机器设备 Machine Equipment
飞模机 Die Spotting Press
数控加工中心(电脑锣) CNC Machine
雕刻机 Engraving machine
深孔钻 Gun Drilling Machine
火花机 Electrical discharge machining (EDM)
线切割 Wire EDM
铣床Mill Machine
磨床Grinding Machine
钻床Drilling Machine
车床Lathe Machine
抛光机 Lapping Machine
测量仪器 Measuring Instruments
三次元 Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
二次元 2D Measuring Instrument
轮廓投影仪Profile Projector
高度尺 Highly Ruler
卡尺vernier caliper
千分尺 Micrometer
刻度规 Dial Gauge
塞规Pin Gauge
圆角量规 Radii Gauge
试模设备 Tryout Machine
注塑机 Injection Machine
氮气机(气辅模)Nitrogen Machine (Gas-assisted mold) 干燥机 Drying Machine
模温机 Mold Temperature Controller
注塑机参数Injection machine parameter
台板尺寸 Platen dim
最小/大模厚 Min/Max mold thickness
最小/大注塑机行程 Min/Max Open daylight
锁紧力 Clamp force
顶出行程 Ejector stroke
成型条件 Molding Conditions
机水(普通水) Normal water temperature
热油Hot oil
冻水Chill water
干燥时间 Drying time
料管温度 Barrel Temperature
熔化温度 Melt Temperature
模具温度 Mold Temperature
射出压力 Injection Pressure
保压Holding Pressure
保压时间 Dwelling time
背压Back Pressure
射出速度 Injection Speed
射出温度 Injection Temperature
冷却时间 Cooling time
成型时间 Cycle tIme
成型缺陷 Injection Defects
产品外观 Part appearance
产品颜 Part color
产品光泽 Gloss
缩水印 Sink Mark/Shrinkage
结合线 Welding Line
变形Warpage/Shape Distortion
缺胶(打不满) Short Shot
气纹Gas mark
顶白Ejector Mark
污点Dark Spot
黑点Black Spot
困气Air Trapping
拉伤Drag Marks
粘前/后模/行位/水口Sticking Cavity/Core/slide/Sprue 流道粘前模Runner stuck to cavity side
表面不光 Poor surface
模具问题 mould problems
顶出行程不够 E.P.distance too short
断顶针 Ejector pin broken
卡滑块 Slider jam
进胶不平衡Filling uneven
浇口/流道太大/小Gate/Runner to blg/small
挂成品 Part hanging
产品断裂 Part broken
产品脱落不平衡 Unbalance part release
顶针弯 Ejector pin bend
顶针不完全复位 Ej P not return fully
弹簧失效 Spring fail
镶件损坏 Insert dented
进胶系统 Injection System
主流道 Sprue
分流道 Runner
主分流道 Main runner
次级分流道Branch runner
圆形Full round
半圆形 Semicircular
进胶口 Gate
浇口位置 Gate location
浇口类型 Gate type
边缘浇口 Edge gate
侧浇口 Side gate
潜浇口 Sub/cashew/subsurface/submarine/tunnel gate 点浇口 Pin gate
牛角浇口 banana gate
搭接浇口 Tab gate
潜顶针 Sub gate onto pin
扇形浇口 Fan gate
冷料井 Cold slug well
热流道 Hot Runner
热嘴Hot Bush/Tip/Nozzle
分流板 Hot manifold
接线盒 Connecting box
热电偶 Thermocouple
冷却系统 Cooling System
铜塞Brass pressure plug
隔水片 Baffle
密封圈 O ring
水嘴Cooling fitting
温差Temperature variation
水路示意图Water schematic
漏水Water Leakage
积水块 Water manifold
阶梯式水路Steeped system
喷淋式水路Baffled hole system
斜水路 Angled hole system
顶出方式 Ejection Techniques
顶针顶出 Pin Ejection
司筒顶出 Sleeve Ejection
顶块顶出 Bar Ejection
扁顶顶出 Blade Ejection
推板顶出 Stripper Ejection
油缸顶出 Hydraulic Ejection
气顶Air Ejection
水口钩针 Sprue Puller
顶针Ejector pin
带托顶针 Stepped ejector pin
司筒Ejector Sleeve
扁顶Ejector blade
顶块Stripper Bar
推环Stripper ring
推板Stripper plate
加速顶 Accelerated ejection
二次顶 Two Stage ejector
早回机构 Early ejector return
螺纹标准 Thread Standard
公制标准 Metric
英制标准 Imperial
英制管螺纹British standard Pipe thread (BSP) 美制管螺纹NPT
美制粗螺纹United coarse thread (UNC)
美制细螺纹United Fine thread (UNF)
管螺纹 Pipe thread
submarine螺纹孔 Screw hole
起吊孔 Handling hole
模具结构 Mold Structure
模胚Mold base
面板Top Clamp Plate
水口板(3板模) Runner Stripper Plate (3 plate mold) 热流道板 Hot Runner-plate
A板 A plate
B板 B Plate
推板Stripper Plate
支撑板 Support Plate
方铁Spacer Block
顶针板 Ejector Retainer Plate
顶针底板 Ejector Plate
底板Bottom Clamp Plate
锁模块 Lock Block
模脚Support leg
吊环Safety Hoist Ring
导柱Guide Pin
导套Guide Bush
铜导套 Bronze bushing
石墨导套 Graphite bushing
直导套 Straight Guide Bush
带肩导套 Shoulder Guide Bush
顶针板导柱(中托司)Ejector Guide Pin (EGP)
顶针板导套Ejector Guide Bush
定位环 Locating Ring
唧嘴Sprue bushing
回针Return Pin
撑头Support Pillar
垃圾钉 Stop pin
限位块 Stop Block
限位开关 Limits switch
镶针Insert Pin
互换镶件/针 Interchangeable insert/pin
日期章 Dating insert
环保章 Recycling Insert
材料标示 Material symbol
公司标志 Company logo
型腔号 Cavity number