Page 4  Reading and understanding
2. Check the true statements.
In the 1960s    2, 4, 6 are true.
In the UK today 7, 10, 12 are true.
Page 4  Dealing with unfamiliar words
3. Match the words in the box with their definitions.
1. issue  2. opportunity  3. establishment  4. campus 
5. protest  6. launch        7. prospects      8. employment
4. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.
1. issues    2. campus      3. protests  4. establishment 
5. protects  6. employment  7. launch  8. opportunity
5. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. You may need to make other changes.
1. clashes  2.  an alliance  3. a liberal  4. governor  5. economy
6. characterized by  7. dropped out  8. a liberating experience  9. passion
6. Answer the questions about the words.
1. b  2. a  3. b  4. b  5. b  6. a  7. a  8. b
7. Answer the questions.
1. d  The writer makes it clear at the very beginning and end that it was an exciting and stimulating time for students; later he emphasizes the freedom. Supporting quotes: It was the most exciting and stimulating period of your life; a moment of unimaginable freedom, the most liberating in your life; the heady atmosphere of freedom
2. b The author gives the idea that todays students are more serous and less passionate.
Supporting quotes: Wheres the passion today? Whats the matter with college? Students today are much more serious. Why arent Wordsworths lines true for the students today?)
8. Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
(Examples for your reference)
1. What do you think is the purpose of a university education? Should it be an end in itself or a means to an end?
I certainly believe a university education is to train people to think and to create thoughts and things with the best possible environment and facilities available. It has the duty to transmit theories, knowledge and skills to people and to society and train young people to contribute to society. Meanwhile, it does have a responsibility to give students the necessary abilities to survive in the real world and to contribute to society. In this sense, it is a means to an end. In short, it should be both: you enjoy the journey ( the means) but you want to arrive at the destination ( the end), too.
2. What factors influences your choice of university and the course you are doing?
There is a combination of factors I consider for the choice of university and for my course. If I have achieved a high score for the university entrance exam, I would like to go to a university which is well-known for its tradition, the quality of courses offered, the staff, the learning environment and the location. And I will do some research to find out why a particular course is good. But most importantly, Iunfamiliar would like to choose something I really love to learn and have a passion for; whether this course is popular or not is not my first consideration.
3. If you had the chance to continue your studies abroad, what factors would influence your choice of destination?
This would depend on what course I would take. I would say the quality of the course, the teaching staff, and how the university and staff care about their students are the key factors I would consider when choosing my destination university. I understand that in some Western countries, the most famous universities may not necessarily offer the best l
earning environment to students. I heard that some famous professors in some research-focused universities hardly give lectures and tutorials to students.
4. Why do young people protest more than old people?
I suppose young people have no fear. They have an ideology and strong energy and they believe they can change the world, just like that. On the other hand, I suppose young people are easier to be manipulated by others since their life experience is limited.
5. Do you think todays young people in China are very different from the previous generations?
I think in some ways they are, because many of them are the only child of the family. They have great pressure from their parents and grandparents to do well. They feel all the hopes of the family are on their shoulders. However, at the same time, some of them may be spoiled by the family, because their family tries to give them the best.
Active reading (2)
Page 7  Reading and understanding
2. Choose the best answer to the questions.
    2. a  3. d  4. b  5. d  6. c
Page 8  Dealing with unfamiliar words
3. Match the words in the box with their definitions.
1. rebel  2. era 3. destruction  4. gender 5. assert  6. philosophy  7. industrial
4. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.
