1. BEIING-Ahead of China’s Youth Day, President Xi Jinping wrote back to a youth team working on space station construction, encouraging them to contribute more to the exploration of space and advance space science and technology through innovation.
The following are some highlights of Xi’s remarks on space exploration.
In a congratulatory letter to the the12th China International Aviation(航空)and Aerospace Exhibition, Xi said the exhibition demonstrated China’s great achievement in space explorations and expressed his belief that the exhibition would greatly boost the development of global aerospace technology and promote international exchanges and cooperation.
May15, 2021
In a congratulatory message on the successful landing of China’s first probe on Mars, Tianwen-1,Xi said, “The landing left a Chinese mark on Mars for the first time. It is another landmark progress in China’s space industry development.”
Sept.16, 2021
In a congratulatory letter to the First International Summit on BeiDou Navigation Satellite System(BDS) Applications, Xi said China is willing to share the achievements of the BDS with all sides and make the BDS better serve the world and benefit humankind.
April 12, 2022
When inspecting the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, Xi spoke highly of a series of key space missions launched from the site, including the launching of the space station core module Tianhe, the Chang’e-5 lunar mission, and the Tianwen-1 Mars probe. He extended greetings to all the staff stationed at the site and asked them to shoulder their responsibility and make new breakthroughs.
1. How should space science and technology be advanced according to President Xi?
A.By working hard.
B.By innovating.
C.Through cooperation.
D.Through exploration.
2. When did Xi offer congratulations on China’s first landing on Mars?
A.OnNov6, 2018.
B.OnMay15, 2021.
C.On Sept 16, 2021.
D.On April 12, 2022.
3. What message do all Xi’s remarks have in common?
A.Space exploration needs global cooperation.
B.Outer space is the common wealth of humanity.
C.China attains great success in space exploration
D.Great achievements should be shared globally.
2. There was a strange stillness. Where had the birds gone? I was a spring without bird voices. Only silence lay over the fields and woods...
Rachel Carson was a scientist, but these lines from her 1962 book Siln Spring show her talent as writer. By imagining a world without birds, she aimed to warn the scientific community and the general public of the damaging effects of human activity on ecosystems-in particular, of the harmful use of pesticides(杀虫剂),such as DDT. She believed that the chemical industry was knowingly causing ham to plants, animals and even humans, and wished to see pesticides used in a more responsible, limited and carefully monitored way.
Silent Spring contains a lot of scientific research and case studies, which proves some progirammes did nothing to reduce the problems they were originally designed to solve. And the 50or so pages at the end of the book list Carson’s sources, showing how thorough and precise she was as a scientist.
Carson’s message has caused a great increase in environmental awareness: the use of DDT was banned and the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)was established in the US. Silent Spring was therefore regarded as a milestone in the launch of green movement in the Western world.
Silent Spring was not, however, received positively by everyone. Though supported by most scientists, the book quickly became a target for critics in the pesticide industry. They said Carson did not understand the science because she was a marine biologist rather than a chemist. Some also said that her work was more emotional than scientific. These were attempts to damage Carson’s reputation and stop her work from influencing public policy, but she remained determined to stand by her research.
Personally, I enjoyed Carson’s book. Today, more than 50 years after it was published, the voice of Silent Spring is still ringing loud and clear.
1. Why did Carson describe a world without birds?
A.To create a poetic atmosphere.
B.To show Carson’s talent as a writer.
C.To raise environmental awareness.
D.To arouse readers’ interest in science.
2. What do we know about Carson?
A.She is a committed scientist.
B.She is an uninfluential biologist.
C.She is a well-recognized chemist.
D.She is a productive writer.
3. What was the possible reason why Carson’s book became a target for critics?
A.She couldn’t control her emotion.
B.She went against science.
C.She lacked scientific spirit.
D.She threatened their profit.
4. What is the text?
A.A book review.
B.A news journal.
C.A research article.
D.A personal profile.
