为了减少被试的猜测率,实验二改变图标的呈现方式与反应按键任务。由图标单个呈现改为同时呈现配对的两个图标,配对的图标一个为高熟悉度,一个为低熟悉度;由实验一中“有变化”、“ 没变化”两个反应选项改为“左边图标发生变化”、“ 右边图标发生变化”和“没有图标发生变化”三个反应选项。依然是2(熟悉度:高熟悉度,低熟悉度)×2(变化类型:结构变化,颜变化)双因素被试内实验设计,以反应时、正确率及眼动指标为因变量,继续探究熟悉度与变化类型对变化盲视现象的影响。
Icon refers to the meaningful graphic symbol which widely exists in our life. The icon has great advantage in conveying information, for example, we could get the meaning of the icon quickly. Sometimes, Icon will change when the significance they covey were different. However, people often ignore these changes, we called this phenomenon as change blindness. If the change blindness happened, we will misunderstand the information which the icon want convey. So, it is very important for us to study the factors which influence the phenomenon. In this research, we use one-shot paradigm to study if the two factors, the familiarity and change-type, has influence on the phenomenon of change blindness.
The first experiment aims to study the familiarity and change-type if has influence in change blindness. There are 23 health college students, aged from 18 to 28, who are all willing to participate in the 2 (high familiarity, low familiarity) × 2 (color change, form change) within-subject factors experiment.
To avoid the subjects guessing the results, we show the subject two icon at once. And in the second experiment, the subjects have three choice which contain the left icon change, the right icon change and no icon change. There are 24 students participate in the 2 (high familiarity,low familiarity) × 2 (color change, form change) within-subject factors experiment.
The result showed that:
(1) The familiarity has great effect on change blindness. Compare with the
low-familiar icon, subject get a higher score on the high-familiar icon. Otherwise, subjects’ react time on high-familiar icon is shorter than the low-familiar icon.
(2) The change-type has great effect on change blindness. Compare with the form-change, subjects get a higher score and spent shorter time on the color-change.
(3) The familiarity influences the speed of found the different type of change. When show the familiar icon, subject could quickly found the change no matter which change-type happened. For the unfamiliar icon, subject found the color-change
icon’s point more quicker than form-change icon.unfamiliar
(4) Compare with high-familiar icon, the subjects’ mean fixation duration is longer to unfamiliar icon. When they showed together, the subjects’ fixation count and fixation time for unfamiliar icon is higher than familiar icon.
The study draws the following conclusions:
(1) Compare with the high-familiar icon, we are more likely get change blindness for unfamiliar icon.
(2) Compare with the color-change, we are more likely get change blindness for form-change.
(3) The familiarity influences subjects found the different type of change. For the familiar icon, the speed that subjects found the different change hasn’t difference. For the unfamiliar icon, subject found the color-change icon’s point more quicker than form-change icon.
(4) We should pay more attention on unfamiliar icon than familiar icon. And we cognize the high-familiar icon more easier.
Keywords: change blindness, the icon changes, familiarity, one-shot paradigm
Abstract ................................................. V I 引言 (1)
1 文献综述 (3)
1.1 图标研究概述 (3)
1.1.1 图标概念及分类 (3)
1.1.2 图标识别的影响因素研究综述 (4)
1.1.3 图标识别加工理论的研究综述 (8)
1.2 变化盲视现象的研究进展 (10)
1.2.1 变化盲视的概念及起源 (10)
1.2.2 产生变化盲视的原因及假设 (11)
1.2.3 变化盲视的研究范式 (13)
1.2.4变化盲视现象的影响因素研究综述 (13)
1.2.5 变化盲视的神经机制研究综述 (18)
2 问题提出和研究假设及意义 (19)
2.1 以往研究存在的问题与不足 (19)
2.3 研究的理论意义与实践意义 (21)
2.2.1 理论意义 (21)
2.2.2 实践意义 (21)
2.3 研究假设 (22)
3 实验研究 (22)
3.1实验一:熟悉度与变化类型对单图标变化盲视现象的影响 (22)
3.1.1 研究目的 (22)
3.1.2 研究假设 (23)
