Overarching Statements 整体声明
1. The overarching goal of hospital pharmacists is to optimize patient outcomes through the judicious, safe, efficacious, appropriate, and cost effective use of medicines. 1. 医院药师的整体目标是透过审慎地、安全地、有效地、适当地及符合经济效益地使用药物,让病人的效果臻于完善。
2. At a global level, ‘Good Hospital Pharmacy Practice’ guidelines based on evidence should be developed. These guidelines should assist national efforts to define standards across the levels, coverage, and scope of hospital pharmacy services and should include corresponding human resource and training requirements. 2. 在全球的层面上,应发展出植基于实证及优良执业的“优良医院药局执业准则"。这些准则必须能够协助各国致力于订定可跨越各等级、涵盖范围及领域的医院药事服务的标准,并应该包括了相对应的人力资源及训练的要求。
3. The “five rights” (the right patient, right medicine, right dose, right route, and right time) should be fulfilled in all medicines-related activities in the hospital. 3. 在医院内所有与药物有关的活动均应执行“五对” (对的病人、对的药物、对的剂量、对的途径及对的用药时间)。
4. Health authorities and hospital administrators should engage hospital pharmacists in all steps in the hospital medicines-use process.4. 卫生主管机关及医院管理者应确保医院中药品使用过程的每个
5. Health authorities should ensure that each hospital pharmacy is supervised by pharmacists who have completed specialized training in hospital pharmacy. 5. 卫生主管机关应确保每个医院药局都是由受过医院药局完整专业训练的药师来管理。
6. The Chief Pharmacist/Director of Pharmacy should be the senior professional responsible for coordinating the judicious, safe, efficacious, appropriate, and cost effective use of medicines in the hospital. 6. 药剂部门主管应该由资深药学专业人员担任,以整合医院中正确、安全、有效、适当及有经济效益的药物使用。
7. Hospital pharmacists' authority over the medicine-use process should include authority over the selection and use of
medicine-related devices such as administration devices, giving sets, infusion pumps and computer-controlled dispensing cabinets. 7. 医院药师在药物使用过程中的职权应涵盖对药品相关设备之选择及使用,例如给药器具、给药组套、点滴帮浦及计算机控制的调剂设备。
8. Hospital pharmacists should take responsibility for all medicines
logistics in hospitals.
8. 医院药师应负责医院内所有药物的物流供应。
9. Hospital pharmacists should serve as a resource regarding all aspects of medicines use and be accessible as a point of contact for health care providers. 9. 医院药师应担任所有与药物使用有关的资源提供者,并且做为医疗照护人员咨询的对象。
10. All prescriptions should be reviewed, interpreted, and validated by a hospital pharmacist prior to the medicine being dispensed and administered. 10. 所有的处方在调配及给药前都必须经过医院药师的审核、评估及确认。
11. Hospital pharmacists should monitor patients taking medicines (daily or whenever medicines are changed) to assure patient safety, appropriate medicine use, and optimal outcomes. When resource limitations do not permit pharmacist monitoring of all patients taking medicines, patient-selection criteria should be established to guide pharmacist monitoring. 11. 医院药师应监测病人使用药物的状况(每日或是药物更换时)以确保病人的安全、适当的药物使用以及达到理想的结果。若因资源的限制无法容许药师监测所有病人的药物使用,应建立一套选择病人的标准,让药师在照护时有所遵循。
12. Hospital pharmacists should be allowed to access the full patient
12. 医院药师应被允许取得完整的病人病历纪录。
13. Hospital pharmacists should ensure that patients are educated on
the appropriate use of their medicines.
13. 医院药师应能确保病人获有正确用药之教育。
14. Hospital pharmacists should provide orientation and education to nurses, physicians, and other hospital staff regarding best practices for medicines use. 14. 医院药师应使用最佳执业建议,以提供护士、医师和其它医院同僚关于药品使用的指导及教育。
15. Undergraduate pharmacy curricula should include
hospital-relevant content, and post-graduate training programs and specializations in hospital pharmacy should be developed. 15. 药学系大学部的课程应该涵盖与医院执业相关的内容,医院药局也应该发展出毕业后的训练课程及专科化训练。
16. Hospital pharmacists should actively engage in research into new methods and systems to improve the use of medicines. 16. 医院药师应积极参与新方法及系统层面的研究,例如,新的信息及传递科技,以改善药品的使用。
Theme 1 - Procurement 主题1 采构
17. The procurement process must be transparent, professional, and ethical to promote equity and access and to ensure accountability to relevant governing and legal entities. 17. 采购过程必须透明、专业及符合伦理,以促进公平与机会及并确认管理及法律上相关主体的责任。
18. Procurement should be guided by the principle of procuring for
18. 采购必须遵循的原则是为安全而采购。
19. Procurement of pharmaceuticals is a complex process that requires pharmacist control and technically competent staff. 19. 药剂产品的采购是一个复杂过程,需要由药师来管理,并且有技术上足以胜任的同仁一起共同合作。
20. Operational principles for good procurement practice should be regularly reviewed and procurement models adapted to fit different settings and emerging needs in the most appropriate and cost effective way." 20. 优良采购规范的操作模式必须定期检讨以确保其是符合不同需求之最适当及最符合成本效益的模式。
21. Procurement must be supported by strong quality assurance principles to ensure that poor quality medicines are not procured or allowed into the system. Proper storage to ensure maintenance of quality in the whole supply pipeline is mandatory. 21. 必须有优良品质保证原则支持采购以确保品质差的药品不会被采购或被允许进入系统内。储存药品时适当的强制性规范可确保药品在整个供应过程中维持良好品质。
22. Procurement should not occur in isolation, but rather be informed
by the formulary selection process.
22. 采购不应该在单独下进行,应有被告知其处方选择的过程。
23. Good procurement must be supported by a reliable information system that provides accurate, timely, and accessible information. 23. 优良采购必须藉由值得信赖的信息系统来提供正确、实时及容易获得的信息。
24. A formal mechanism must be in place for pharmacists to request designated funds to procure medicines for their patients. 24. 应该建立一个正式机制让药师可以利用指定用途的经费为病人采购药物。
25. Each pharmacy should have contingency plans for medicines shortages and purchases in emergencies. 25. 每一个药局对于药物短缺及紧急采购等应有偶发事件处理方案。
Theme 2 - Influences on Prescribing 主题2 在开立处方上的影响
26. Hospitals should utilize a medicine formulary system (local, regional, and/or national) linked to standard treatment guidelines, protocols, and treatment pathways based on the best available evidence. 26. 医院应使用可连结到植基于最佳可用证据之标准准则、计划及路径的药物处方系统(地方性、区域性和/或全国性)。