Tea, the nation drink of our Chinese, enjoys a long history. The development of the tea stands for a culture, which shows the characteristics of Chinese people.
Coffee, just like tea in China, also stands in a very high position in western countries. It also shows the features and culture of the western people.
Tea and Coffee, the representatives of the east and the west, are not just two kinds of drinks, but symbols of two cultures which convince people of their own splendid history. However, nowadays when the western winds of culture invasion blankets over China, we Chinese people are getting confused and gradually forget the values of our own.
Either extreme is acceptable. Neither should we totally keep ourselves away from the outside nor should we blindly accept others’. What we should do is protect our own and learn from others the useful parts. Only in this way can our country be stronger and our people more knowledgably.
Key words: Tea, Coffee, origin, culture, invasion, valuable property
摘  要
Table of Contents
Abstract in English……………………………………………….………………
Abstract in Chinese……………………………………………………………….
2.A briefly introduction of tea and coffee
3.The elaboration of tea and coffee
3.1.1 The origin .
3.1.2 The development of the way to enjoy tea
3.2 Coffee………………………………..
3.2.1 The origin of the word Coffee
3.2.2 The stories of the drink Coffee
3.3The cultures lying behind the two drinks
3.3.1 The relations of the two different cultures of the East and West
3.3.2 The phenomenon of culture invasion in China The reasons of such phenomenon The attitude of Western pe
ople towards foreign cultures
3.3.2. 3 What we Chinese should do of our own culture and cultures from others
4. Conclusion………………………………………………………..…………...
Bibliography………………………………………………………... …………….
1. Introduction:
As we all know, tea is a famous traditional drink in China, with its history dating back to ancient time. We Chinese people love tea not just because it tastes nice and does good to our health, but a splendid culture lying behind, which shows vividly the characteristics of Chinese people. Coffee, an e
aqally important and popular drink in western counrtry, also possesses its own features. The two drinks, both stands for their cultures, reveals people’s attitude towards the tradition. However, due to a whole lot of facts like globalization and culture mingling, some people especially Chinese, are gradually westernized and we even forget our own values, for we think those as meaningless and out-dated. It is somewhat a tragedy for the whole nation, yet the situation can be changed, and with the qualities of our Chinese people----being modest and diligent, we will sure make our culture sparkling for good.
The article, aiming at observing the valuable cultures of the East and West and showing the readers the underlying danger of culture mingling, is to be discussed from three main parts----the tea and coffee and the culture mingling.
2. A briefly introduction of tea and coffee
Tea and Coffee, the two most famous kinds of coverage all over the world, both have a long history. Tea, dating back to ancient China, has been appreciated by Chinese people as well as people from foreign countries for quite a long time ,while coffee, on the other hand, has also been people especially western people's favorite since early ages.
Nowadays "Tea or Coffee?” is almost an essential part of hotel conversations when we enter a restaurant, whether it is a typical Chinese one or a western one. The popularity and significance of the two drinks can be seen exactly from the above example.
When we talk about Tea and coffee, we are not just meaning the two drinks that prevail the whole world, but two cultures closely related with them. As we all know that people generally have such a habit: when two things, of the similar size, function and importance co-exists, they tend to make a comparism between them unconsciously. Therefore, topics about the two can be found almost everywhere, from small daily discussions to big formal debates. Though sometimes such kind of debate can be very fierce and tough, people still enjoy it very much, everybody holding his own perspective. From my point of view, as the most famous drinks in the world, they both have their own features, and it is to some extend meaningless trying to find out which one holds more weight. Here I'm not intending to discuss that topic, and what I'
m about to elaborate is the culture and background lying behind and the mutual influence between them.
3. The elaboration of tea and coffee
3.1.1The origin of tea
As to tea, almost everyone knows the legend about “Shenlong” who first ventured to eat tea leaf and surprisingly found that the leaf could help him get rid of the poison involved in the plants he had had previously. From then on, the story as well as the way to cure people who get poisoned has been passed on from generations to generations through various kinds of means. As time went by, the way people enjoyed tea has also been developed, from the primitive form of eating tea leaves to the complex ones nowadays.
3.1.2The development of the way to enjoy tea
In ancient times, tea was mostly enjoyed as part of people’s food and some were used as medicine. The way to drink tea was simple and everyone was able to enjoy it at any time of the day. While nowadays, making a cup of tea, rather than a simple daily routine, is quite complex and requires patience, perseverance as well as determination. Many delicate steps and important tips are involved in it. First of all, the teapot should be of good quality and the water should also be clean and of proper temperature, which determines a great deal of the taste of the tea. Second and the most im
portant one is the skill of the people who make the tea. Citing the process of making wolong tea as an example, it is not just a matter of pouring hot water into a teapot but rather a performance of the typical Chinese culture which shows the qualities of our whole nation. First, place a handful tea to a clean cup. Then add some water into the pot and wait until the color turns a little green. Much attention should be paid to make sure the amount of the water is proper, because neither extreme might destroy the tea. After that, add water again and this time the amount of water is not as strictly limited as the former step but depends on people who will have the tea. If you are a person who prefers tea with strong flavor, you may add comparatively less water than those who enjoy the opposite. It never comes to an end when you have finished the above steps, a last but equally vital step is pouring the tea into a cup, which seems simple but in fact quite challenging. A qualified tea maker will never pours the tea rudely into a cup, and he will pay much attention to his every move, from the speed to the height of the teapot. By doing so, he not only makes a cup of tea, but also shows vividly Chinese culture to all people that enjoy the tea.
