Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation ?(精选3篇)
Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation ? 篇1
unit 3    what are you doing for vacation?
teaching objectives:
knowledge aim:
know the following words and phrases: babysit, plan, at home, camp,etc.
master the sentence pattern: what are you doing for vacation?
i'm spending time with my friends.
ability aim: talk about future plans using present progressive
emotional aim: cultivate students' team spirit.
teaching focus: enable students to master the sentence pattern what are you doing for vacation?---
i'm doing something
difficult points: get students to talk about future plans using present progressive
teaching aids: tape recorder
step 1. greetings (1 min)
step 2. warming-up (5 mins)
a song
“let's all be a family.”
let's go, boys. let's go, girls. let's all be a family.
who plays father? who plays mother? who plays brother and sister?
i am father. i am brother. we are brother and sister.
let's go, boys. let's all be a family.
step 3. presentation(15mins)
show the students a wall calendar. point to the next weekend on the calendar. point to myself and tell the students what i am doing on saturday or sunday. say : i'm staying home on sunday.
ask the students to repeat: i'm staying home on sunday.
then ask one student “what are you doing on sunday?”
help the students to answer : “i'm staying home on sunday”
repeat the same question to get different answers.
step 4.practice and listening (15mins)
1.      section a1a. introduce the key vocabulary. ask the students to tell what they see in the picture and ask them to write sth about the activities from the picture.
2.      section a1b.listen to the conversation and number the pictures.(1~3)
3.      section a1c. the students work in pairs. talk about the picture on page 13 by making conversations.
4.      section a2a.guide the students to listen and write by using the the target language.(what are….doing for vacations?)
5.      section a2b. listen again and fill in the chart under “when”.
6.      section a2c. the students work in groups. what are you and your classmates doing for your next vacation? ask and answer questions and then write down your plans.
step 5 a game(4mins)
section a4.vacation dreams
1.      point out the hand—written note. say: this is a note about a dream vacation. ask a student to read it to the class.
2.      say: write about your dream vacation, one that you would love to take. write down where you are going, when you are going, and how long you are staying. you can make up these answers by using the notes in your books as an example.
3.      after the students have finished writing, say: now put your notes in this paper bag. after everyone has put his or her paper in the bag, get the students to reach it and take out a paper without looking at it.
4.      say: now please go around the class. ask each other questions to find out if you are holding the paper they wrote. and make sure what questions you can ask. guide the students to reply. what are you doing for vacation? how long are you staying?
5.      get students to talk to each other, and move around the room, offering language support if needed.
step 6 general training(4mins)
show the exercises on the blackboard, and get the students to match the conversation.
1.what are you doing for vacation?  a. she's going camping.
2.what's she going for vacation?    b.they are relaxing at home
3.what are they doing for vacation?  c.they're going next week.
4.when are you going?            d.i'm going on monday.
5.when is he going?              e.he's going on may 12th.
6.when are they going?            f.i'm visiting my grandmother.
(keys: 1.f  2.a  3.b  4.d  5.e  6.c)
step 7 homework(1min)
make a picture dictionary. try to remember the words of the vacation activities.
blackboard design:
unit 3    what are you doing for vacation?
1.what are you doing for vacation?  a. she's going camping.send for是什么意思
2.what's she going for vacation?    b.they are relaxing at home
3.what are they doing for vacation?  c.they're going next week.
4.when are you going?            d.i'm going on monday.
5.when is he going?              e.he's going on may 12th.
6.when are they going?            f.i'm visiting my grandmother.
