一、Run Prime Time
1.module add synnew
2.primetime & 启动图形界面
3.pt_shell –l | tee –I run.log 用命令行启动脚本
1.Setup time : data required time – data arrival time
2.Hold time : data arrival time – data required time
3.Report_analysis_coverage :看一下所有错误的基本情况
-status violated
-check “setup hold”
-sort_by slack
-sort_by check_type
4.Report_timing :显示the worst slack for setup time
5.Report_timing –delay max :看setup time
6.Report_timing –delay min :看 hold time
7.Pt_shell –x “restore_session orca_savesession” :继续原来保存的信息
8.Set sh_enable_page_mode true : 分页显示
9.Report_lib libname :看库的信息
10. Report_timing –group SYS_clk :看某个时钟的信息
11. Pre CTS clock Uncertainty = clock skew + clock jitter +margin
Post CTS clock Uncertainty = clock jitter + margin还要加上
Set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
12. Report_timing –path full_clock :可以显示clock的详细信息
13. Report_timing –from E,
Report_timing –to Z,
Report_timing –from G –to FF4/D :显示详细路径的信息
14. Report_port –input_delay –output_delay inoutpad,
Report_port –input_delay inputpad
Report_port –ouput_delay outputpad: 看port的信息
15. Report_timing –input_pins :可以看到net的delay
16. Report_lib –timing_arcs libname cellname:看库单元的时序信息
17. Report_cell –connections –verbose Instance_name :看单元的信息
28. Report_timing –max_paths 2 –nworst 2 :可以看两条path的两个最坏的timing,
29. Report_timing –slack_lesser_than
-to –rise_to –fall_to
-from –rise_from –fall_from
-through –rise_through –shell界面fall_through
-exclude –rise_exclude –fall_exclude
30. Report_clock_timing :看clock skew,latency or transition等信息
31. get_pins –of_objects instance_name : Find all pin names for a specific cell.
32. all_fanin –flat –start –to FF1/D :All the start point pins to a specific end point.
33. all_inputs –clock CLK1 : Find all input ports constrained by a clock
34. all_outputs :Find all output ports.
35. all_registers –level_sensitive –data_pins :Find the data pin names of all latches.
36. all_connected U1/Z : Find the net connected to a pin.
37.report_constraint –all :List all violations, sorted by clock domain
38.report_timing –nets :可以看到 Fanout
-significant_digits 3 :显示小数点后3位
39. get_alternative_lib_cell –lib lib_name instance_name:功能相同的单元
40. report_net –connections –verbose netname
41. report_bottleneck –cost_type fanout_endpoint_cost: Identify cells involved in multiple violations.
alias h {history}
alias page_on {set sh_enable_page_mode true}
alias page_off {set sh_enable_page_mode false}
history keep 200
set sh_enable_line_editing true
#Increase significant digits for reports
set report_default_significant_digints 4
#Allow source to use search path, default false
set sh_source_uses_search_path true
四、下面为./l 的实例
# Run script for ORCA
set search_path {. ./scripts ./libs ./des }
append link_path tech_lib.db RAM_lib.db
source ./l
#Read all gate-level design files
read_verilog my_full_chip.v
link_design ORCA
read_sdf –analysis_type on_chip_variation
print_message_info; quit
# Terminate on PrimeTime and Tcl errors
set sh_script_stop_severity E
#Report missing SDF delays or timing checks
redirect –append ./EW.log \
{report_annotated_delay; report_annotated_check}
redirect –append ./EW.log {print_message_info}
set sh_source_emits_line_numbers W
source –echo –verbose ./l
#For further debugging
check_timing –verbose
#Generate initial reports
#save the session
save_session –replace orca_savesession