1.That boy is from England. _________ name is Tom.
A.He    B.His    C.She    D.Her
2.He wants to see the movie Minions: The Rise of Gru, _________ he is too busy these days.
A.so    B.and    C.but    D.or
3.We sell all our clothes _________ very good prices.
A.at    B.in    C.on    D.of
A./'traʊzəs/    B./'traʊzəz/    C./traʊ'zəs/    D./traʊ'zəz/
5.My socks are red. But this pair of socks _________ purple.
A.are    B.am    C.is    D.be
6.John’s birthday dinner is next week. Let’s _________ the food.
A.ask about    B.think about    C.find about    D.get about
7.Do you like _________ long blue and yellow socks?
A.a    B.an    C.that    D.these
8.—Let’s play computer games.
—That _________ interesting.
A.sound    B.sounds    C.is sound    D.to sound
9.I like ice-cream, but I don’t eat it. I don’t want _________ fat.
A.be    B.am    C.to be    D.being
10.—Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.
—Great! _________.
A.Thank you    B.Here you are    C.I want them    D.I’ll take two pairs
Winning Isn’t Everything
Jimmy was good at everything. He was a good athlete. He was good at music. He did well in school. I couldn’t   11  the fact that he was always first in everything he did.
So when I heard that there was going to be a soapbox race, I thought, “This is my chance to   12  him to be more humble.”
Everyone worked hard all week to build the best race car. The day of the race, I saw his racer. Of course, it was beautiful. It was red and had a big flame on the side. It was smooth and had wheels that looked very expensive.
I was so upset and   13  that I did something I should not have. When he wasn’t looking I kicked one of his expensive   14  . “Now let’s see who wins!” I thought.
I got back in my racer and waited for the race to start.
We were off slowly at first, and then faster as we picked up   15  going down the hill.
Jimmy and I were both pulling away from the pack.
Suddenly, his wheel started to wobble badly, and then it came off! He started to swerve! I realized I had made his racer dangerous. He couldn’t steer it as we approached the big turn at the bottom of the hill!
The race was   16  to win, but I realized that I could not win this way, no matter how much I disliked Jimmy. I hit the brake and grabbed his cart to keep it beside me.
I had to steer and brake for both of us. We stopped just before the edge of the road, and the other racers   17  past us.
“Jimmy,” I said, “I kicked your wheel because I could not stand to see you win again. I’m sorry.”
It was   18  to admit what I had done, but Jimmy forgave me and we eventually became good friends. I realized that winning isn’t everything, and so did Jimmy.
11.A.stand    B.believe    C.know    D.find
12.A.ask    B.teach    C.let    D.speak
13.A.angry    B.tired    C.sad    D.nervous
14.A.doors    B.windows    C.cars    D.wheels
15.A.race    B.power    C.speed    D.time
16.A.mine    B.his    C.others    D.your
17.A.went    B.flew    C.drove    D.got
18.A.easy    B.relaxing    C.difficult    D.boring
Tips for teenagers
Step 1: Be active in class
Speaking up in class might be difficult, but it helps to make you feel more confident. It’s okay if you give the wrong answer. All smart students do and your classmates won’t really care.
Step 2: ____________
Nobody can work well when they are tired. Make sure you get enough sleep and take study breaks.
Step 3: Develop healthy habits
Starting your young life with good habits sets you up for a healthy future. Get regular (定期的) exercise, eat a healthy diet, and maintain your hygiene (保持卫生).
Step 4: Manage your stress
You should spend time having fun and enjoying life. Join a sports team, read a book, make some art, or watch a good movie; whatever you need to do to help reduce stress, make time for it.
19.According to the material, what can help you become confident?
A.Speaking up in class.    B.Having good sleeping habits.
C.Getting good grades.    D.Talking with your friends.
20.What is Step 2 about?
A.Studying hard.    B.Getting enough rest.
C.Doing some exercise.    D.Making friends.
21.These tips can help teenagers ________.
A.find a job in the future    B.get good grades on tests
C.make more friends    D.live healthy lives
Don’t Cry, Mom
One day, when I walked into the kitchen, I saw my mom crying. “Mommy, what happened? Why are you sad?” I asked.
Mom smiled at me. “I have tears in my eyes,” she said. “But I am not sad.”
“I am cutting onions, as you can see.” Mom said.
“Onions have a strong chemical that hurts our eyes. But don’t worry. Our body is amazing. It senses the danger of this chemical and sends tears to our eyes to get rid of it. Tears protect our eyes from danger.”
That is interesting! I learned something else too. All animals cry to protect their eyes. But humans are the only animals that cry when they are sad.
