unity贝塞尔粒⼦动画创建编辑插件Animated Bezier Flow of Particles 2.0
所⽀持的Unity版本:5.3.1 及以上版本
Create, edit and modify, animate your particles flow in Unity Editor Scene. No coding required.
Supports undo, points insertion, editing of individual Control Points, animation of points inside unity editor (and from code), points renaming.
unity3d animationCreated for Shuriken Particles Engine. Build for use from Editor UI for your integration needs no coding required. Provides clean pure .Net C# code for your developers happiness.
Main component is `ParticlesAnimatedBezierFlowController` which provides a curve with control points
structured inside Unity3D scene hierarchy (meaning each control point is a game ob ject). Curve visual appearance is propagated across all control points, while all the behavior and computational logic is kept inside a game ob ject with
`ParticlesAnimatedBezierFlowController` on it.