Th e fri endsh ip gr ounde d oncommo n int erest
d oes n ot br eak u p eas ily
.Child ren m ust l earnto di sting uishbetwe en
viole nce a nd br avery in c omput er ga mes.
There spri ng up so m any n ew ti ngs e veryd ay in
t he wo rld t hat i t isno lo ngersensi ble t o
expec t a p erson to k now e veryt hing.
Lawsdo no t reg ulate such thin gs as betr ayal
to frie nds,t hat i s why ther e iswhatwe ca ll
thecourt of m orali ty
Tod ay’scultu re is desc ribed as f ast-f ood c ultur e,
what evertheymay b e; pe oplejustpursu e the
g reate st sa tisfa ction with in th e sho rtest time.
As thesayin g goe s, th ere i s nosuchthing as a
f ree l unch. If y ou wa nt so methi ng, g o and earn it.
最少而得到最多。In e ither frie ndshi p orlove,
ou s hould neve r exp ect t o rec eivethe m aximu m
wh ile y ou gi ve th e min imum.
I bui lt al l myhopes on h is pr omise s, on ly to
f ind t hat h e was nota man of s incer ity a t all.
3.们带母亲去了所有我们能到的最好的医院,但一切努力都是徒劳的,母亲还是没能熬过那次疾病。We to ok mo therto al l
th e bes t hos pital s wecould find,butall o ur ef forts
wer e invain; shefaile d tosurvi ve th e dis ease.
Val entin e’s D ay is an a nnual holi day c elebr ated
o n Feb ruary 14,a perf ect d ay to expr ess l ove t o
theobjec t ofyouraffec tion.
5.在信息时代,通过电子邮件方式跟远方的朋友交流几乎可以是同步的.In th e inf ormat ion e ra, c ommun icati ons w ith
far-a way f riend s via e-ma il ca n bealmos t sim ultan eous.
产生出爱情.Love take s tim e ,fo r itis no t for ged
until youhavegrown used to t he ot her’s comp any
and l earne d toappre ciate theother.
For thou sands of y earsphilo sophe rs ha ve ta ken
pa ins t o exp lainthe m eanin g ofhappi ness
f rom t heirown p oints of v iew.
Wh en Ifirst came to c olleg e,I s udden ly fo und
mys elf l eft w ith e veryt hingto de al wi th by myse lf。
I wa s not unti l the n did I re alize that livi ng
with my p arent s was trul y a h appyexper ience.
Youshoul d not alwa ys ma ke co mpari son w ith o thers;
o therw ise,you m ay be trap ped i n dep ressi on,
forthere arealway s oth ers w ho ar e bet ter t han y ou.
Today peop le ar e muc h bet ter o ff an d enj oy mo re
leis ure.Stran gelyenoug h,the y fin d lif e bor ing.
Life,in ef fect,is lo ng bu t sho rt of exci temen t.
Youare s ure t o suf fer f rom i nevit abledisap point ment
if youexpec t eve ryday life to b e asexcit ing a s dra ma.
学会怎样应对挫折。这能部分解释年轻人居高不下的自杀率。 A l ife t hat i s too smoo th ma y als o bedestr uctiv e
becau se it offe rs no oppo rtuni ty fo r one to l earnhow
todealwithfailu res.Thatin pa rt ex plain s the
hig h rat es of suic ide a mongyoung peop le.
The y too k the ir si ck fa theron alongjourn ey to
Bei jingin th e hop e offindi ng acurefor h is
h eartdisea se.
Th e cam paign of K nowin g Mor e Abo ut AI DS ne eds t o
be carr ied o n, an d for this stag e the emph asisis
p ut on theway t he di sease is c ontra cted.
If po wer i s pro perly appl ied,t he li ves o f the
com mon p eople will be r ender ed ha ppy.If no t,
t heirdaily life will be p laced unde r thr eat.
Could a go vernm ent j ustif iably usenucle ar
w eapon s toguard agai nst t error ist a ttack s?
5.由于缺乏对这种病的了解,许多人依然认为H IV受害者
O wingto ig noran ce of thedisea se,ma ny pe oplestill
bel ievethatHIV v ictim s des ervewhattheysuffe r.
The n ewlyissue d rep ort o n imp rovin g the medi cal
syste m inrural area s lea ds us to b eliev e tha t the
era is t o bean en d whe n suc h are as ar e alw ays s hort
of d octor s and medi cines
Cult ivati ng th e rig ht em otion s isindis pensa ble
in th at it lays thefound ation s for thesucce ss
o f one’s fu tureworkand s tudie s.
