Unit 6  I’m going to study computer science.
cook此处用作可数名词||,意为“厨师” 。
His father is a great cook.  他的父亲是一位优秀的厨师。
I want to be a cook when I grow up.  我长大后想成为一名厨师。
① cook还可作动词||,意为“烹调||,煮||,烧”。
Every girl should learn to cook.  每个女孩都应该学习做饭。
My mother is cooking the fish我妈妈正在做鱼。
② cooker可数名词||,意为“厨具” 。
He bought a new gas cooker.  他买了一个新煤气灶。
scientist可数名词||,意为“科学家”||,是以后缀-ist结尾的表示职业的名词。 常见的以-ist结尾的职业名词还有: pianist钢琴家||;artist艺术家||; violinist小提琴手。
computer programmer 计算机程序设计员 cook厨师doctor医生  engineer工程师 driver驾驶员  pilot 飞行员  pianist钢琴家  teacher教师  actor演员basketball player篮球运动员
3、What do you want to be when you grow up?你大后想成为什么?
( 1 )want to be意为“想成为······”||,后常加表示职业的名词。                                                       
He wants to be an artist.  他想成为一名画家。
Does he want to be a singer like his uncle?   他想成为一名和他叔叔一样的歌手吗?
(2 ) when意为“当··…·时候”||,引导时间状语从句。 在含有 when 引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句中||, 如果主句和从句的动作都发生在将来||,主句用一般将来时||,从句常用一般现在时表示将来||,即“主将从现” 。
When I go to Lisa's party||,I'll ca1l you我去参加莉萨的聚会时会给你打电话的。
(3)grow up意为“长大||;成熟||;成长”。grow作动词||, 有“生长||;发育”之意||,指动植物的生长、成长情况||, 其过去式为grew。                           
I grew up in Chicago.  我在芝加哥长大。
The wheat is growing well in the field.  回地里的小麦长势良好。
4、I’m going to practice basketball every day.我打算每天练习 (打)篮球。
practice 此处作及物动词||,意为“练习”||,其后可接名词、代词或动词的一ing形式作宾语||,不能接动词不定式。
Your elder sister is practicing the guitar in the room.  你正在房间里练习(弹)吉他。
You need to practice speaking English every day.  你需要每天练习说英语 。
[拓展]practice作名词||,意为“练习” 。   
It takes hours of practice to learn to play the guitar. 学习弹吉他需要长时间的练习 。
5、The old Man and tale Sea by Hemingway.海明威的«老人与海» 。
by作介词||,此处意为“由· · ·· · ·创作/编著/导演作曲’’等
I read a short story by Lu Xun.  我读了鲁迅的一部短篇小说。
He likes listening to the music by Mozart.  他喜欢听莫扎特的乐曲。
6、Well||, I'm going to keep on writing stories||, of course||, 哦||,当然我会续写故事。 
keep on doing sth||,意为“继续做某事” 。
Lucy kept on standing in class.  露西在课堂上不断地站起来。
Jim kept on asking questions.  吉姆不停地问问题。
① keep doing sth.  意为“一直做某事”
He kept standing there for an hour without moving.  他在那儿一动不动地站了一个小时。 
② keep sb.doing sth.意为“让某人一直做某事” 。
Sorry||, I have kept you waiting solong.  对不起||,让你久等了 。
7、My parents want me to be a doctor||, but I'm not sure about that.我父母想让我成为一名医生||,但是我对此还不确定。       
be sure about 意为“确信||;对…有把握”||,后接词||,代词或动词ing形式||,句子主语是人||,不能是物。
You must be sure about the way to the village.  你必须对去乡村的路有把握。
① be sure意为“务必||;切记”||,用于祈使句中||,后接动词不定式||,表示说话人对对方提出要求。
Be sure to come tomorrow.  明天务必来。 
②be sure 意为“一定||;肯定”||,后接动同不定式||,表示说话入的推测或判断。 主语可以是人也可以是物。
It's sure to rain tomorrow.  明天一定会下雨。
③ be sure+that从句||,意为“肯定…||;有把握…”||,主句的主语一定是人。
I'm sure that smoking is not good for you.  我相信吸烟对你没有好处。
8、Well||, don't worry.哦||,不用担心。
worry不及物动词||,意为“担心||;担忧” 。     
Don't worry. Everything will be all right.  不要担心||, 一切都会好起来的。
Tell your mother not to worry.  告诉你母亲不要担心。
[拓展] worry about为固定短语||,意为“担心”||,与be worried about同义。
Don't worry about me and look after yourself.  不要担心我||,照顾好你自己。
9、 Just make sure you try your best.只要保证尽力就行。 
make sure意为“确保||;査明”||,常用于祈使句中||,表示请求或要求对方按照要求做某事||,其后可接that 引导的宾语从句或of短语
Make sure(that)you pick us up at five o’clock.    你一定要在5点钟来接我们。
We made sure of our seats for the movie.   我们订好电影院的座位了。
10、She's going to study education.她打算学习教育(学)                              
education用作不可数名词||,意为“教育”当特指某个人的教育或某一种或一段教育 ( 通常前有定语修饰)时||,也可与不定冠词连用。               
The poor man had very little education.  这个可怜的男人几乎没受过什么教育。
Your parents hope to give you a good education.   你的父母希望给你良好的教育 。
11、He's going to take acting lessons.他打算上表演课。                                 
take acting lessons意为“上表演课” 。take在此意为“上···…课”||,可用 have代替。
Today we'll take an English lesson.  今天我们将上一节英语课。             
Are you going to take/have dancing lessons?  你们打算上舞蹈课吗?
