1.________ story of the poor woman brought me ________ unusual feeling.
A.The; a    B.The; an    C.An; an
2.Though I lived ________ in Beijing, I did feel ________.
A.alone; alone    B.lonely; alone    C.alone; lonely
3.We don’t allow ________ at school.
A.to smoke    B.smoking    C.smoke
4.—I tried to make the little boy ________ but I found it difficult.
—Well, I saw you ________ that when I went past.
A.laughed; do    B.laugh; doing    C.laughed; doing
5.Our school has ________ a sign at the gate, saying “Greet your child with a smile, not a mobile”.
A.put up    B.put off    C.put on
6.— There are so many people in the restaurant.
— Yes, the restaurant ________ people ________ delicious food.
A.provides; with    B.offers; to    C.provides; for
7.To avoid gathering (聚集), neither the students nor their head teacher __________ going to the party this evening.
A.was    B.are    C.is
8.— Miss Gao, I have trouble ________ the passage.
Remember ________ it three times before beginning to understand it.
A.to understand; reading    B.understanding; to read    C.understanding; read
9.Peter with his classmates ________ for the bus when the earthquake happened.
A.is waiting    B.was waiting    C.were waiting
10.— Do you know if he ________ here tomorrow?
— I don’t know. As soon as he ________, I will tell you.
A.comes ; will come    B.will come; will come    C.will come ; comes
A boy lost his arms in an accident and his father lost his life. Since then, he had to ____11____ the arms of his younger brother. Except for (除了) ____12____ with his toes (脚指头),he could hardly do ____13____ in his life.
As the two brothers grew up together, they had a lot of problems and they often argued. Then one day, his younger brother left him. So he was very sad and didn’t know ____14____ to do.
A girl lost her hands ____15____ fire. Though her elder sister wanted to ____16____ her, she decided to be completely ____17____ . At school, she always studied hard. Once she wrote the following in her composition, “I am lucky. Though I lost my hands, I still have legs. Though my wings (翅膀) are broken, my heart can still fly. ”
One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to a television interview program . Both of them were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their ____18____. The boy wrote “My younger brother’s arms are my arms” ____19____ the girl wrote “Broken wings, _____20_____ heart ”.
11.A.depend on    B.work on    C.look for
12.A.eating    B.writing    C.speaking
13.A.anything    B.something    C.nothing
14.A.how    B.where    C.what
15.A.thanks for    B.because of    C.instead of
hibernating16.A.take after    B.take care of    C.take out
17.A.independent    B.independence    C.independently
18.A.hands    B.mouths    C.toes
19.A.as    B.when    C.while
20.A.flying    B.jumping    C.broken
Reading is a good hobby for all kinds of reason. First , you can       ___21___
always keep yourself happily if you like reading. You will never          ___22___
feel bored or tired. Next , you can read a book somewhere-in a            ___23___
car ,on a plane, or even in the bathroom. All you needed is a book !       ___24___
Other good reason for reading is that it is useful. If you read as a          ___25___
hobby , you will be better and better on it and found it easier to          ___26___
understand what you read. As your read skills improve , you will        ___27___
probable find your schoolwork becomes much better. Some people     ___28___
say that reading is out of date. This is not truth. Reading is a             ___29___
wonderful hobby. Why not starting reading right now?                      ____30____
A: ___31___
B: I was flying a kite.
A: ___32___
B: By the river. A lot of children were flying kites there, too.
A: Did it blow yesterday afternoon?
B: ___33___ The weather was good for flying a kite.
A: ___34___
B: Zhang Lei and Liu Hua.
They both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did.
A: Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday?
B: ___35___
A.What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
B.Who did you fly kites with?
