the stage in a high manner, making me laugh. The first program is sea lion reco
gnition. The animal trainer took out a digital card "3". The animal trainer stroked its head. He only heard the sea lion raise his head and shout three times. The second card was "7", but the sea lion only shouted six times, and the seventh one stopped. I was wondering. He stood there, turned his head and looked at the animal trainer, but did not shout, as if he were saying: hum! If you don't give me something to eat, I'll stop playing. The animal trainer helplessly took out a small fish from his pocket and touched its head. No, the sea lion shouted for the last time. What a naughty little sea lion. In an instant, the audience burst into warm applause and cheers.