12I’m going to studying medicine at a university.我打算在大学里学习医学。
(1 )medicine名词||,意为“药||;医学”||,常用短语 take medicine意为“吃药” 。                       
Where can I buy some medicine?  我到哪里可以买些药?
I want to study medicine when I grow up.  我长大后想学习医学。
Take your medicine||, Tom.  汤姆||,把药吃了 。
He studied Chinese at a university.  他在大学里学的是中文。
13、 I'm going to Write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.我打算写文章并把它们寄给杂志社和报社。
send…to”.意为“把…寄给” 。 send及物动词||,意为“邮寄||;发送”||,其过去式为 sent。 常用于 send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb.结构||,意为“给某人寄/发送某物”。
Please send this letter to your uncle.  请把这封信寄给你叔叔。
I'll send you a text message.   我会给你发一条短信。             
[拓展] send for意为“派人去请” 。 
    You should send for a doctor. 你们应该派人去请医生。
14、make the soccer team.成为足球队的一员
( 1 )make the soccer team.成为足球队的一员。
  Would you like to make the soccer team.?  你想成为足球得一员吗?
  The twins brothers are in/on the same basketball team.  这对双胞月台兄弟是同一篮球队的(成员) °
① team表示由者干人组成的“队”或组”等||,具有集合意义。 在句中作主语||,谓语根据情况可用单数(侧重整体)成复数(侧重个体)。
I want to know which team is the best.  我想知道哪个队最好。
Their football team are playing harder.  他们的足球队员正更努力地踢(球) 。
a team of后跟复数名词||,表示“一组/队….”
15、Sounds so interesting.听起来很有趣。
sound此处用作连系动词||,意为“听起来好像'后常接形容词作表语。常见搭配 sound like表示所起来像” 。
The music sounds very beautiful.  音乐听起来很优美。
Oh||, that sounds like a good idea.  ||,那听起来像个好主意 。
[拓展] sound名词||,意为“声音”。
    I fell asleep listening to the sound of the wind听着风声我睡着了。
16、I'm going to learn another foreign language.我打算再学一门外语
foreign形容同||,意为“外国的”。其名词为 foreigner||,意为“外国人”。
His aunt lives in a foreign country.  他的姑姑住在国外。
I met a foreigner in the park on Center Street.  在中心大街的公园里我遇见了一个外国人。
17、Were you able to keep them?你能遵守它们吗?
