1 开发分布式应用的技术 the distributed application architecture
the distributed application architecture allows multiple users to access an application simultaneously over a network.In addition, each component of a distributed application functions separately and independently of the other components.( 每个组件的分布式应用程序功能单独和独立于其他组件) this increases the performance and scalability of the applition(这就增加了应用程序的性能和可伸缩性)
presentation layer business logic layer data access layer
two-tier architecture three-tier/n-tier architecture service-oriented architecture
just-in-time activation role-based security synchronization object pooling transactions queued components
ApplicationAccessControlAttribute ApplicationActivationAttribute JustInTimeActivationAttribute ObjectPoolingAttribute
SecureMethodAttribute ServicedComponent SharedProperty TransactionAttribute
5通道注册使用哪个类 Channel registration using which class
6注册远程对象的方法 Registration methods of remote objects
RegisterWellKnownServiceType method
7 web服务特性 features of a web service
interoperability dynamic integration industry standards security
Binding describes how a WCF service communicates with a client application
wsHTTPBinding is used for implementing features such as transactions,security,and reliable messaging .It uses WS-Reliable Messaging for reliable messaging and WS-Security for message security and authentication.This binding uses HTTP protocol for communication and the Text/XML message encoding to encode a message.
9五种契约及其定义 contract
service contract acts as an entry point to access a WCF service
operation contract is used to expose the operations that a service can perform.
data contract is used to expose user-defined data types in a WCF service.
message contract describes the structure of a message exchanged between a WCF service and a client application.
fault contract enables you to send a customized error message to a client by creating a u
ser-defined class.
10托管WCF服务的四种方式hosting a wcf service
Self-Hosting a WCF service Hosting a WCF service in IIS Hosting a WCF service in Windows services
Hosting a WCF service in WAS
public interface IService {
int Divide(int numerator,int denominator); }
public class MyFaultException {
public string message; }
12 swichValue属性作用
The switchValue attribute specifies the ammount and type of tracing information to be logged.
13四种跟踪源特点 trace sources
System.servicemodel:Logs all the processes,such as processing of a message,of a WCF service while the service communicates with a client application.
ssagelogging:Logs all messages that are sent andreceived by a WCF service.
System.IO.Log:Logs all the input and out information for a WCF service to the Common Log File System(CLFS)service fault
System.Runtime.Serualization: Logs the information such as the information related to the message that is serialized or deserailized,when an object of a WCF service is serialized and deserialized.
序列化 Serialization is the process of converting objects and data into a common format for storage.
反序列化 The process of converting serialized and encoded objects and data back into the original format is known as deserialization.编码 encoding The process of converting the serialized data into a set of bytes is known an encoding
解码 used to convert objects and data into a common format for storage.
15四种WCF序列化类特点,默认的序列化类 (XmlSerializer)
DataContractserializer NetDataContractSerializer XmlSerializer DataContractJsonSerializer
16 WCF编码类型 WCF encoding types
Text Binary MTOM WebMessageEncoder
17操作行为特性(OperationBehavior Attribute)的两个属性(Property)含义
TransactionAutoComplete:Specifies that the current transaction will be completed automatically if no exception occurs during the transaction
TransactionScopeRequired:Specifies whether a method a method requires a transaction to be implemented
18支持可靠会话(reliable session)的默认内置绑定 a reliable session by default