Directions: Suppose you have just participated in a school project of collecting used books on campus. You are now to write a report about the project, which may include its aim, organizers, participants and activities. You will have 30 minutes to write the report. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
This report is for the purpose of introducing the school project of collecting used book on campus which I, as a student, have just participated in.
In our daily life, it is common for us, as students, to purchase and read so many books during our college life and it is also a common phenomenon for us to discard the books after we used. However, a host of youngsters deem that this is a sort of wasting and thus, the Student Union organized this project, which aims to help young people cultivate the awareness and habit of saving and helping others. This project was launched on our campus newspaper one week ago and the activity of collecting books was held on the playground yesterday. More than 200 students, including me, participated in it. It is said that part of the collected books in this project will be given to students in our university who cannot afford tuition.
As a participant, I reckon that this project is of great significance, which may bring us the sense of thrift, arouse our passion for life and help others in need. (187words)
Directions: Suppose your school is organizing an orientation program to help the freshmen adapt to the new environment and academic studies. You are now to write a proposal, which may include its aim, duration, participants and activities. You will have 30 minutes to write the proposal. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
新环境和学习。”体裁要求为"proposal", 即:提议,因此⽆特殊格式要求,写成⼆、三或四段均可。内容要求为介绍培训计划的⽬标、时长、参与者和活动。
It is so great to hear that our university is organizing an orientation program to help the freshmen adapt to the new environment and academic studies here. Personally, I deem that this program is exceedingly necessary and I have several suggestions.
To begin with, I deem that it is exceedingly necessary to invite certain well-known professors to participate in this program and give some lectures. It is their lectures that will enable freshmen to basically understand the skills and ways of academic studies. In addition, it is sensible to hold experience-sharing forums between some excellent sophomores and all freshmen, which aims to bring both parties opportunities to make friends, arouse freshmen's passion for studying here and help them know the new environment better. Thirdly, I suggest that this program last for approximately one month and thus, at least an experience-sharing forum or lecture can be arranged each week.
Finally, I believe that with our joint efforts, freshmen can adapt to the new environment and academic
studies successfully in the shortest time. (171words)
Directions: Suppose your university student union is planning to hold a speech contest. You are now to write a proposal for organizing the contest. The proposal may include the topic, aim, procedure and selection of contestants. You will have 30 minutes to write the proposal. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
【简析】本次写作体裁要求为proposal, ⽆特殊格式要求,按正常三段论(⼆段或四段亦可)即可。写作背景为“假设你所在⼤学的学⽣会在策划举办⼀次演讲⽐赛”,内容要求为:“为组织本次⽐赛提建议,包括话题、⽬的、流程和选⼿的选拔。”
It is so great to hear that our Student Union is planning to hold a speech contest and as a student in this university, I have several suggestions concerning organizing the contest.
To begin with, I deem that the topic of the contest can be The Significance of Doing Small Things before Undertaking
To begin with, I deem that the topic of the contest can be The Significance of Doing Small Things before Undertaking Something Big. Why? In our daily life, it is a common phenomenon for so many youngsters to ignore small tasks and they just want to do something big. However, it is doing small things well that enables them to build up skills, experience and competence. Thus, the speech contest can aim to help young people cultivate the awareness and habit of doing small things well. In addition, it is advisable for the procedure to be divided into three parts: self-introduction, prepared speech and Q & A session. Furthermore, I hold that contestants should be selected from freshmen, sophomores and juniors since seniors are busy with preparing for the national entrance examination for postgraduates or hunting for jobs.
Finally, I, on behalf of all students, am looking forward to the success of this contest.
⼤运河(Grand Canal)是世界上最长的⼈⼯河,北起北京,南⾄杭州。它是中国历史上最宏伟的⼯程之⼀。⼤运河始建于公元前4世纪,公元13世纪末建成,修建之初是为了运输粮⾷,后来也⽤于运输其他商品。⼤运河沿线区域逐渐发展成为中国的⼯商业中⼼。长久以来,⼤运河对中国的经济发展发挥了重要作⽤,有⼒的促进了南北地区之间的⼈员往来和⽂化交流。
The Grand Canal is the world's longest man-made river, running from Beijing in the north to Hangzho
u in the south. It is one of the most magnificent projects in Chinese history. First built in the 4th century B.C., the Grand Canal was completed in the late 13th century A.D.. Originally, it was built to transport grain and later to ship other commodities. The regions along the canal gradually developed into the industrial and commercial center of China. For a long time, the Grand Canal has been playing a crucial role in China's economic development, and has greatly promoted the personnel exchange and the cultural communication between the north and the south.thrift
Originally constructed in the 3rd Century B.C., Dujiangyan is located on the Minjiang River in the wes
t of the Chengdu Plain, about 50km from Chengdu. It is characterized by the flow control without the use of dams. Dujiangyan has been playing an effective role in flood prevention and irrigation for over 2000 years, making the Chengdu Plain a fertile land of stable yields despite drought or flood and one of China's most important grain production bases. As the oldest no-dam water-control irrigation works still in use over the world, Dujiangyan manifests Chinese people’s wisdom in the
dam water-control irrigation works still in use over the world, Dujiangyan manifests Chinese people’s wisdom in the harmonious coexistence with the nature.
