    "Send" 是一个常用的动词,意为“发送”、“传送”、“邮寄”等。常见的搭配用法包括:
    1. Send someone/something somewhere - 将某人/某物发送到某个地方
    例如:Can you send me a message on Instagram?(你能在 Instagram 上给我发条消息吗?)
    2. Send for someone/something - 派人/物前往某个地方获取某人/某物
    例如:I"m sending for my dictionary right now.(我正在派人去取我的词典。)
    3. Send out - 发出、发送
    例如:The email has been sent out successfully.(邮件已经成功发送了。)
    4. Send off - 发送、启程
    例如:I"m sending off my daughter to college next month.(我下个月要把女儿送到大学去。)
    5. Send someone/something away - 将某人/某物打发走、送出去
    例如:Don"t send her away. She"s just looking for a place to live.(不要打发她走。她只是想一个住的地方。)
    除了以上常见的用法,"send" 还有其他一些用法,例如:
    6. Send in - 提交、提交给
    例如:I need to send in my homework soon.(我要尽快提交我的作业。)
    7. Send out feelers - 伸出触角、试探
    例如:He"s sending out feelers to see if anyone is interested in joining his new company.(他在试探是否有人有兴趣加入他的新公司。)
    8. Send off the birds - 放飞小鸟
    例如:The hunter sent off the birds with his arrow.(猎人用箭将小鸟放飞了。)
    "From" 是一个介词,意为“从”、“从......来”等。常见的搭配用法包括:
    1. From beginning to end - 从开始到结束
    例如:I"ve been studying English from beginning to end for three years.(我已经花了三年时间从开始到结束学习英语。)
    2. From time to time - 不时、有时
    例如:I"ll call you from time to time to see how you"re doing.(我会不时给你打电话,看看你过得如何。)
    3. From top to bottom - 从顶部到底部
    例如:The building was built from top to bottom with solid concrete.(这座建筑从上到下都是用坚实的混凝土建造的。)
    4. From one thing to another - 一件事接着一件事
    例如:We chatted away from one thing to another for hours.(我们聊了几个小时,从一件事到另一件事不停地聊。)
    5. From time to time - 不时、有时
    例如:I"ll call you from time to time to see how you"re doing.(我会不时给你打电话,看看你过得如何。
