In order to improve my English level and combine knowledge with practice,with the introduction of my friend, I came to Longhai Xueyou Education TutoringInstitution and started my teaching. This school is a professional secondaryschool training institution approved by the administrative department ofeducation. My internship place is Longhai City, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province,which is a scenic tourist area with my sweat and joy. My practice is to teachEnglish courses to students in training classes. Because of my shallow teachingexperience, I am not familiar with the procedures and requirements of teachingactivities. I dare not neglect my teaching work, study hard, study teachingmethods deeply, learn from experienced teachers in schools with an open mind,and get a lot of information about the current situation of English teaching inmiddle schools and knowledge and skills for English teaching. The head of theschool also arranged a special instructor for
me, Miss Zhao. Under the patientguidance of Mr. Wang, I learned how to write lesson preparation notes, how toenliven the classroom atmosphere, how to communicate with my classmates insimple English sentences, and so on. In particular, the little games she andseveral other teachers taught me have aroused the students' enthusiasm in classand benefited me a lot!
unfamiliarTeacher Zhuo told us that the focus of training a few days ago was onpreparing lessons, which must be sufficient. As long as the students' enthusiasmcan be aroused, the class effect will be good. Class content should be rich,realistic, teaching should be natural, lectures should be vivid, and thedifficulty should be moderate to take care of all students, which will naturallyattract students. Xueyou has one-on-one students and small class students, sowhen preparing lessons, I
Pay special attention to details. As a teacher, you should have enoughspirit every day to let students feel a natural atmosphere. As we all know,English is a foreign language, which is unfamiliar and difficult for beginners.In such a big environment, to teach English
well, it is necessary for studentsto love English and become interested in it. Otherwise, students will be afraidof difficulties in this subject, and they will not be able to learn it. Thelesson plan is also the highlight before teaching, which has never been preparedbefore. In order to make practical lesson plans, I specially searched therelevant information on the Internet. I struggled for two nights in successionfor the lesson plan of the first class, and finally worked out a decent lessonplan. Although it is not a high-quality product, it is necessary to haveadequate preparation at least before going to the podium. In teaching, preparinglessons is an essential and important link, preparing students and teachingmethods. Inadequate or poorly prepared lesson preparation will seriously affectthe classroom atmosphere and enthusiasm. One of my predecessors once said to me:If the lesson preparation is not well prepared, it is better not to attendclasses, otherwise it is a waste of effort. "I understand the importance ofpreparing lessons. Therefore, every day I spend a lot of time on preparinglessons, seriously studying teaching materials and teaching methods, and notcalling it a day if I am not satisfied. Hard as it is, it has proved to be worthit. A well-prepared class will benefit both students a
nd teachers.
This morning, we got up early and sang the theme song "I believe", whichwas full of fighting spirit. Then we watched an episode of "Win in China", whichwe never paid attention to in school. In the afternoon, we distributed leafletson alumni education along the street, and asked each store to distribute themone by one. In the process of distribution, you should introduce alumnieducation to each store owner, and collect 20 suggestions. It is not difficultto distribute leaflets, and it is the hardest to introduce them one by one.Because I seldom take the initiative to talk to strangers before, I still haveto say so much when I first entered the store. Fortunately, the shopkeeperdidn't express disgust at me. Listening patiently to me introduce the educationof alumni may be because he also has children studying in middle school. Whilechatting, the shopkeeper poured me a glass of water. When I entered the nextstore, it was a clothing store, which was full of guests. I sent flyers to theowner and guests, but the owner seemed to disapprove of me and said they didn'tneed them. I suddenly realized that I might have influenced other peo
ple'sbusiness. Then I learned to be smart, and I didn't go in until I saw no one inthe shop. We talked a lot with shopkeepers, and they also gave us a lot of goodsuggestions, such as whether we can solve the problem of children'saccommodation during the summer vacation, whether the number of small classteaching can be reduced so that teachers can take care of every student in theclass, and so on. I've recorded it, and I can summarize it and give it back tothe person in charge. 300 copies were finally sent out, as if a huge project hadbeen completed. It's not bad that the boss invited us to eat seafood dinner inthe evening.
July 25, 2015 Wednesday Sunny
At the very beginning, I was curious about the professional practice andcouldn’t wait to know what it is. Therefore, I asked some elders in our faculty.They told me that it’s very simple and all things you need to do were to finishthe translation of the materials appointed by your teacher. Honestly speaking, Iwas of great disappointed at that time because it was far from my expectation. Idid nothing about the professional practice befor
e I received the task from mysupervisor.