坎⼉井(Karez)是新疆⼲旱地区的⼀种⽔利系统,由地下渠道将⽔井连接⽽成。该系统将春夏季节渗⼊(seep into)地下的⼤量⾬⽔及积雪融⽔收集起来,通过⼭体的⾃然坡度引到地⾯,⽤于灌溉农⽥和满⾜⼈们的⽇常⽤⽔需求。坎⼉井减少了⽔在地⾯的蒸发(evaporation),对地表破坏很⼩,因⽽有效地保护了⾃然资源与⽣态环境。坎⼉井体现了我国⼈民与⾃然和谐共存的智慧,是对⼈类⽂明的⼀⼤贡献。
Karezis the water conservancy/irrigation system in arid areas of Xinjiang, consisting of wells connected by underground tunnels. The system collects plenty of rainwater and snow-melt water seeping into the ground in spring and summer. Through the natural slope of the mountain, the water flows to the ground for irrigation and daily use. Karez has reduced the evaporation of surface water and minimized the damage to the earth surface, thus effectively protecting the natural resources and ecological environment. As a significant contribution to human civilization, Karez manifests Chinese people's wisdom in coexisting with nature in harmony.
【Section A】
News Report 1
[1] A 22-year-old Chinese woman who suffered from a persistent coughwas shocked to learn that she had a piece of chicken bone lodged in her lung. The unnamed woman from the province of Shandong started to have coughing problems when she was 7 or 8 years old. For 14 years, she mad
e numerous hospital visits. However, no doctor could identify any problem. Her uncontrollable coughing was a mystery. Finally, the woman got a full body scan at a hospital in the city of Qingdao. This special medical procedure revealed she had a chicken bone stuck in her lung. [2] Doctors performed surgery and removed the bone. The simple procedure went smoothly and the woman has recovered fully.With the bone finally removed from her lung, the woman is very happy that she no longer suffers from that annoying cough.
1. What was the woman's problem?
答案:B) She was coughing all the time.
2. How was the woman's problem eventually solved?
答案:C) Through a surgical operation.
News Report 2
[3] A white sheep named Prickles that ran away from an Australian farm during the 2013 bush- fires recently returned home.According to farmer Alice Gray, Prickles was only a lamb when she ran away. The bush fires that hit the area back then destroyed a large part of her family's massive property. Th
ey thought Prickles had died in the fire
[3] But instead, the young sheep escaped into a 200-acre forest near the fire.
[4] Once the fires were over, the family had to fix the damage done to the farm as it was such a large property. This included rebuilding about 50 kilometers of fencing.It was this huge fencing that prevented Prickles from finding her way back. Over the years, the family spotted her a few times. They even recorded her with cameras installed to monitor
back. Over the years, the family spotted her a few times. They even recorded her with cameras installed to monitor deer activity. But while they knew Prickles was alive, they couldn't find her and never expected her to return by herself.
7 years later, they were proven wrong.
3. What does the news report say about the white sheep Prickles?
答案:D) lt ran away into a nearby forest.
4. What did the family do after the bush fires?
答案:A)They rebuilt the fencing around their farm.
News Report 3
[5] Tons of gold have fallen out the sky in Russia, after a cargo plane malfunctioned in mid-air this morning.The aircraft was carrying £265 million worth of gold and diamonds when the door flew open, sending the precious metal back to earth. According to the official news agency, Russian authorities have recovered more than 170 gold bars weighing 20 kilograms each. The plane was traveling from Yakutsk Airport in a major diamond producing region to the city Krasnoyarsk in Siberia. [6] However, the aircraft made an emergency landing in Magan after it began losing some of its valuable cargo.Reports suggest some bars of gold was scattered up to 15 miles away from the airport. 9 tons of gold on plane AN-12 belonged to a goldmine company. Police have sealed off the runway and say it is unclear if it was an accident or an attempted robbery. [7] Technical engineers who worked on the plane prior to take-off are reportedly going to be questioned by the police.
5. What is the news report mainly about?
答案:D) The loss of gold from an airplane.
6. What do the aircraft do when the incident happened?
答案:A) It made an emergency landing.
7. What does the news report say about the technical engineers who worked
on the plane before take-off?
答案:C) They will be questioned by the police.
【Section B】
Conversation 1
M: Hello, you're through to customer service. This is Michael speaking. Before we continue, [8] I just want to make you aware that this call is being recorded and may be used in the future for training purposes.What can I help you with today?
W: Hi, my name is Jane Siemen. I recently bought an office chair from your company, but I returned it about a week ago. [9] I'm just calling to inquire when I would be able to get my money back.It says on your website that your company will pay back the money within three working days of view receiving the returned item. But it's been five working days and I haven't received anything.
M: I'm sorry to hear that, Mrs. Siemen. What's your customer reference number, please?
W: [10] My card number? Oh, maybe it has something to do with my new card. It was sent to me on Tuesday.Maybe the bank canceled my old one before you made the payment.
M: [11] Well, you'll need to update your card details directly on our website.Just make sure you're logged in, and then