Shinjin (Divine Beings) Program
Instruction Manual
Training Process (3)
Starting the Training (3)
The Order of Tasks (3)
Finishing the Training (4)
Tasks (5)
Task 1: Mandalas (6)
Task 2: Jinrui Soku Kami Nari writing (9)
Task 3: Jinrui Soku Kami Nari declaring (10)
Appendix (12)
Initiation ceremony (13)
Ware Soku Kami Nari declaration (14)
Jinrui Soku Kami Nari declaration (15)
Sample of Mandala writing (17)
Special Program for Physically-challenged Persons (18)
Training Process
notepad++Starting the Training of Divine Being
Start your training with the Initiation ceremony (p. 13) which consists of the World Peace Prayer and a Declaration.
After reciting the Declaration start the Task 1: creating the mandalas of the Universal God.
Start with the Ware Soku Kami Nari (I am divine being) mandala first.
The Order of Tasks
After the Initiation Ceremony, the most important point is to begin with writing the Ware Soku Kami Nari (I am divine being) mandala first.
Once completely finished, then continue with the Jinrui Soku Kami Nari (Humanity is Divine) then. Do not jump from one mandala to the other.
Task 2 and Task 3 should be done while writing the mandalas (the order is up to you). They should be finished before or when completing the Jinrui Soku Kami Nari (Humanity is Divine) mandala. If you cannot finish them before the second mandala, please keep a note of the completion date, so you can use it for the Report card.
Finishing the Training
Upon completion of the training, please fill in the Report card provided.
Take a photograph of each Mandala and paste them on the report card. (Cut to size if necessary)
Send the report to the Byakko Shinko Kai, where you will be registered as a Shinjin.
After that a beautiful Certificate will be forwarded to you from the Fuji Sanctuary in Japan.
The mandalas and writing of Jinrui Soku Kami Nari (Task 2) are yours to keep.
You may frame and display the Mandalas for you and others to see them readily.
The training of Divine Being consists of 3 tasks. Task 1:
Creating two Mandalas of the Universal God.
1.1.Ware Soku Kami Nari (I am divine being) mandala
1.2.Jinrui Soku Kami Nari (Humanity is divine) mandala
Task 2:
Writing 7 times (one set) of “Jinrui Soku Kami Nari” (Humanity is Divine) 100 times.
Task 3:
Declaring Jinrui Soku Kami Nari (Humanity is Divine) for 70,000 people.