OIiVer is a host Of a TV PrOgramme On food? He SayS food 1 (PlaV) a big role in his Iife?"My mum WaS a great cook, and she,d SOmetimeS Iet me have a try/* he Said. The first dish OliVer PrePared for his family WaS fried ChiCken WingS? He Inade it With his InUnrS help? OIiVer SayS if you're 2 (IUCk) enough to have SOmeOne ClOSe to you WhO enjoys cooking, ask them 3 you Can join in When it,s POSSibIe?
Single-USe PlaStiC bags are USed at InOSt a few times before they 4 (throw) away? Il takes Ihem hundreds Of VearS 5 (break) down. Many Of these bags end UP in the OCean Where Iarger OneS Can trop Sea CreatUres, SIlCh as turtles and dolphins. OVer time, the bags fall apart 6 COUntIeSS tiny pieces, and fish Cam accidentally Cat SOnIe Of them?Now, IOtS Of 7 (COUntry)and regions are taking action to ban the SaIe Of SUCh bags to StOP PeOPle USing them.
A PieCe Of StOne 8 (find) On a DUtCh beach SUggeStS that OUr extinct human relatives, known as Neanderthals,
Were CleVerer than PreViOUSIy thought. The NCanderthaIS 9 (IiVe ) alongside human ancestors in EUrOPe for tens Of thousands Of years, before dying OUt about 40. 000 years ago. They Were InUCh StrOnger than modern humans, but it,s IOng been assumed that human ancestors WerC 10 (Smart) than the NeanderthaIS? HOWeVen the StOne tool made by NeanderthalS SUggeStS OtherwiSe?
My faith in human nature has never been SO great as it WaS IaSt Weekend after OUr family get-together in the town Of Vail.
On SatUrday, We all Went to the market right in the middle Of the town. Near the end, We
all 11 at the fountain near the bridge, and the kids Waded (踵水)around in the fountain Until We 12 ThiS is One Of the busiest Walking streets.
After We returned to the hotel Iate in the afternooι‰ my 7-year-old SOn POnder 13 that nowhere COUld he find his backpack? WhiCh 14 his GamebOy and his WatCh. After a thorough 15 We determined that he must have Ieft it at the fountain.
POndCr has never 16 anything. SO We just take for granted that he needs no SUPerViSiOn (扌旨导)for managing his 17?
He WaS upset, not about the Gameboy, but about the WatCh?”BlIt Dadr he said, through massive 18 H they don,t Inake that kind Of WatCh anymore.π We Were all VerV 19 ?
OUr dinner reservation WaS at a restaurant just On the Other Side Of the bridge, SO I 20 him that We WOUld not Only SearCh the area around the fountain WhCn We Went back for dinner, but We WOUld also find the POIiCe and ask them if the backpack had been 21 ?
AS We exited from the Parking garage, We COUld See the fountain as We Walked down the IOng StairCaSe? I SaW SOmething black 22 there, but it WaS right next to a WOnlan Standing by the fountain, SO I COUld not ____________________________ 23 What it WaS Or if it WaS hers.
U See it, Dad?M POnder shouted. ,,Don,t get too 24 because that may not be it;' I said. BUt that WaS it. It had been five Or SiX hours SinCe We Ieft the fountain, and it WaS 25 there? There WaS no ID in it, and it IOOked Iike SOmeOne had IOOked through it and then Set it right OUt Where all COUld 26 it.
I IiteralIV 27 When We reached it and it WaS his! EVeryOne in OUr Party WaS blown away by this M miraCle (奇迹),,.In Iny WildeSt 28 ? I WOUId never have imagined that this COUld happen nowadays?What a Charmed life, eh? I believe this WaS a PerfeCt 29 for a ChiId in IOSing IOSe it and feel the full 30 Of that loss, and then to IniraCulOUSly get it back?
( )11. A. drove B. hiked C. met D. United
( )12. A. Ianded B. Ieft C. Settled D. SlePt
( )13. A. responded B. recognized C. realised D. recalled
( ) 14. A. COntained B. COmbined C. COmPriSed D. COVered
( ) 15. A. PreParatiOn B.CheCkUP C. revision D. SearCh
( ) 16. A. WaSted B. IOSt C. SOUgh D. deserted
( ) 17. A. emotion B. time C. money D. StUff
( ) 18. A. tears B. fists C. reliefs D. OInbrCakS
( ) 19. A. hesitant B. CUriOUS C. Sad D. eager
( ) 20. A. PrOmiSed B. informed C. Wanled D. taught
( ) 21. A. WOrn OUt B.CaUght UP C.PUt ava D. turned in
( ) 22. A. hiding B. Sitting C. SWinging D. flowing
( ) 23. A. assess B. declare C. tell D. PrediCt
( ) 24. A. excited B. PUZZled C. relaxed D. amused
( ) 25. A. already B. even C. almost D. Still
( ) 26. A. take B. See C. touch D. PrOteCt
( ) 27. A. PaniCked B. exploded C. COnaPSed D. Cried
( ) 2& A. dreams B. ClaimS C. efforts D. PaSSiOnS
( ) 29. A. mode B. IeSSOn C. OPtiOn D. PlOt
( ) 30? A. range B. PreSSurC C. Weight D. harvest
