1.With the development of economy,our income has increased ________ 10% in less than a year.
A.for    B.by
C.on    D.at
考查介词。句意:随着经济的发展,我们的收入一年内增加了10%。increase by 表示“增加了多少”。故选B。
2.All of us want to go to the park ___________ Bob. He had to look after his sick mother at home.
A.except    B.besides
C.except for    D.in addition to
考查介词和介词短语辨析。句意;除了鲍勃,我们都想去公园。他不得不在家照顾生病的母亲。except后接的词同整体词(主语)一般是同类,指在同类的整体中除去一个部分;besides除……之外还有;except for后接的词同句子中的整体词(主语)不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节,一个方面;in addition to除……之外还有。根据句意可知,鲍勃没有和我们一起去,而且与主语是同类,故选A。
3.Bless your heart, I know you didn’t break the vase ________. Don’t cry!
A.on purpose    B.by accident
C.on business    D.by mistake
考查介词短语。句意:好了好了,我知道你不是故意打破花瓶的。别哭了!A.故意地;B.偶然;C.出差;D.错误地。根据Don’t cry!可知,打破花瓶不是故意的。故选A。
4.A great man shows his greatness _____ the way he treats little man.
A.under    B.with    C.on    D.by
考查介词的用法。“借助某种方法和手段”常用“by ”; 而"with" 强调使用工具,常与 with this m
ethod 搭配。
5.index是什么意思英语Everything was perfect for the picnic ______ the weather.
A.in place of    B.as well as    C.except for    D.in case of
本题考查的是词组辨析。A项in place of表示“代替,取代”;B项as well as表示“又,也,还”;C项except for 意思是“除----之外”,表示在说明了基本(整体)情况之后,再对细节进行说明”;D项in case of表示“万一,假使”。本句的意思是:除天气之外,所有情况对于野炊来说非常好。在本句中,可以将“天气”看成是“所有情况”当中的一个细节,故选C。
6.(江苏)Determining where we are ____________ our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival.
A.in contrast to    B.in defense of
C.in face of    D.in relation to
考查介词短语辨析。句意:确定相对于我们周围环境的地理位置仍然是我们生存的基本技能。A. in contrast to与……形成对照;B. in defense of为……辩护;C. in face of面对……;D. in relation to涉及,相对于。根据语境,故选D项。
7.(2015•湖北) This meeting room is a non-smoking area. I would like to warn you ___________ that if you smoked here you would be fined.
A.in advance    B.in detail
C.in total    D.in general
【名师点睛】本题侧重考查在特定的语境中辨析介词短语的能力。题干中的关键词“if you smoked here you would be fined”这一虚拟语气表示这是假设的情况,因此是在“提前”警告某人。另外,考生应注意积累“in+n.(+of)”这一常考搭配。
8.(天津卷)The dictionary is ______: many words have been added to the language since it was published.
A.out of control    B.out of date
C.out of sight    D.out of reach
A. out of control失去控制;B. out of date过时的;C. out of sight看不见的;D. out of reach够不着的。根据句意,故选B。
介词短语的考查通常是一些易混的相似的介词短语,这题的介词短语都是out of+名词搭配,但是意思都是大相径庭,学生在平时要注意积累这些相似短语的搭配和含义,做题时结合具体的语境代入各个选项确定答案。由many words have been added to the language since it was published.可以确定是“过时的”。
9.In salute to our national flag, every citizen must stand  while focusing their eyes on the rising flag.
A.at ease    B.at random    C.at attention    D.at hand
考查介词短语辨析。句意:向国旗致敬时,每位公民必须立正,眼睛注视着升起的国旗。A. at ease安逸;B. at random随便地;C. at attention全神贯注;D. at hand在手边。stand at attention“立正”符合句意。故选C项
10.Although this product is         environmental protection, few people show interest in it because of its high price.
A.in terms of    B.in favor of
C.on account of    D.in response to
考查词组。A. in terms of 就---而言;  B. in favor of支持;C. on account of 为了---的缘故;D. in response to对---有反应。句意:虽然这种产品有利环保,但因其价格昂贵,几乎无人问津。 故选B。
11._________ the French and their revolution spirit, many countries have chosen to use the same colours on their flags.
A.In terms of    B.In case of
C.In response to    D.In salute to
考查介词短语辨析。In terms of按照:B. In case of万一:C. In response to响应;D. In salute to致敬。句意:为了向法国人民和他们的革命精神致敬,很多国家的国旗使用和法国国旗相同的颜。根据句意可知此处表示“向……致敬”,故D项正确。
12.Friendship can never be a trade; ______, it needs the most thorough and unprofitable concept.
A.in addition    B.by contrast    C.in return    D.by chance
考查介词短语辨析。句意:友谊永远不能变成一个交易,相反,它需要最纯粹最无利益的理念。A. in addition除此之外;B. by contrast相反;C. in return作为回报;D. by chance偶然地。 前后两句表达的是相反的意思,by contrast“相反”符合语境。故B选项正确。
13.Among customers there are different preferences __________ what is attractive.
A.in honor of    B.in place of    C.in need of    D.in terms of
试题分析:句意:在顾客中,就什么招人喜爱而言,他们有不同的喜好。in honor of为了向……表示敬意;in place of代替;in need of需要;in terms of就……而言,选D。
14.“May I help you?”Said a bright American voice _____ the telephone.
A.in    B.over    C.from    D.of
15.Neil seemed very calm,yet Celia was still aware of his panic _______ the surface.
