Istanbul & Faces
Titled "Timeless CityIstanbul & Faces"the Turkey photography exhibition celebrates the 30th anniversary of Istanbul and Shanghai's sistership.The 42-year-old photographer focuses on the distinctive(独特的)hibernatinghistorical quarters and the atmosphere that spreads in Istanbul.His work also pays respects to its people as well,with well-defined portraits.
DateTill Jan.18 - VenueShanghai Art Collection Museum.
Knitted Works
The knitted(编织的)show is aimed at raising awareness of post natal depression.The works were created by more than 20 mothers from different cities.All the knitted dolls and other works will be sold with the profits(利益)going to charity when the exhibition ends.If you are interested in the knitted works,you can order a special piece.
DateTill Jan.1 -VenueBl Jinxiu Fun.
Old Shanghai Teahouse
The newly-opened zone at Shanghai Dungeon features nostalgic sets and experiences for visitors to have "scary fun".Visitors can wear traditional Chinese costumes and take photos with the performers.
DateDaily, -VenueMosaic Shanghai Mail.
Musical Titanic
The Tony Awards winning musical "Titanic" is in Shanghai with more than 100 characters cast.The impressive stage effects promise to take the audience to the bottom of the ocean.
DateTill Jan 22 -7VenueSAIC Shanghai Culture Square.
1.Where should you go if you want to learn more about Turkey's history ______
A. Shanghai Art Collection Museum.
B. Mosaic Shanghai Mail.
C. B1 Jinxiu Fun.
D. SAIC Shanghai Culture Square.
2.What can we know about knitted works ______
A. People can have a talk with the creators.
B. All the works can be sold when the show begins.
C. The show offers people chances to learn how to make one.
D. They were made by people from different places.
3.What makes the Musical Titanic special ______
A. Its opening time is the longest.
B. It raises money for a special purpose.
C. It offers a lifelike experience under water.
D. It allows interacting with performers.
Robert Spring,a 19th century forger(伪造者),was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15 years by selling false signatures of famous Americans.Spring was born in England in 1838 and arrived in Philadelphia in 1858 to open a bookstore.At first he prospered(繁荣)by selling his small but genuine collection of early US autographs(亲笔签名).Discovering his ability at copying handwriting he began imitating the signatures of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and writing them on the title pages of old books.To lessen the chance of detection(被发现).He sent his forgeries to England and Canada for sale,Forgers have a hard time selling products.A forger cannot approach a respectable buyer but must deal with people who don't have much knowledge in the field.Forgers have many ways of making their works look real.For example,they buy old books and use the aged paper of the title page,and they can treat paper and ink with chemicals.
In Spring's time,right after the Civil War,Britain was still fond of the southern states,so Spring invented a respectable young lady known as Miss Fanny Jackson,the only daughter of General "Stonewall" Jackson.For several years Miss Fanny's financial proble
ms forced her to sell a great number of letters and manuscripts(手稿)belonging to her famous father.Spring had to work very hard to satisfy the demand.However,all this activity did not prevent Spring from dying in poverty,leaving sharp-eyed experts the difficult task of separating his forgeries from the originals.
4.Robert Spring spent 15 years ______ .
A. running a bookstore in Philadelphia
B. as owners of old books
C. selling real signatures of famous Americans
D. as a forger
5.Why did Spring sell his false autographs in England and Canada ______
A. There was less chance that his forgeries would be discovered there.
B. The prices were much higher in England and Canada.
C. There was a greater demand there than in America.
D. Britain was Spring's birthplace.
6.After the Civil War there was a great demand in Britain for ______ .
A. Civil War battle plans
B. southern manuscripts and letters
C. the signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin
D. southern money
7.Which of the following about Miss Fanny Jackson is TRUE ______
A. She was Robert Spring's customer.
B. She was an imaginary person created by Spring.
C. She was a little-known girl who sold her father's papers to make money.
D. She was the only daughter of General Stonewall Jackson.
Have you ever dreamed of visiting a planet in the Milk Way(银河系)?While the trip sounds exciting,it would take years and years to reach your destination.So in the future,b
edtime for astronauts may be more than a few hours of regular shut-eye.They would have to sleep for years.
European researchers are now conducting hibernation(冬眠)experiments.The study may help them understand whether humans could ever sleep through the years it would take for a spaceflight to distant planets. "If there was an effective technology,it could make deep-space travel a reality," said Mark Ayre of the European Space Agency last month.
What seems like science fiction is not completely unlikely.Researchers have been able to use chemicals to put living cells into a sleep-like state.They have now moved on to small,non-hibernating mammals like rats.
A major challenge is the fact that cells can be very simple systems,whereas body organs are far more complex. "It's like moving from a simple Apple computer to a supercomputer," said Marco Biggiogera,a hibernation researcher at Italy's University of Pavia.Just like bears and frogs,the hibernation of human beings would cause a person's metabolism(新陈代谢)to lower so they would need less energy.
Medical research,however,is just half of a spaceflight hibernation system.There is the challenge of designing a suitable protective shelter(栖身所).Such a shelter would provide the proper environment for hibernation,such as the proper temperature.It would also have to monitor(监控)life functions and serve the physiological needs of the hibernator.
According to Ayre,the six-person human Outer Planets Exploration Mission to Jupiter's moon(木星的卫星),Callisto,could be an opportunity to use human hibernation.The mission aims to send six humans on a five-year flight to Callisto,where they will spend 30 days,in 2045.