be able to意为“能够做某事”||,后接动词原形||,可用于多种时态。
I was able to speak English when I was two years old.   我两岁时就会说英语。
I’ll be able to see you next week.   下周我能来看你。
辨析: be able to 与can
be able to
18、It's a kind of promise.它是一种承诺。
promise 此处用作可数名词||,意为“承诺||;诺言”make promises意为“许下诺言/承诺”||;keep a promise意为“連守言”||;break a promise意为“违背诺” 。
Lily is a dishonest girl. She never keeps a promise .   莉莉是一个不诚实的女孩她从不信守诺言。
Tom often makes promises to his parents汤姆经常向父母许诺。                               
[拓展] promise还可用作及物动词||,意为“许诺||;承诺”。常用于以下三种结构:
(1)promise to do sth. 许诺做某事
My mother promised to buy a piano for me.  我妈妈许诺给我买一架钢琴。
(2)promise sb sth 许诺某人某事
My aunt promised me a bike.  我姑姑答应给我买一辆自行车。
(3)promise+that从句  承诺…
Tom promises that he can return on time 汤姆承诺他能按时回来。
19、When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year||, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.在一年的开头做决定时||,我们希望会改善我们的生活。
(1)at the beginning of在.....的开头。此处beginning为名词||,作为开头||,开端。
You can find this sentence at the beginning of this article.  你会在文章的开头到这个句子。
We should try our best to improve our environment.  我们应该尽最大努力改善我们的环境。
Mr. Li gave us some advice on how to improve our English. 李老师就如何提高我们的英语水平向我们提出了一些建议。
① improve还可作不及物动词||,意为“改进||;提高''。 
The doctor says he is improving.   医生说他正在康复。
② improvement名词||,意为“改进||;改善||;提高” 。
We need to carry out some improvements to the system.  我们需要对系统进行一些改进。
20、some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.一些人写下他们来年的决定和计划。
write down意为“写下||;记录下”||,是“动词+副词”型短语动词。 接宾语时||,如果実语是名词||,可放在动词和副词中问||,也可放在副词后面||;如果宾语是代词||,需将其放在动词和副词中间。
Please write down these new words.  请把这些生词记下来。
The word is important. Please write it down.  这个单词很重要。请把它记下来。
      turn on打开          turn off关闭        turn up调大            turn down调小 
blow out吹灭        put up搭起||;举起    cut down砍倒
21、This helps them to remember their resolutions.这会帮助他们记住他们的决定。
help sb. to do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”||,to也可省略。
Can you help me(to) prepare for the party?  你能帮我为聚会做准备吗?
① help sb. with sh. 意为“在某方面帮助某人”。
②help oneself to sth意为随便吃.....
22、Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.许多决定与自我提高解。
have to do with 意为“关于||;与.......有关系” 。
Most of his questions had to do with his lessons.  他的大部分问题与功课有关 。
Miss Sun has to do with this matter.  孙小与此事有关系。
[拓展] have nothing to do with意为“与……没有关系” 。
I have nothing to do with Tom.  我和汤姆没有关系 。
23、Some People might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos||, or learn to play the guitar. 一些人可能说他们要培养一种爱好||,比如绘画或摄影||,或学习弹吉他。
take up意为“(尤指为消通)开始做||;学着做” 。
My father took up the study of English at the age of forty.  我父亲在40岁时开始学习英语。
When did you take up music?  你什么时候对音乐感兴趣的?
[拓展]take up还可意为“占用(空问)” 。
This sofa takes up too much room.  这张沙发占地方太多 。
24、Some resolutions have to do with better planning ||,like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.有些决定与更好地规划相关||,比如为学校作业制定周计划。
(l )planning名词||,意为“计划||,规划” 。         
Are you interested in city planning?   你对城市规划感兴趣吗?
Happy Camp is a weekly tv program.  快乐大本营是一档每周一期的电视节目。
He visits his grandparents weekly.  他每周看望爷爷奶奶一次。 
25、To question the idea of making resolutions.质疑做决定的观点.
question此处作动词||,意为“表示疑问||;怀疑||;提问||;质询” 。
I don't question his ability to do this job.  我不怀疑他做这项工作的能力。                 
He questioned if you could do this.   他对你能否做此事表示怀疑。                           
[拓展] question还可作可数名词||,意为“问题” 。
Can I ask you some questions?  我可以问你一些问题吗?                     
These questions are difficult to answer.  这些问题很难回答。
26、To give the meaning of resolution给出“决定”的意义
meaning名词||,意为“意义||;意思”。指一个单词、手势或表情等所代表的含义。其动词形式为mean||, 意为“意味者||,意思是····· ·”。
Do you know the meaning of the word?  你知道这个单词的意思吗?                 
This is a word with six meanings.  这个单词有六种意思。
[拓展] What's the ?与 What does.. mean?/What do you mean by.||,.?同义||,意为“······ 是什么意思?”                                                ||,   
What's the meaning of this word?
=What does this word mean?
=What do you mean by this word?  这个单词是什么意思?
