期 末 测 试
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共小题;每小题1分,满分7分)
1.here des this nversatin tae plae?
A At a hspital
B At a departent stre
At a restaurant
2.H uh is the fd and drin?
A $26    B $27    $29
3.hat’s the an ding?
A athing TV
B Turning dn the TV
Ansering the phne
4.Arding t the an, hat des he lie t d if pssible?
A T visit useus
B T ae a gd plan
T visit the dern useu
.hat nes did the an get fr the an?
A Sa ill leave Ne r ver sn
B Sa’s sister ill leave fr Ls Angeles ver sn
Sa’s sister ill leave fr Ne r ver sn
第二节 (共1小题;每小题1分,满分22分)
6.h desn’t the an tae the green T&sh;shirt?
A It’s t sall
B It’s t dar
It’s t expensive
7.hat des the an bu in the end?
A A ell T&sh;shirt
B A blue T&sh;shirt
A pin T&sh;shirt
8.hih age grup d the t speaers st liel belng t?exited
A ung B iddle&sh;aged
9.hih part f the bd is prbabl ith the an?
A Her leg B Her ba
Her ees
10.h an’t the an d gardening a lt?
A Beause f his ba truble
B Beause f his leg truble
Beause f his ar truble
11.hat are the speaers ainl taling abut?
A The little girl B The diretr
The nert
12.hat d u n abut the girl?
A She plas the pian ell
B She is deaf
She is an rphan (孤儿).
13.hat did the an thin f the diretr?
A He as ruel
B He as right
He as serius
14.h are the t sides in the big gae?
A T shls B T ities
T states
1.hen ill the gae begin?
A At 1 p. B At 2 p.
At 3 p.
16.H ill the speaers g t the ath?
A B bus B B ar
n ft
17.H an peple are entined in the passage?
A Fur B Five
18.here as the driver f the sprts ar hen the aident happened?
A Prbabl in the garage
B Prbabl in the superaret
abe inside the ar
19.hih ar as badl daaged?
A Paul’s ar
B The sprts ar utside the superaret
The bus at the btt f the hill
20.h did Paul thin as t blae fr the aident?
A The bus driver
B N ne
The driver f the sprts ar
答案 1- BAB 6-10 A
11-1 BAA 16-20 ABBAB
Text 1
:A table fr fur, please
: It ill be abut tent inutes n’t u sit dn?
Text 2
:That ls nie I’ll have a haburger and fries
: Anthing t drin?
: A hlate ilshae
: That’ll be $27
Text 3
:uld u ind turning dn the TV a bit? I’ ansering the phne
: Nt at all
Text 4
:I dn’t ften visit useus, but I lie t henever pssible
: I’ve never visited the dern useu, but I plan t trr
:I et Sa n the street tda
: Reall? Did he sa anthing abut his sister?
: es She ught t be leaving Ne r ver sn, beause her husband has taen a b in Ls Angeles
Text 6
:an I help u?
: es H uh are these T&sh;shirts?
: The are 12 dllars 0 ents eah
: I lie the green ne, but it isn’t big enugh Have u gt a larger size?
: ust a inute N, I’ srr, e haven’t hat abut the bla ne?
: N, it’s t dar I prefer sething lighter, ell r pin
: H abut the pin ne?
: es That’s nie I’ll tae it
: That’s 12 dllars 0 ents then, please
: Here u are
Text 7
:Hell H are u tda?
: Nt s gd leg’s plaing e up, aful pains in leg and tthahe!
: h, dear! I’ve gt tthahe t and the dentist sas he sipl an’t see e befre next ee But hat gets e is headahe
: I n hat u ean, but at least u an d the garden I an’t even d that ith ba, the dtr sas I ustn’t lift r bend
