我天生就对英语没兴趣。此言差矣。须知,有些兴趣并非与生俱来,而是后天培养的。为什么不试着通过你感兴趣的东西去靠拢你无兴趣的英语学习呢?开始时多参加一些英语方面的活动,比如 ,唱英文歌、做英语游戏、读英语幽默短文、练习口头对话等。时间长了,懂得多了,就有了兴趣,当然,学习起来就有了强烈的动力。
4. 要持之以恒。学习英语既然是练功夫的过程,就并不是那么轻松。要不怕困难,坚持学习。学习如逆水行舟,不进则退,最忌三天打鱼,两天晒网。要日积月累,付出长期的努力。
five thousand ears of glorious ivilization, the hinese, the four major inventions in the orld bright ith hina. desendants are all proud of our nation, proud.
e are proud, beause hina has a long histor and splendid ulture. five thousand ears of glorious histor of the hinese nation, settling the essene of eastern and estern ivilizations, revealing the dan of human siene, the histor of ivilization in the orld ith the enduring harm. four great inventions hange the fae of humanit as a hole, "book of songs" to reate a realisti orld literature preedent, the romanti poetr of qu uan to bring the extraordinar imagination of mankind, the prose of qin and han, tang, song, uan, ming and qing fition, onfuius and menius dotrine as ell as "the art of ar", et., all demonstrate the anestors of the hinese nation rih emotion and isdom.
e are proud that vast land of hina. nature millions of ears, sulpture, onstitute a olorful pitur
e, pentium nurtured generations of desendants of the ello river, the angtze river eah ne ear surging surging aves of isdom, standing proudl on top of everest in the orld peak of the hinese nation the smbol of unielding harater, and man ountlerivers and lakes, mountains, okXX, ultural landsape, this is not the pride of all hinese people and proud?
hoever, histor does not glo bright sun ever da, hina had been brilliant, has a atastrophe ordeal. but also reated the hinese nation, e are proud of the great indomitable harater, asting a strong bakbone of hina. over the past 50 ears, numerous mirales again in this onderful land of birth. rapid eonomi development, siene and tehnolog fruits. bombs and one satellite has heaven, a seat like a rainbo bridge arothe angtze river. three gorges projet, the qinghai-tibet raila, hong kong and mXXo's return, hina's aession to to; test ne varieties of hbrid rie sueof the orld's agriultural siene and tehnolog researh to fill gaps in the field, all these all reflet the great vitalit and ohesion of hina, full demonstrating its great and brilliant ahievements, should e not be proud of these ahievements, and proud of it? deades of good governane, top to bottom searh of several ears, our ountr has stood in the east, self-reliane among the nations in the orld!