We discussed our plans for the new term我们讨论了我们的新学期计划。
27、To discuss the different kinds of resolutions 讨论不同类型的决定     
discuss动词||,意为“讨论||,商量”。常用短语: discuss sth. with sb||,意为“和某人讨论某事"
You needn't discuss this matter with me.    你不必和我讨论这件事。
[拓展] discussion是 discuss的名词形式||意为讨论
Our discussion will make it easier.    我们的讨论将使事情更容易。
28、The first resolution is about my own personal improvement.第一个决定与我自己的个人提升有关。
( 1 ) own此处用作形容词||,意为“自己的||;本人的”。own还可用作代同||,用在所有格之后||,强调某事物为个人所有。
常见短语有: of one's own“自己的”||;on one's own“独自地”。                               
Every dance has its own rhythm.  每种舞蹈都有自己的节奏。
These students had opinions of their own.  这些学生有他们自己的见解。     
[拓展] own还可作动词||,意为“拥有||; 占有”。owner名词||,意为“所有人||;物主” 。
Who owns this house?  这房子归谁所有?
He is the owner of the car.  他是这辆小汽车的主人。
(2) personal形容词||,意为“个人的||;私人的”||,常用于名词前作定语||,其名词形式是 person。
May I ask you a personal question?    我可以问你一个私人问题吗? 
(  ) 1. I can’t tell you what she said. I’ve promised ______ it a secret.
      A. keep      B. to keep       C. keeping        D. kept
(  )2. To be _______ engineer is my dream. I’m going to study math really        .
A. an||; hard      B. a||; hard        C. an||; hardly            D. a||; hardly
(  )3. Please check your paper to _______ there are no mistakes.
A. think of        B. try out      C. find out            D. make sure
(  )4. (兰州中考)Finish your homework first||, then you’ll______surf the Internet for half an hour.
A. can          B. need        C. be able to        D. may
(  )5. An _______ must take _______ lessons.[来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K]
A. actor||; acting        B. actor||; act    C. acting||; actor        D. acting||; act
(  ) 6. There _______ an exam tomorrow.
A. is going to            B. is going to be        C. is going to have        D. is going
(  )7. —How are you going to spend your free time?
—Why not ______ a hobby||, like collecting cards?
A. turn up          B. put up        C. make up        D. take up
(  )8. The sentences on the blackboard are very important. Please ______ in your notebooks.
A. get down them                      B. get them down
C. write down them                    D. write them downxk.Com]
(  )9. I want to be a scientist like Tu Youyou when I ________ in the future.
      A. grow up        B. wake up          C. stay up
(  )10. He is going to be a basketball player like Yao Ming and _______ basketball every day.
A. practice          B. enter                C. do            D. keep
(  )11. Please keep your eyes _______!
A. close              B. to close              C. closed          D. closes
(  )12. I’m going to write articles and ________ the editor.
A. send it to      B. send them to      C. send it for    D. send them for
(  )13.—Do you like the songs by Taylor?
—Yes. Country music _______ nice and full of feelings.
      A. sounds      B. listens            C. hears        D. looks
(  )14. Don’t worry. Bill will help you look after your dog when you _______ away on business.
A. are        B. were              C. will be      D. have been
(  )15. —Bob||, are you going to study abroad?
—Sorry||, I’m not _______ about it.
A. relax      B. interesting          C. sure        D. personal
1-5 BADCA  6-10 BDDAA  11-15 CBAAC
二、单项选择 (每小题1分||,共15分) 
(  )31. — What do you want to be when you grow up?
— _________ scientist like Einstein! 
A. The    B. An    C. A        D. /
(  )32. The teacher told us a story _______ the beginning of the class.
A. at        B. to        C. on        D. for
(  )33. — Did they have a good time at the party?
— Yes||, They enjoyed ____.
A. yourself    B. herself        C. myself        D. themselves
(  )34. — What does your father do?
— He is a ______ in Renmin Hospital.
A. actor        B. writer    C. doctor        D. reporter
(  )35. — ___________ are you going to travel around the world?
— After I stop working.
A. When        B. How        C. What        D. Where   
(  )36. — What are you going to do this afternoon?
— Read some _____ of the magazine.
A. articles    B. examples    C. hobbies    D. promises
(  )37. _________ you make a resolution||, you must try to keep it.
A. So        B. If        C. Before        D. Although
(  )38. Lily _________ an e-mail to her parents after she arrived in Beijing.
A. cooked    B. lost    C. sent        D. reached
(  )39. Most of the time||, I work on my ______ computer at home.
A. similar        B. serious    C. personal    D. successful
(  )40. I never ___________ his decisions because he is my best friend.
A. become      B. win    C. stand          D. question
(  )41. Don’t make resolutions that are too difficult _________.
A. to keep      B. keeping    C. keep        D. to keeping
(  )42. — What does the woman want?
— She ___________ want some food. I’m not sure.
A. should    B. can    C. must        D. may
(  )43. The policeman checked the room carefully to _______ nobody was in.
