小谢 林语堂 英译文
The Girl Shie
In South area of River Wei, there were many ghosts in Official Jiang's house, they usually disturbed people,so they moved. They remained one servant to guard the house but he died, then he changed many doorkeepers but they all died, so he left it out. In this town there was a person whose name was Tao Wangsan, he used to be unconventional, liked to play with prostitute, but left away after he finished drinking wine.
His friend made the prostitute go to accompany him on purpose, he also laughed and didn't refuse, however he didn't touch prostitute the whole night. And he usually slept in Official Jiang's home, one maid servant went to serve him at night, Student Tao refused her firmly and didn't touch her, so Official Jiang thought highly of him. His home was extremely poor, and he lost wife sadly; the thatched cottage was very small, was too hot for him to live when time was summer, so he requested Official Jia
ng that lived in his wasted house. Office Jiang rejected him because the house was very haunted, so he wrote the article The Next Statement That Ghosts Are Unbeing, and said that: “What can ghosts do! Official Jiang promised him, because he requested it firmly.
Student Tao went to clean the room. When time was afternoon, he put books in it, went back to bring others, the book disappeared when he came. It was very strange, he lay on the bed, watched how it developed quietly. After the time that he had the dinner passed, he heard the sounds of paces, watched it, two girls went out from the study room, sent the disappeared book back.
The one was about twenty, the other one was about seventeen or eighteen, and they were beautiful. Two ghosts paced by the bed hesitately, watched Student Tao and laughed. Tao didn't move, the older one raised the foot to touch Tao's belly, the younger one hid the mouth to laugh. Tao felt that his heart was excited and couldn't be calm, then quickly he sat erect, ignored them all the time.
The older got close to him and touched his beards with left hand, the right hand clapped his face and made a light sound, the younger one laughed more. Suddenly Tao stood up, scolded her: “How dare ghosts are!” Two ladies were frightened and separated after they left away. Tao was afraid that he would be disturbed by them at night, wanted to move back, but he didn't want that other people thought he was faithless, so he read book with lamp.
Dimly the ghost's shadow appeared indistinctly, he ignored and didn't watch it. When the time was midnight, he lighted the candle to sleep. When he closed the eyes, felt that somebody inserted a thin stick in his nose, he felt very itchy, then sneezed greatly, only heard that somebody laughed dimly. Tao didn't say anything, pretended to sleep to wait for her.
After a short while he saw that one lady twisted a paper into a thin stick, came there liked a crane, suddenly Tao stood up with anger to criticize her, then she floated away. When he slept, the thin stick was inserted into the ear. He couldn't be
ar the disturbance. When cock crowed, the sounds disappeared, Tao started to sleep deeply, he hadn't heard anything during the daytime.
Since the sun dropped, vaguely she appeared again. Then Tao had a dinner, prepared to be awake all through the night. The older gradually bent the arm on the table to watch Tao read the book, then she closed Tao's book. Tao was angry to catch her, then she floated away and disappeared; after a while, she touched him again.
vaguelyTao pressed book with hand to read. The younger one hid behind his head, covered Tao's eyes with hands, then left away quickly, laughed at Tao in the distance. Tao pointed to and abused her: “Little ghost! I will kill you if I catch you! The lady wasn't afraid.
Then Tao played a joke that: “I don't know, the coitional skill, it's useless that you pester me.” Two ladies smiled, turned bodies to the cooking stove, the one chopped wood and the other one rinsed rice, they cooked rice for Tao. Tao watched
and praised them: “What you do, is it better than the deeds that you make trouble? After a while the gruel was cooked, two ladies tried to put the spoon, chopsticks, pottery bowl on the table.
Tao said: “Thank you for service, what can I reward you? Lady smiled and said: “I have put the arsenic, poison.” Tao said: “I haven't offended you, why can you do it.” Then they filled the bowl again after he ate, tried to serve him. Tao was happy, got used to it.
As they were familiar with each other, they sat together to talk out, Tao asked their full name. The older said: “My name is Chiou Rong and surname is Qiao, she is Family Ruan's Girl Shie.” And Tao asked where they were from, Girl Shie smiled and said: “Stupid scholar! You still dare not get close to me, who will ask your family for marriage?”
Tao said seriously: “When I face you closely, how can l be heartless; however people must be dead, when they get the Nagative Death energy. If you live with me
unhappily, can leave away; If you live with me happily, should be peaceful. If I am not loved by you, why can I stain two beautiful ladies? If I am loved by you, why should I be dead?” Two ladies watched each other and were touched, from then on they didn't maltreat him. However sometimes they stretched out hands to his bosom, pulled his trousers down on the ground, he also did not feel strange.
