Unit 1 Discovering yourself
Passage 1  Catching Crabs
Dealing with unfamiliar words
5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.
1 achieving good results (productive)
2 the fact of being present at an event, or of going regularly to school, church etc (attendance)
3 the refusal to accept something new, such as a plan, idea, or change (resistance)
4 determined to be successful, rich, famous etc (ambitious)
5 agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion (acceptance)
6 the written words of a play, film, television programme, speech etc (script)
7 very good, large, or showing great skill (impressive)
6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.
To be a successful film scriptwriter takes more than training although (1) attendance on a screenwriting course will definitely help you learn the skills. You also need to be very (2) ambitious – the film business is very competitive. You have to be prepared to work hard and be very (3) productive because it takes
more than just one good idea to make it big. No matter how (4) impressive your idea is, there will always be (5) resistance from producers because it’s too expensive. So make sure you have plenty of others to show them. What are you waiting for? Get on with writing that brilliant (6) script and plan your (7)
acceptance speech for when you win your first Oscar!
7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.
1 We’ve seen a place we like and we’re applying for a loan to buy a house. (mortgage)
2 We stood on the top floor of the boat and watched the coast disappear into the horizon. (deck)
3 I love to walk along the beach and watch the waves breaking, and the white water hitting the shore. (surf)
4 In seaside areas in the north-east of the country, life is hard and fishermen have to go against the forces of nature every time they go to work. (coastal; defy)
5 Agreement was finally reached after a long and heated discussion. (lengthy)
8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.
1 If you watch an impromptu performance of something, it has (a) been prepared, or (b) not been prepared?
2 When you map out your future, do you (a) plan it carefully, or (b) draw a sketch of it on paper?
3 If you brace yourself for something unpleasant, do you (a) try not to think about it, or (b) prepare yourself for it mentally and physically?
4 Do you moor a boat by (a) turning the steering wheel, or (b) tying it to a post with a rope?
5 Is a rusty piece of metal something that (a) is bright and shiny, or (b) might have been left out in the rain and is covered with brown substance?
6 If a bowl is brimming with soup, is it (a) very full, or (b) half empty?unfamiliar
7 If someone is being held captive, are they (a) free to do as they please, or (b) being kept as a prisoner?
8 If you have figured out something, have you (a) added numbers together, or (b) understood it?
Passage Two We are all dying
Dealing with unfamiliar words
4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.
1 involving three things of the same kind (triple)
2 an area of ground where dead people are buried (cemetery)
3 the part of a place or thing that is at the back (rear)
4 a book that someone writes about someone else’s life (biography)
5 to put people or things into a space that is too small (cram)
6 at the very beginning of a career and likely to be successful at it (budding)
7 continuing only for a limited time or distance (finite)
8 to pass (elapse)
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.
1 About two hours elapsed before we reached the cemetery where the war dead were buried.
2 I sat in the rear seat behind the driver. My three sisters were all crammed in the front.
3 The entrance to the car park was blocked, so the road was full of cars which had been triple-parked one against another, making it almost impossible to get past.
4 We have a number of budding authors in our class this year, one of whom has written a fascinating biography of his grandmother.
5 The time we have on this earth may be finite, but there are no limits to the human imagination.
6 Answer the questions about the words.
1 If you substantiate a claim, do you (a) prove it is true, or (b) persuade someone that it is true?
2 If someone tramples over something, do they (a) pour water over it, or (b) walk all over it?
3 If someone’s arrival is untimely, is it (a) at the wrong moment, or (b) late?
4 If events are described chronologically, do they occur (a) in the order in which they happened, or (b) in no particular order?
