姓名:______________      班级:_______________      考号:______________
A. 听下面10段对话,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话后各有一个问题,请选择正确的答语,每段对话听两遍。(每小题1分)
(  )1. Where are they talking?
(  )2. What’s the weather like?
(  )3. What sign is it about ?
(  )4. What do they like to do?
(  )5. How many kinds of animals are there in the zoo?
          A. Only 105          B. More than 150            C. less than145
(  )6. What is the story about?
          A. It’s about ghosts.      B It’s about amazing things.  C. It’s about reading.
(  )7. What does Tom feed his dog for lunch?
          A. Noodles              B. Rice and noodles            C. Rice and meat
(  )8. What animal does Simon have?
A. A dog                  B. A cat                      C. A horse     
(  )9. How does Amy usually go to school?
          A. By bus              B. By car                  C. By bike   
(  )10. What time does the school usually begin?
A. 7:50                B. 8:00                      C. 8:10
B. 听对话和短文回答问题。对话和短文听两遍(每小题2分)
(  )11.Who does the man want to buy a pair of trousers for?
        A. For himself.          B. For his son.          C. For his daughter.
(  )12.What colour does the man choose at last?
        A. White.              B. Black.              C. Blue.
(  )13. Where is the woman going?
        A. To the post office          B. To the museum        C. To the fruit shop
(  )14. How can she find the bridge?
        A. Go down the street and turn left       
        B. Go down the street and turn right
        C. Go straight forward along this street
(  )15. How long will it take the woman to go there?
        A. 10 minutes by taxi          B. 10 minutes by bus    C. 10 minutes on foot.
(  )16. When does the library open?
A. 8:00                B. 16:00              C. 10:00
(  )17 What can’t the students bring into the library?
.          A. Bags                B. Clothes              C. Food
(  )18. How many books can the students take out every time?
A. Six                B. Five                C. Four
(  )19. How long can the students keep the books?
A. One week            B. More than one week    C. One days
(  )20. If the students don’t give back the books on time, what will happen?
A. Nothing will happen.          B. They will have to pay money.
C. They can’t take out the books any more.
二、单项选择  从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(15分)
(    ) 21.It's________ unusual thing for us to find________ UFO..
      A. an ; a            B. a ; an              C. a ; a              D. an ;an
(    ) 22. Why _____he ______yesterday evening?
      A.don’t;come    B.wasn’t ;come    C.doesn’t come    D.didn’t come
(    ) 23.The teacher told us that the earth _______around the sun yesterday.
      A.to go      B. go      C. goes    D. went
(    ) 24.I heard him ______ that song when I walked past the room.
        A. to sing          B. singing          C. sing            D. sings
(    ) 25. He turned around, but he couldn’t see_____.
        A. something unusual              B. unusual something 
C . anything unusual                D. unusual anything
(    ) 26. It’s time to have class. Let’s stop ______.
        A. to talking        B. talking            C. talk            D. to talkhibernating
(    ) 27. More and more students _______ too much homework and they are really tired of it.
      A. complain about  B. think about      C. know about      D. worry about