Just like tea, coffee also enjoys a whole lot wonderful culture and many pleasant features, winning itself numerous loyal fans.
3.2 Coffee
3.2.1 The origin of the word Coffee
The word "coffee", deriving from a Greece word "Kaweh", means "power and passion", while the substance "coffee" means a kind of drinks, which dated back to an Arab word "Qahwah". At the very beginning
, those who drink coffee called it "KAFFA", the name of its homeland, yet it was after 18th century when it spread to other places of the world, people did it got the name known to all of us "coffee".
3.2.2 The stories of the drink Coffee
There are also interesting stories about the source of coffee, among which "The Story of the Sheppard "and" The Legend of the Arab Mont" are the most famous ones.” the Story of the Sheppard ", also known as "the legend of Kardy", tells the story of a Sheppard called Kardy. It was a day of 6th century; Kardy Surprisingly found that his sheep got much exited after eating some red fruit. Out of curiosity, he picked up those fruit and tasted himself, and just as he expected, he felt refreshed after eating it. HE then gave those fruit to other people and the fruit became more and more popular, and it was said that the fruit had since then been made into medicine, helping people focus their attention. Those little fruit are coffee beans we know today.
Another story is about a head of a tribe who was, he had to walk to another place to live the rest of his life. On the way to his destination, he got so tired and hungry and thirsty that he could not move his feet any more. Seeing that he might not survive the harsh condition, he sat down and just waited for his death. At this very moment, he heard several birds singing, joyfully and lively. The voice was so beautiful that he could not help to finding out what makes the birds in such a tough circumstance sing like that. After close examination, he found out that it was the small fruit grown on the trees that contributed to their wonderful voice and joyful characteristics. So he picked some of the fruit and ate them, then he went to raptures when he felt himself full of energy. Realizing that he didn’t necessarily have to die, he killed his thought of committing suicide just few minutes ago at once and picked enough fruit, ready to finish his long journey. Later, he traveled everywhere and collected the fruit, and he used them to cure disease, thus he saved a lot of people. Finally, he was forgiven by those who hated him previously and became a saint.
3.3 The cultures lying behind the two drinks
3.3.1 The relations of the two different cultures of the east and west
From the above elaboration of the culture and background of the two drinks, it is not difficult to draw t
he conclusion that each one has its own features, which are closely related to the cultures of that country. No one is better than the other, and it is meaningless to try to figure out which stands higher position and we all see by ourselves that they coexist harmoniously
3.3.2 The phenomenon of culture invasion in China
However, the harmony is by no means always there. Before the era of knowledge and hi-tech explosion when transportation and communication were not as convenient as it today, people of the two drinking cultures both enjoyed their own contentedly. Not even a
single thought of invading others did they have to make theirs more powerful than others. But as time went by, the rapid development of technology has largely shrunk the world, making people all over the planet much closer to each other. So people began to travel much more than ever, thus as they move, their culture moves, too. Therefore, people started to meet with cultures that are totally different from their own, and some of them get so interested in foreign cultures that they even forget the cultures of their own country.
Undoubtedly, China is in such a danger. Haven’t you noticed the abnormal phenomenon that Chinese people, especially the young people, are crazy about Christmas and many other foreign holi
days while they even don’t know some holidays of their own? Haven’t you noticed that our domestic films are giving way to Hollywood blockbusters and Korean series? Haven’t you noticed that the whole nation is on its way to another America or Japanese or Korean? If your answer is no, you are probably a member of those who are even confused of their nationalities and it is high time that you woke up and gave yourself a chance to get in touch with the splendid culture of your own.
To see the matter more clearly, it will be quite necessary to site some examples. Personally, I recommend Christmas because it is the most influential foreign holiday in China among many others and so it will undoubtedly be more persuasive. Christmas, a Christian holiday, came to China with several commissioners in early 1900s. At the very beginning, it could just find its way in the churches, yet as time went by, it became more and more well-known and now Chinese people even give up their own holidays and turn their attention to that. Each year when Christmas is about to come, the streets are decorated with Christmas trees with lights of all colors sparkling, and shops are full of customers and all kinds of Christmas gifts. Everybody is looking forward to the holiday and begins to prepare for a big Christmas gathering a long time in advance. However, this kind of splendid scene is hardly found during Spring Festival, a traditional Chinese holiday which is supposed to be joyful and noisy. Often what we can find during Spring Festival is emptiness and silence, nobody bothering to make the atmosphere a little more pleasant. The reasons of such phenomenon
As to the reasons of such a strange phenomenon, three facts should be mentioned. First, the government hasn’t taken enough efforts to preserve such kind of nun-material culture relics. Second, people are not aware of the importance of their own culture. Last and also the most important is that people do not understand the real meaning of cultures and they don’t get the developing formula of making up for each other’s deficiencies, which we should admit that the western people are doing well in. The attitude of western people towards foreign cultures
Apart from that
