Chapter 2: Becoming Aware
The first step in learning to communicate across cultures is to consider that what people mean when they talk about culture. Most people assume that everyone knows what it means, so they do not define it. In fact people mean quite different things when they talk about culture. The most usual meaning is that culture refers to people’s customs and behavior. People have no trouble recognizing that people in different cultures behave differently and have different customs, but they seldom try to figure out what the behavior and customs mean to the people who are following them. This is unfortunate, because culture is all about meanings.
What is culture?
Simply put, culture is a system of meaning. That is too abstract a definition to really understand, so consider the following images.
Culture is like an iceberg
Like an iceberg, only some of culture is visible. Aspects of culture that we can easily observe are often referred to as objective culture. This includes things such as history, literature, and customs. When we learn the facts about our own or other cultures, we are learning the objective culture. Most of culture is below the surface of our awareness. It is not easily observable. This is referred to as subjective culture. It includes feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be. When we only learn objective culture, we are missing the bigger part that is below the surface.
Culture is our software
Culture is the basic operating system that makes us human. Humans around the world are physically pretty much the same. There are variations in body size, shape and color, but the basic equipment is universal. We can think of our physical selves as the hardware, but we cannot be said to be human until we are programmed and each of us is programmed by our own home culture. Humans are unique among all the animals on earth in that the infant is weak and incapable of survival for an exceptionally long period of time. At birth the infant is only a potential human. It must learn how to be human and it l
earns that in a culturally specific way. It is the culture that provides the software. As with any good software, we are only vaguely aware of it as we use it. It fades into the background and we just know that we can be, that the computer works, or perhaps sometimes does not work because it is incompatible with someone else’s software.
Culture is like the water a fish swim in
Like any creature a fish scans its environment to find food, reproduce and protect itself from danger. It notices everything except the water it swimming in. The fish takes the water for granted because it so totally surrounds the fish that it really cannot image another environment. The same is true for us. Our culture is so much a part of who we are and what the world is like for us that we do not notice it. We take it for granted. For most people for most of their lives, everything they see and do takes place in the same culture. Everyone is swimming in the same water. They couldn’t describe the water even if they wanted to.
Culture is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves
Every cultural group has a story that provides a way for members of the group to understand who they are and what the world is like. People tell themselves their story in their folklore arts, in politics and in intimate conversations among friends and family members. The stories may be very old and include legends of how the group was created, but stories also change to adapt to changing circumstances.