About ten days ago, I received the materials I need to translate. Whatamazed me was that I need to interpret two English poems into Chinese. When Isaw the two poems at the first sight I thought that I could not do it and it’sdifficult to me. Then I calmed down myself and read them carefully. It’s trulythat they were not easy fir me to translate in that there were too many newwords in the poems and I could not understand their main ideas. What should Ido?At last, I turned to the internet. As we all know, Internet is great toolwhich can help us do a lot of things and it is thought as the great library inthe modern world. I thought that I could find some information useful there andthen I begun to search on the internet. One of the poems is that A Good KnightIn Prison. I only found that it was written by William Morris and the poemitself. There was no any information about its translation. The other poem,Another For The Briar-Rose, whose situation was worse than the first one becauseI could not find any information related to its name. It seemed that I had tofinish the task by my own and I would take it into serious consideration. Wherethere is a will, there is a way!
"All heroes are born in the world. From the school to the socialenvironment change, the people in contact have completely changed the role, theteacher becomes the boss, the classmates become colleagues, the way to get alongis completely different. In this great transformation, we may be confused,unable to adapt to the new environment immediately. We may not be accustomed tothe fierce competition between enterprises, and can not stand the indifferenteyes and words of colleagues.
In this process, I have adopted the way of seeing, asking and learning, andinitially understanding the specific business knowledge in the secretarial workof the company and expanding the professional knowledge. It has laid a solidfoundation for the development of normal work in the future. In terms ofpersonal development, the greatest impact on me should be the work style of asocial person and the important role of professional knowledge in the process ofwork, because these are all aspects that I have never touched in school.
Graduation practice is an experience that every college student must have.It makes us un
derstand the society in practice, let us learn a lot of knowledgethat we can't learn in class, benefit a lot, open our vision, increase ourknowledge, and lay a solid foundation for us to go further to society. Since mycompany is an office in Beijing, which is a private enterprise, so I juststarted work is not busy, did not feel tired. Just watch the phone and the faxmachine every day. It takes a lot of time. The first day is because of sittingbackache, but after a few days, it is slightly used to it.
When I first entered the workplace, I found that I didn't know much aboutit. Now in the office, there will be some books in the time of leisure, althoughthe major of my study is not used at this time, but I think we should learnmore, some skills in the future work can also give me a few choices. At thebeginning, we should do our work well. After all, we have no work experience.Now we have to exercise ourselves from all aspects if we have the chance.Otherwise, anything will do well in the future. My current job is not verydifficult. It's easy to get into work. The key is to learn how to speak,attitude and practice to people. Due to lack of experience, I still lack thisaspect. Only now can I unders
tand how good it is to be a student in school.Sooner or later, we have to work. Sooner or later, we must enter the society. Wemust face these unavoidable things sooner or later. So, now I cherish theopportunity to study, learning more than not learning better, the same time tospend the same time, more learning, for the future career will be of greathelp.
After a week of internship, the company has some understanding of theoperation process, although there is no specific operation, but contact to newbusiness is no longer at a loss, and learned how to deal with some emergencies.Know how to deal with things from middle school, and understand the importanceof the initiative in the process of work. When you can choose, you should holdthe initiative in your hands. I believe that when you started the internship,you have done a lot of "chores" like copying and typing, sorting out documents,and so on, because they have not yet understood the work content and process ofthe company, so doing "chores" has become a necessary job for the practice work,although the work is more complex but also learned a lot from it. Therefore, itis a matter of no small size. As long as we are active in learning and doingthings well, doing w
ell in our work, diligently, diligently, and diligently, wewill have unexpected gains.
The last year of graduation is the beginning of our real internship. It isthe beginning of our three years' study in school. It is the beginning of theGreat Exhibition of our society.
I am full of confidence in my society, I am full of confidence in myself, Itook part in a lot of job fairs, interviewed a lot of companies, but once againand again, I lost a lot of enthusiasm that I just got out of the school, and Imissed my time at school, but time can't reverse and drag it heavy every day.The footsteps are shuttling through the bustling city. Just like a fly withouthead, it is bumping around everywhere. There are no goals and no direction. Someare just failures and helplessness. The earth is always turning, the time is inthe past of one second and second, and I am still worried about the work, everyday to the interview, repeat the same thing, the result is the same. But I stilldid not give up, but I continued to look for my job. At this time, I wasextremely anxious. At last, I will work hard and let me find a job.
When I came to the company, strange surroundings, strange people andthings, I felt a littl
e stiff and tried to make my smile less clumsy. On thefirst day, not as I imagined, the personnel manager brought us familiar with thecompany's environment and met new colleagues. Everyone seems to be busy. Maybethis is the peak season for business.
This is the first time that we have formally joined the society and setfoot on the job. Go to work at regular hours every day, and recognize duringwork.
You can finish your work on time, and you can't afford to be careless. Webegin to carry civil responsibility on our shoulders, and we should be carefuland careful, or we may pay a huge price for a small mistake at any time, and nolonger can be solved by a sentence of sorry and an apology.

