No.1 2015年高三二模
1. 交通工具 - a tool for communication
2. 怀感恩之心 - with a grateful heart
3. 吸取教训 - learn lessons from them
4. 快速崛起的 - the fast-rising
5. 无怨无悔地 - without regrets or complaints
6. 赞不绝口 - sang the praises of
7. 陷入深深的悲痛之中 - in deep grief \sorrow
faint8. 变幻莫测 - unpredictable
9. 变化多端 - changeable
10. 耐心回答 - answer the question with patience
11. 自然平衡 - the balance of nature
12. 各执一词 - hold different opinions
13. 无人问津 - few people show interest in
14. 体格强健 - physically strong
15. 贫困山区 - poor mountainous area
16. 诚实守信 - faithful/trustworthy and honest
17. 得到回报 - our efforts would eventually pay off
18. 据我所知 - As far as I know
19. 通讯工具 - a means of communication
20. 不尽如人意 - is far from satisfactory
21. 对其吹毛求疵 - find fault with the result
22. 铺平道路 - pave the way for
23. 当众反对 - objected to sb. in public
24. 最初的决定 - one’s original decision
25. 彻夜未眠 - failed to fall asleep the whole night
26. 各抒己见 - express/ voice his/ her own opinions
27. 缓解压力 - relieve pressure
28. 显而易见 - It is obvious that
29. 机机对话 - robot-to-robot communications
30. 远大抱负 - a great ambition
31. 实施犯罪 - commit the crime
No.2 - 2016年高三一模
1. 耐心回答 - answer the questions with patience
2. 原版小说 - original novels
3. 英美文化 - British and American culture
4. 想方设法 - try every possible means
5. 坚守岗位 - stick to the posts
6. 严格执法 - strictly carry out the law
7. 交通畅通 - the smooth traffic
8. 心存感激 - grateful
9. 理所当然 - took it for granted
10. 前途未卜 - unpredictable future
11. 金融危机 - financial crisis
12. 紧急措施 - urgent measures
13. 互相配合 - cooperate with each other
14. 有所得就有所失 - While we gain something, we will lose something else
15. 智能手机 - mobile phones
16. 学习困难 - learning difficulties
17. 搜寻信息 - search for information
18. 放松身心 - relax ourselves
19. 提高记忆力 - improve one’s memory
20. 提供能量 - provide energy
21. 音乐天赋 - talent for music
22. 享有盛誉 - high reputation
23. 心理需求 - the mental needs
24. 结婚典礼 - wedding ceremonies
25. 愚蠢的骄傲 - stupid pride
26. 一夜成名 - become famous overnight
27. 不顾自己 - regardless of himself
28. 情不自禁 - can’t help thinking
29. 日益严重的 - increasingly serious
30. 半途而废 - give up halfway
31. 白手起家 - set up his own company from nothing
32. 动人瞬间 - some touching moments
33. 决意联手 - determined to unite together
34. 铲除 - eliminate terrorist organizations
35. 人口的老龄化 - The aging population problem
36. 头疼不已 - a big headache for…
37. 大相径庭 - There is a striking contrast between
38. 缺乏安全感 - lack a sense of security
39. 暴饮暴食 - drinking and eating too much
NO.3 - 2016年高三二模
1. 旅游景点 - a place of interest/ a scenic spot/ a tourist attraction /destination
2. 过分注意 - puts too much value/ emphasis on/ focuses too much on
3. 原有习惯 - original habits
4. 公众评价很高 - the public speak/ spoke highly of
5. 拭目以待 - remain to be seen
6. 不负责任 - It is irresponsible/ not responsible to
7. 换个角度来看 - view…from a different angle
8. 切实可行的 - practical
9. 坚强的意志 - a strong will
10. 不遗余力 - spare no effort/ make every effort
11. 力争提前 - try to…in advance/ ahead of time
12. 无关紧要 - unimportant/ less important…
13. 成本高昂 - the high cost
14. 缓解压力 - relieve the pressure of
15. 鼓舞人心的 - inspiring
16. 环保事业 - the cause of environmental protection
17. 脱颖而出 - stand out (above others)
18. 赢得掌声和鼓励 - win applause and encouragement
19. 考试制度 - exam system
20. 及时援助 - timely help
21. 逃脱困扰 - protect oneself from
22. 付诸实践 - put…into practice
23. 诗词大赛 - the Poetry Contest/ Competition
24. 未雨绸缪 - plan ahead
25. 相互尊重 - learn to respect each other
26. 责无旁贷地 - take full responsibility for
27. 琳琅满目 - so many kinds of
28. 眼花缭乱 - be not accustomed to
29. 各行各业 - from all walks of life
30. 不与社会脱节 - not to be isolated from society
31. 自告奋勇 - volunteered to
32. 应付考试 - handle tests
33. 独自在外 - be away from home alone
34. 新颁布的法律 - the newly-issued law