A. cut down    B. write down        C. make sure    D. take up
(  )44. — May I speak to Mr. Liu?
— He _____ a meeting now. Can I take a message?
A. is having    B. had    C. has        D. will have
(  )45. — If we want to get good grades||, we should work hard.
— ________.
A. No||, it doesn’t        B. Sounds interesting
C. Yes||, you are right    D. Well||, don’t worry
三、完形填空 (每小题1分||,共10分)
Zhang Queming is a conductor (售票员) on the No. 387 bus. He is called “the living bus map||,”    46  he can remember most of the bus stops in Beijing. He always   47   passengers (乘客) find their way. And he also tells them the   48  way to get to their destinations (目的地).
“Some bus stops   49  the same names but are on different roads. This often makes many passengers get   50  ||,” said Zhang. He likes traveling by   51  to different places after work. When he gets off at a stop||, he will walk   52  to know more places near the stop.
The bus he works on goes through Beijing West Railway Station||, so it often carries   53   from other places. “When they   54  advice (建议) on how to get to a place||, I can tell them how to get there||,” he said. “While helping   55  ||, I feel very happy.”
send for是什么意思(  )46. A. so            B. if            C. because    D. though
(  )47. A. misses        B. passes        C. helps        D. stops
(  )48. A. best          B. worst        C. luckiest      D. happiest
(  )49. A. give        B. share        C. write        D. spend
(  )50. A. last          B. tired        C. lost          D. late
(  )51. A. train        B. bus        C. car        D. bike
(  )52. A. into        B. with        C. around    D. from
(  )53. A. teachers      B. students  C. visitors      D. friends
(  )54. A. write down    B. find out      C. care about    D. ask for
(  )55. A. him          B. her          C. them        D. me
四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分||,共30分) 
No. 5 Middle School asked the students to take a survey. The question they asked was “What is your dream job?” There were 100 students taking part in the survey. Here are the results.
The teachers may feel bad to know that only 5% of the students hope to teach in the future. But they will still try their best to help the students make their dreams come true. And here is the teachers’ advice:
☆First||, you should understand yourself. What do you like to do?
☆Then||, think about what is more important to you||, money or joy(快乐)? There’s no right or wrong answer||, so be honest (诚实的) with yourself.
☆Next||, what about your skills (技能)? What are you really good at?
☆Finally||, before you try to get your dream job||, you should study hard and improve yourself to be better.
(  )56. How many students want to be doctors according to the survey?
A. 11.      B. 14.    C. 18.    D. 35.
(  )57. Which job is the most popular in the survey?
A. Basketball players.  B. Movie stars.    C. Doctors.              D. Traders.
(  )58. Which answer may make the teachers feel bad?
A. Many students want to be basketball players.
B. Few students want to be computer programmers.
C. 18% of the students want to be movie stars.
D. Only 5% of the students hope to teach in the future.
(  )59. Which of the following is NOT true about the teachers’ advice?
A. Students should know what they like to do.
B. Students should know money is less important than joy.
C. Students should know what skills they have.
D. Students should study hard for their dreams.
(  )60. Where can you probably read the passage?
A. In a school newspaper.      B. In a storybook.
C. In a travel magazine.        D. In a science book.
My name is Betty. I liked music and painting. Art class is my favorite. My art teacher really likes my paintings. She always chooses my paintings for exhibition (展览). I know I am good at it but never think about doing it outside of school. 
There was a time when I was always sad (难过的). I didn’t have any hobbies. I didn’t want to do anything in my free time. One day||, one of my friends said that I should try something creative. First||, I chose to write short stories||, but some time later I found I wasn’t interested in writing. Then||, I started to paint.
First||, I painted scenery||, such as mountains||, rivers and forests. But later||, I wanted to paint something that I really liked||, so I started to paint birds. People liked my paintings very much. Discovery (发现) of my hobby changed my life. When I saw my paintings||, I was very happy.
(  )61. Which subject does Betty like best?
A. Math.  B. English. C. Music.  D. Art.
(  )62. What does the underlined word “scenery” mean in Chinese?
A. 风景B. 工厂  C. 幻想  D. 庆典
(  )63. Who told Betty to do something creative?
A. Her teacher.  B. Her friend.  C. Her father.  D. Her sister.
(  )64. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Betty often thinks about painting outside of school.
B. Betty ever tried to write short stories.
C. People liked Betty’s books very much.
D. Betty liked birds but she never painted them.
(  )65. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Betty’s hobby changed her life.
