The 24 Solar Terms, also known as the Chinese Lunar Calendar or the Chinese Farmer's Almanac, are a series of traditional Chinese terms used to mark the changing seasons and agricultural activities throughout the year. Each Solar Term reflects the specific celestial position of the sun and has a significant impact on agricultural practices, weather patterns, and even daily life in many Asian countries. Here is a brief introduction to the 24 Solar Terms in English:
Spring Begins (立春): The first term of the year, marking the beginning of spring and the start of warmer weather.
Rain Water (雨水): Represents the increasing rainfall, signaling the arrival of the rainy season.
Awakening of Insects (惊蛰): Indicates the awakening of hibernating animals and the start of spring plowing.
Spring Equinox (春分): The sun is directly above the equator, and day and night are of equal length.
Clear and Bright (清明): Farmers begin to sow their crops, and it is a time for outdoor activities and tomb sweeping.
Grain Rain (谷雨): The final phase of spring rain, which is beneficial for the growth of crops.
Summer Begins (立夏): Marks the beginning of summer, with warmer temperatures and longer days.
Grain Buds (小满): Agricultural activities intensify, and crops start to enter the grain-bearing stage.
Grain in Ear (芒种): Most of the crops are in the ear stage, indicating the approaching harvest season.
Summer Solstice (夏至): The longest day and the shortest night of the year, representing the peak of summer heat.
Minor Heat (小暑): The weather becomes hotter, and people need to take measures to cope with the heat.
Major Heat (大暑): The hottest time of the year, where temperature and humidity reach their maximum.
Autumn Begins (立秋): Marks the beginning of autumn, with cooler temperatures and shorter days.
hibernatingLimit of Heat (处暑): The end of the hottest period, indicating the gradual transition from summer to autumn.
White Dew (白露): Dew appears in the early morning, symbolizing the arrival of cooler weather.
Autumnal Equinox (秋分): The second equinox of the year, signaling equal day and night.
Cold Dew (寒露): The weather becomes colder, and dew starts to turn into frost.
Frost Descent (霜降): The temperature drops further, and frost becomes more common.
Winter Begins (立冬): Marks the beginning of winter, with colder temperatures and shorter daylight.
Minor Snow (小雪): Snowfall becomes possible, but it is usually light and does not stay for long.
Major Snow (大雪): Snowfall becomes heavier, indicating the arrival of winter.
Winter Solstice (冬至): The shortest day and the longest night of the year, marking the peak of winter.
Minor Cold (小寒): The temperature drops further, and the severe cold weather sets in.
Major Cold (大寒): The coldest period of the year, with extremely low temperatures.
The 24 Solar Terms provide a valuable agricultural calendar and cultural significance, helping farmers determine the most suitable time for planting, harvesting, and other agricultural activities. They also play a role in traditional festivals and cultural practices throughout the year.