2.中国西部发展急需人才,政府为此制定了优惠政策,号召更多大学毕业生去西部工作。W est C hinais cr yingout f or
t alent ed pe oplefor i ts d evelo pment .Tothisend,
the g overn menthas l aid d own f avora ble p olici es,
c allin g for more coll ege g radua tes t o goand w ork t here.
Howcan y ou tu rn yo ur ba ck on me w hen I am i n suc h
di fficu lty?We ha ve go ne th rough tria ls an d
tr ibula tions forpract icall y hal f a c entur y.
虚拟世界与现实世界。We b add ictsspend so m uch t ime
on th e Int ernet that they areunabl e todrawa
di stinc tionbetwe en th e vir tualworld andthe r eal w orld.
U rbanresid entsoften have theillus ion t hat r ural
life is a lways leis urely andcomfo rtabl e. In fact,
th at ma y not be t he ca se.
Dista nce l earni ng is a gl obaltrend. Wit h its quic k
gr owth,peopl e are give n anequal ly co nveni ent a ccess
toeduca tiona l res ource s,nomatte r whe re th ey ar e.
1.我们中国人会再三地请客人多吃饭桌上的菜,以表明我们好客。A s a p roofof ou r hos pital ity,w e Chi nesewill
repea tedly askour g uests to h elp t hemse lvesto th e
di sheson th e tab le.
了了解社会的能力。It i s bymeans of l isten ing t o wha t
pe oplesay a nd ob servi ng ho w the y beh ave t hat w e’re
stre ngthe ned o ur ow n cap acity to u nders tandsocie ty.
往往会抵制或避开。One’s sen se of safe ty co mes f rom
famil iarit y wit h the envi ronme nt;so peop le ha ve th e
te ndenc y toresis t oravoid newsitua tions.
我们不熟悉他们。We t end t o sho w pre judic e aga instor
e ven h ostil ity t oward s peo ple f rom a cert ain r egion,
whi ch ca n beattri buted to t he fa ct th at we are
unfa milia r wit h the n.
以免使对方为难。I beli eve i t ispolit e todecli ne
d irect ly,wh ile m y par entsseldo m say“No”so as
not to e mbarr ass o thers.
Th ere a re tw o mea ns to buil d upknowl edge:to ge t it
pers onall y orby se cond-handexper ience。Read ing,
which open s upa new worl d ofdiffe rentcultu res
for u s, be longs to s econd-hand expe rienc e.
1.奥运旗帜白背景上印着五个相连的彩圆圈,代表五大洲。A gains t the whit e bac kgrou nd,t he Ol ympic flag
fea tures five inte rlink ed co lor c ircle s,
re prese nting thefiveconti nents.
发出叹息。He na rrowl y mis sed t he go ld me dal
by 0.02 se conds. Tho se wh o had witn essed the
race coul d not help givi ng asign.
还会流泪,甚至流血。Long-dist anceraceis ahard
test on t olera nce.The a thlet es sh ed no t onl y
sw eat,but a lso t ears, andevenblood.
一瘸一拐的走到终点。Havi ng tr ipped over anot her
athle te’sfoot, he f ell d own o n the trac k,
b ut he soon rose to h ie fe et an d lim ped t o
th e fin ish l ine.
5.故事的最初版本是这样的:那个助理教练因为率队打赢了与古巴队的比赛而一夜成名。Theorigi nal v ersio n
of thestory goes like this, the assi stant
coa ch ro se to fame over night by l eadin g his
tea m toconqu er Cu ba.
Som e spo rtsme n con fesse d tha t the y had
tak en do pe in thenameof im provi ng
p erfor mance,andthattheir coac hes s howed
nodisag reeme nt wi th su ch il legal acts.
Thos e who supp ose t hey p osses s mor e pri vileg es
t end t o hav e fee lings of s uperi ority
2.高关税和反倾销政策会消弱外国产品在本土市场的竞争力H igh t ariff s and an a nti-d umpin g pol icy w ill
under minehe co mpeti tiveedgeof th e for eign
prod uctsin th e dom estic mark et
我们一定能成功I f all thedepar tment s can be w ell
coord inate d and allof us pull toge therfor
the c ommon good, weare b oundto su cceed.
大楼看管员的职责To b e onguard agai nst t heft,
the scho ol ha s iss ued r egula tions spec ifyin g
th e dut ies o f the door keep ers.
你和他人交朋友的机会Good mann ers a re al ways
appr eciat ed. I t fol lowsthatgoodmanne rs wi ll
e nhanc e you r cha ncesof ma rking frie nds w ith
other peop le
可以改变一句话的意思Pu nctua tionmarks shou ld no t
be take n lig htly; some times theuse o f a w rong
punc tuati on ma rk ca n lit erall y cha nge t he
m eanin g ofa sen tence.