第一部分:英语知识运用(满分 45 分)第一节:单项填空 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.(1分)---Are you sure you're ready for the best?
---______.I'm well prepared for it.(  )
A.Not really    B.I'm afraid not
C.No problem    D.Hard to say
2.(1分)Busy as the man is,he______every weekend to staying with his wife and children.(  )
A.picks    B.spends    C.devotes    D.takes
3.(1分)In my hometown,there is always a harvest supper for the farmers after all the wheat______.(  )
A.was cut    B.will be cut
C.will have been cut    D.has been cut
4.(1分)Listening to music at home is one thing,going to hear it__________ live is quite another.(  )
A.perform    B.performing
C.to perform    D.being performed
5.(1分)He is confident,______,in my opinion,is most important in modern society.(  )
A.who    B.which    C.that    D.what
6.(1分)I don't think what he said is______to the topic we are discussing.He has missed the point.(  )
A.faithful    B.relevant    C.parallel    D.similar
7.(1分)You and I______never be a Mozart,or a Newton,but there are lots of things we ______ do to bring beauty or joy to the world.(  )
A.may;can    B.can;may
C.must;can    D.might;could
8.(1分)---Mary,will you please guide the new comer to the office?
---______.I am free now.(  )
A.By all means    B.By no means  C.I'll take it    D.My pleasure
9.(1分)One reason for her preference for this  school is______,as she put it,it can provide for her future development.(  )
A.which    B.what    C.that    D.this
10.(1分)Success comes to those who are willing to risk making mistakes in the_____
_of their goals and ambitions,and who are able to learn from those mistakes.(  )
A.procedure    B.pursuit    C.preference    D.progress
11.(1分)___________ in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star.(  )
A.Being raised    B.Raising
C.Raised    D.To raise
12.(1分)---Remember the first time we met?
---Sure.You _____ in the supermarket.(  )
A.shopped    B.have shopped
C.had shopped    D.were shopping
13.(1分)Most people work because it's unavoidable.__________,there are some
people who actually enjoy work.(  )
A.As a result    B.In addition
C.By contrast    D.In conclusion
14.(1分)It is said that body language______55 percent of a first impression while what you say just 7 percent.(  )
A.lies in    B.goes with
exitedC.consists of    D.accounts for
15.(1分)Please  keep in mind______two friends disagree,it doesn't always mean one is right and the other is wrong.(  )
A.when    B.that    C.whether    D.what
第二节:完型填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
16.(30分)I was traveling by train from Perth to Central one morning.Quietly sitting there reading,I found myself suddenly listening to the train guard's (1)_______ .As I looked up from my paper,I noticed other passengers,  (2) _______absorbed in their smartphones,also appear to be listening.Why did they (3)_______ this message so much?
As best I can recall,the guard said something along the (4)_______ , "Good morning,everyone!This is the 7:ain from Perth to Central and we are right on time.It is really a  (5)_______ morning in Sydney today!The sun is shining;birds are  (6)_______ ,and all's right with the world.I trust you have a great day wherever you're going.Thanks for(7)_______  my train and I hope to see you again soon.Have a great day."
Everyone started smiling,even the (8) _______talking to one another,all about the guard's  (9)_______ and how good it made everyone feel.
I was thinking about this and as I exited the train,I (10)_______ the guard's cabin to t
hank him,only to be told he had just finished his  (11)_______ and was on his way home.Then I  (12)_______ down the stairs.At the bottom,I finally (13)_______ the young guard.
"Are you the guard on the 7:ain from Perth?" "Oh,oh,yes,yes," replied the guard,a bit (14)_______ at first.
"Well,I just want to thank you for your message.It is so upbeat and pleasant.Thank you for giving us such a good  (15)_______ to the day.Please  (16)_______ doing it."
When people are happy in their  (17)_______ ,it shows in what they do and say,which will make a (18)_______ to each other.Can you imagine the conversation that guard would have at table when he  (19) _______home? "Guess what happened to me today---a passenger actually (20)_______ me!"
(1)A.arrangement    B.explanation    C.appreciation    D.announcement
(2)A.previously    B.deliberately    C.anxiously    D.confidently
(3)A.object to    B.pay attention to    C.get across    D.give out
(4)A.rows    B.texts    C.passages    D.lines
(5)A.busy    B.violent    C.lovely    D.free
(6)A.falling    B.singing    C.trembling    D.hiding
