1、Housing could be obtained  at a price .  高价才能获得住房。 
2、Medicine should not be kept where it is  accessible to  children.  药物不能放在孩子们能够接近的地方。 
3、Patrick is not sure whether he can  ( negotiate  the turn)at the bottom.  帕特里克不能肯定在底端他是否能够拐弯。这是一个固定词组-----拐弯 
4、The hungry beggar had  a craving for  food, any food left by the guests. 这个饥饿的乞丐非常渴望食物,客人留下的任何食物。 
5、Let's  push off  early so that we'll get there before nightfall.
6、John and Armstrong maintain  consistently  a high standard.  约翰和阿姆斯特朗一贯保持高水平。 
7、Those foreign students are    accommodated    in Canadian homes near the campus for
a three-week orientation program.  这些外国学生在校园附近的加拿大人的家里住宿为了进行三星期的迎新活动。 
8、Each person's signature is    unique  and that will help us to find out if this document is a forgery.    每一个人的签名都是独特的,这将帮助我们查明这个文件是伪造的
1. Jane was  confined  to bed due to illness for three months.    简由于生病困在床上三个月。注意过去时 直接加d  2. Many women lost their jobs during the economic  depression  . 许多妇女在经济萧条时期失去了工作。  3. The  corrupting  effects of complete power ruined many politicians    完全权力的腐蚀作用毁了许多政治家。现在分词作定语 加ing.  4. Her first reaction to the news was a  mixture  of grief and comfort.  她听到这个消息的第一反应是悲伤和欣慰混合在一起。    5. The journalist wrote an article in which police corruption was exposed  to the full  .  这个记者写了一篇文章,文中警察腐败完全暴露。  6. Shop assistants are asked to make every  endeavor  to provide the customer satisfaction.  售货员被要求尽最大的努力使顾客满意。  7. He argued that the British legal system was derived from Roman law and has  evolved into a complicated system .    他辩
称英国法律体系从罗马法引申而来,并且已经演变成一个复杂的体系。  8. The disease is spreading quickly in the city and people ,especially children and the aged ,are  at risk  .    这种疾病快速在城市蔓延,人们尤其是孩子和老人处于危险当中。  9. The book gives readers a deeper  insight into  European culture.  这本书使读者深入洞察欧洲文化。  10. The witness gave the police a full  account  of what had happened in the courtyard .  证人给警察完整地描述了院子里发生的事情。
Accessible/available 可到达、可接近的/提供的、可用的
1. Since 1978, the amount of money to buy books has fallen by 17% .
2. The building has been made
Consistently/constantly 始终、一贯地/degrade不断地
3. She is
stood firm on the side of the oppressed people .
Convert/reverse 转变、变换/颠倒
5. They an old stable into a little comfortable house .
6. Because the normal word order is in passive voice sentences, they are sometimes hard to follow.
Outdoor/outdoors 户外的/在户外
7. If you enjoy activities, this is the trip for you .
8. I reckon it’s warm enough to eatthis evening .
Sky/skies 天空/天空的状态
and warm sunshine. 形容天空的状态。 西藏高原是蓝天和温暖阳光的土地。
10. She looked out over the rooftops and the open . 死记下来。
Unit6  dedicateto    tend to      subjectto  involve compared with    doctoral      attribution  wise up
1. He has been depressed and his novel tends to be pessimistic. 
2.  The researchers subjected the material to all kinds of tests before they put it into use. 3.  Today most parents think they should involve themselves in their children’s education, 4.  He has run into some difficulties , but he knew that they were nothing compared with yours.  5.  It was at Stanford University that Albert Marvell decided to dedicate his life to science. 6.  From this initial dissatisfaction my own doctoral thesis developed.  7.  It is regarded as a social norm that one should always remember to cite others’words with proper attribution. 8.  Wise up Victoria, Jane is cheating you. She has never returned money to anyone she borrowed from
Practice/exercise 实践、实践场所/锻炼、演习
1. An aircraft carrier and nineteen warships left the naval base today forat sea . 一架航母和十九只战舰今天离开海军基地进行海上演习。
2. He returned to South Carolina in 1966 and established his own legal . 1966年,他回到南加利福尼亚并建立起他自己的律师事务所。
Threat/threaten 威胁 名词 / 威胁 动词
3. The kidnappersto kill the hostages unless they received a ransom of $500,000. 者威胁要杀死人质除非他们受到50万赎金。 注意过去时加ed.
4. In his inaugural address Lincoln repeated that his government posed to slavery in the states .
War/warfare 战争 / 战争状态 通常表示确切的化学战、大战等
6. He flew nine special missions in that area in 2003 and has experience with biological . 生物战固定词组
Restore/recover 恢复、重建/身体康复
7. The object of the war to the Union ; but the cause of the war was slavery . 战争的目标是恢复联盟,但战争的起因是奴隶制。
