红警3指挥官及部分武器介绍(Red Alert 3 commander and weapons
The Red Alert 3 three of a total of 9 commanders set a different character is optional, in fact, only a total of 3 personalities: balance, wretched and paranoid. The main unit is specially balanced with the weakness of little; wretched is the special main unit; it is often a paranoid thing to use. Introduce the situation of 9 people:
Oleg: Soviet Party frumpish, from the beginning to bear soon after the ground roller and operation, are by the science and technology to focus on the number of follow the prescribed order, sea and sea tanks, non essential air force will not.
The main person: early bear sea + bullfrog, the mid and late hammer + torpedo ashore Apocalypse +V4submarine
Countermeasures: you can use the computer's "self-confidence" reversal, such as I tried to use the peace guard to open the shield + javelin missile hand pushed him back, because of his "restraint" provisions, so it will continue to bullfrog. Or get out of the high ranks, don't let him out of the Apocalypse anyway.
Moss Kevin - extremely wretched, start a two minutes of terror to come and kill my robot cars, fast tank plant V4, love with units of the second functions, even the mobilization of soldiers are carrying burning red bottle.
Main force: Terror robot =004=, sickle
Solution: in fact also have weaknesses can be used early peacekeeper also flooded the past, as long as the steady almost defenseless, because of his energy
The three - edged addiction, in addition to the family put several defense from A to Z outside double from start to finish.
Main force: only a double-edged sword
Countermeasures: too simple, can be a double-edged sword is equivalent to grams of her death.
Fuller - Allied standards, will use all weapons, very difficult to deal with, on a large map of the tactics are very flexible.
Main force: pre ACV infantry, mid air force, later mirage tank
Countermeasures: small map better to do, big map to use sub base and other methods to narrow his distance, with large units and his crispy units close combat, to suppress the advantages of mobility.
Liset wretched girl, spy, frozen and narrow beam to surrender the helicopter + vehicle rolling, collapse of your fighting quickly.
Main force: a IFV, frozen helicopter filled with all kinds of infantry
Strategy: if it's not too expensive for IFV, it would have been
a worthy opponent.
Giles, no doubt the air force, greeted the defenders at the beginning.
Main force: defenders and Apollo
Countermeasures: the same strategy is simple, as long as a few air defense, he will be tireless in all the financial resources to buy defenders to bomb you, to ensure that he can not go back, he was waiting to lose. Unfortunately, defenders like the Harrier, upgrade the air force after the result is to strengthen what had dispatched two fried.
Jin three is very balanced and aggressive, very powerful, very difficult, and he will use everything as long as the useful forces, even the nuclear towers of the defense tower.
Main force: Sea man + Tsunami Tank, supplemented by two kinds of deformation air defense
The use of air weak countermeasures: (no air infantry), fighters get airpower and traditional way to play dead all helicopter ground forces.
Two - health theory is good so that the second skills of the wretched sun, but because of the many skills is second deformation, Jin three is also will be used, so there is no advantage of health two, equal to a "softening" Shanxi three. Preference for low level units, a slight focus on deformation units, rarely climb high-tech.
Main: Tsunami + +VX 33 Tengu
Countermeasures: no need to work hard, a complete army can beat him, as long as the technology is higher than him, basic will win.
Naomi -- there is no doubt that the Navy, at the beginning of the base to the sea extension, 3 Mini submarine without demur to come to greet you first, sea mine enemies. But the land is very weak, an
d many times there is no machinery factory, only a barracks is on the top. But don't think she doesn't have a tank. A shipyard can make a tsunami. And after that, she's going to get a mechanical factory to play with.
Main: Mini submarine in the early stage, followed by naval technology upgrade
Countermeasure: as long as she doesn't get to the Admiral battleship,
Pushing on the land.
There are 9 such guys, plus 15 selection 10 support skills system, the difference is definitely greater than RA2's two camp, nine countries, the overall richness is greater than C&C3's three camp five personality, or a little interesting.
As for the difficulty, just remember a bit, cruel computer is cheating. Nothing else.
The threat counter will maximize its role - even though it won't last forever. This is because the number of points saved by the counter will also be lost over time, a mechanism that can be considered as "decay rate".
The units and buildings that destroy the enemy can earn you the threat value of the base cost 3/4 that is equivalent to the object being destroyed. For example, killing a base cost 400 javelin missile soldier will increase your threat indicator by 400 x 0.75 = 300.
In addition, whenever you lose units and buildings in combat, your threat indicator will suddenly increase to 3 times the cost of the loss unit or building foundation. So, when you lose a construction site - it's terrible - it'll immediately change you to 15000 threats (3 times the cost of MCV 5000). It doesn't seem like a lot, but it does relieve you.
The following table gives a more detailed description of the operation of the threat indicator:
This level of experience.
The small icon next to the unit volume indicates the current level of experience. The experience grade is divided into three grades (the average unit is not promoted is 0 level, which is not discussed here):