B. How to be a good painter.
C. Teachers and friends are important.
D. It’s not easy to write stories.
Long long ago||, there was a blacksmith (铁匠). He was always unhappy with his life. “My work is too hot. I want to be a stone (石头) on the mountain. There it must be cool.” A wise man (智者) answered||, “Go||, be a stone.” So he became a stone. A moment later||, a stone-cutter came and began to cut it.
The stone cried out||, “This hurts (疼)! I want to be the sun. That would be great.”
The wise man said||, “Be the sun.” And he became the sun. But the sun was much hotter than the blacksmith and the stone||, so he said||, “I would like to be the moon. ”
The wise man said again||, “Be the moon.” And he became the moon. “This is hotter than being the sun||,” he said. “I want to be a blacksmith again. That is the best life."
But the wise man said||, “I am tired of your changing. You will be the moon forever (永远).”
(  )66. Why did the blacksmith want to be a stone on the mountain?
A. Because he didn’t like working.
B. Because he thought a stone wasn’t happy.
C. Because a stone on the mountain could see everything.
D. Because his work was too hot.
(  )67. Which of the following is the hottest according to the passage?
A. Being a blacksmith.     
B. Being a stone on the mountain.     
C. Being the sun.       
D. Being the moon.
(  )68. What is the right order that the blacksmith changed?
A. The sun→The moon→The stone
B. The stone→The sun→The moon
C. The moon→The sun→The stone
D. The stone→The moon→The sun
(  )69. What can you NOT learn from the passage?
A. The blacksmith didn’t like to work as a blacksmith at first.
B. The stone-cutter cut the stone when he came to it.
C. The blacksmith knew what the best life was||, but it was too late.
D. The wise man made the blacksmith become a blacksmith in the end.
(  )70. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. The Most Interesting Work
B. A Rich Blacksmith
C. Enjoy Your Present (当前的) Life
D. Different Kinds of People   
71. You should s________ him something meaningful.
72. My sister likes playing the violin and she wants to be a v_______ when she grows up.
73. I must know your opinion. Do you a_____ with them?
74. Mark was a_____ to play the piano when he was six.
75. Tom is 20 years old and he is a c_______ student. 
76. I’m going to study _____________ (药) at a university.
77. Sam wants to join the school football _____________ (队).
78. I don’t know the _______ (意思) of this English word in this sentence. 
79. __________ (教育) plays an important role in one’s life.
80. My new classmate comes from a ________ (外国的) country.
hobby||,  improve||,  physical||,  schoolwork||,  you
New Year’s Day is coming. I believe that most of you have 81. __________ own New Year’s resolutions. But what kind of resolutions should you make?
Your New Year’s resolutions should be good for you. Be sure that they can 82. _____ your studies or make you healthier. “Going to bed later” is not a good resolution. It is not good for your health. You should make resolutions like “exercise every morning to keep 83. ______ health”. The resolution “taking up new 84. __________” is also a good one. Finishing 85. __________ on time and spending less time watching TV are also good ones.
七、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分||,共10分)
When Biruté Mary Galdikas was in the second grade||, she wanted to be an explorer (探险家). “I wanted to go to the rain forests and learn about orangutans (猩猩)||,” she said.
Orangutans live in the rain forests of two islands in Southeast Asia. Galdikas studied the animals in their home. 
About one hundred years ago||, there were about 230||,000 orangutans. However||, today||, there are only about 50||,000. Why does the population of the orangutans become so smaller? One reason is that people cut too many trees. Another reason is that people hunt (打猎) too many orangutans.
In September||, the governments from many countries promised to stop cutting down the rain forests by 2030. That would help orangutans and other animals that live in the rain forests.
Galdikas says people should help orangutans and other animals. We are not the only living things in the world. The animals are our friends and we should live with them in peace.
86. What did Galdikas want to be when she was in the second grade?
87. Do orangutans live in Southeast Asia?
88. How many orangutans are living in the world now?
89. What did the governments promise to do?
90. What does Galdikas think people should do?
八、书面表达 (共10分)
    假如今天的英语课上大家都在讨论 “Dream Job”。你对此有什么想法呢?请根据下面的提示||,写一篇短文谈论一下你理想的职业||,与大家分享。
1. What’s your dream job?
2. Why do you want to do it?
3. How are you going to make your dream come true?
1. 语句通顺、符合逻辑||,可适当发挥||
2. 不少于80词。开头和结尾已给出||,不计入总词数。
Do you know what I want to be when I grow up?
