© 2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS005959
October 1987
Revised March 2002
CD4028BC BCD-to-Decimal Decoder
BCD-to-Decimal Decoder
General Description
The CD4028BC is a BCD-to-decimal or binary-to-octal decoder consisting of 4 inputs, decoding logic gates, and 10 output buffers. A BCD code applied to the 4 inputs, A, B,C, and D, results in a high level at the selected 1-of-10 dec-imal decoded outputs. Similarly, a 3-bit binary code applied to inputs A, B, and C is decoded in octal at outputs 0–7. A high level signal at the D input inhibits octal decoding and causes outputs 0–7 to go LOW.
decoderAll inputs are protected against static discharge damage by diode clamps to V DD and V SS .
s Wide supply voltage range: 3.0V to 15V s High noise immunity:0.45 V DD (typ.)
s Low power TTL compatibility:fan out of 2 driving 74L or 1 driving 74LS s Low power s Glitch free outputs
s “Positive logic” on inputs and outputs
•Code conversion •Address decoding •Indicator-tube decoder
Ordering Code:
Devices also available in T ape and Reel. Specify by appending the suffix letter “X ” to the ordering code.
Connection Diagram
Top View
Order Number Package Number
Package Description
CD4028BCM M16A 16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150" Narrow CD4028BCN
16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300" Wide
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C D 4028B C
Truth Table
Logic Diagram
D C B A 01234567890000100000000000010100000000001000100000000011000100000001000000100000BCD
11000000010001 = HIGH
Level 011100000001000 = LOW Level
States 11010000000001111000000000101
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)
(Note 2)
Recommended Operating Conditions (Note 2)
Note 1: “Absolute Maximum Ratings ” are those values beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guaranteed, they are not meant to imply that the devices should be operated at these limits. The table of “Recom-mended Operating Conditions ” and “Electrical Characteristics ” provides conditions for actual device operation.Note 2: V SS = 0V unless otherwise specified.
DC Electrical Characteristics (Note 2)
Note 3: I OL and I OH are tested one output at a time.
Supply Voltage (V DD )−0.5 to +18V Input Voltage (V IN )
−0.5 to V DD +0.5V Storage Temperature Range (T S )−65°C to +150°C
Power Dissipation (P D )Dual-In-Line 700 mW Small Outline 500 mW
Lead Temperature (T L )(Soldering, 10 seconds)
260°C Supply Voltage (V DD ) 3 to 15V Input Voltage (V IN )
0 to V DD V
Operating Temperature Range (T A )
−55°C to +125°C
Symbol Parameter
−55°C +25°C +125°C Units
Max Min
Typ Max Min
Max I DD
Quiescent Device Current
V DD = 5V, V IN = V DD or V SS 50.015150µA
V DD = 10V, V IN = V DD or V SS 100.0110300V DD = 15V, V IN = V DD or V SS
200.0220600V OL
LOW Level Output Voltage
|I O | < 1 µA, V IL = 0V, V IH = V DD V DD = 5V 0.0500.050.05V
V DD = 10V 0.0500.050.05V DD = 15V
HIGH Level Output Voltage
|I O | < 1 µA, V IL = 0V, V IH = V DD V DD = 5V 4.95 4.955 4.95V
V DD = 10V 9.959.95109.95V DD = 15V
LOW Level Input Voltage
|I O | < 1 µA V DD = 5V,V O = 0.5V or 4.5V 1.5 2.25 1.5 1.5V
V DD = 10V,V O = 1V or 9V 3.0 4.5 3.0 3.0V DD = 15V,
V O = 1.5V or 13.5V 4.0
6.75 4.0 4.0
HIGH Level Input Voltage
|I O | < 1 µA V DD = 5V,V O = 0.5V or 4.5V 3.5 3.5 2.75 3.5V
V DD = 10V,V O = 1V or 9V 7.07.0 5.57.0V DD = 15V,
V O = 1.5V or 13.5V OL
LOW Level Output Current V IH = V DD , V IL = 0V
(Note 3)
V DD = 5V,V O = 0.4V 0.640.51 1.00.36mA
V DD = 10V,V O = 0.5V 1.6 1.3 2.60.9V DD = 15V,
V O = 1.5V 4.2 3.4 6.8 2.4I OH
HIGH Level Output Current V IH = V DD , V IL = 0V
(Note 3)
V DD = 5V,V O = 4.6V −0.25−0.2−0.4−0.14mA
V DD = 10V,V O = 9.5V −0.62−0.5−1.0−0.35V DD = 15V,
V O = 13.5V −1.8
Input Current
V DD = 15V,V IN = 0V −0.1−0.1−1.0µA
V DD = 15V,
V IN = 15V
0.1 1.0
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C D 4028B C
AC Electrical Characteristics (Note 4)
T A = 25°C, C L = 50 pF, R L = 200k, Input t r = t f = 20 ns, unless otherwise specified
Note 4: AC Parameters are guaranteed by DC correlated testing.
Switching Time Waveforms
Symbol Parameter
Conditions Min Typ Max Units t PHL or t PLH
Propagation Delay Time
V CC = 5V 240480ns
V CC = 10V 100200V CC = 15V
70140t THL or t TLH
Transition Time
V CC = 5V 175350ns V CC = 10V 75150V CC = 15V
60110C IN
Input Capacitance
Any Input
5www.fairchildsemi CD4028BC
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted
16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150" Narrow
Package Number M16A