1、Part-- shell
z part--> 3D,deformable,shell,planar(0.3×0.2m)
z property--> elastic--> lamina
a)直接用sectionÆ shellÆ composite(type直接为shell/continuum shell,composite)
Output中不能选composite layup,如下图
z另外,用b)的模型copy之后修改的话没有问题,可以用composite layup,但是不能查看结果
z Output中Domain中选whole 的话可以计算,可以查看结果,但只有最上边的和最下边的。Zsq-w版主提示最好用composite layup 设置铺层,ply名字最好用字母命
Question:选择whole model 时怎么查看各层的结果 Specify怎么用
b)Composite layup manager--> conventional shell--> 5层,每层厚度为0.01m
z Step-->field output--> Domain: composite layup—shell-planar-1positelayup-1, Output at section points 中选择all section points in all plies
z Element--> shell (S4R, 只能选这个)
c)Composite layup manager--> continuum shell 不能设置貌似需要用3D solid 建模才可以
d)Composite layup manager--> solid 不能设置貌似需要用3D solid 建模才可以
以上a)和b)的计算结果相同(查看的是layer=1 mises应力)
2、Part-- solid,conventional shell
z part--> 3D,deformable,solid(0.3×0.2×0.05m)
z property--> elastic--> lamina
用Composite layup manager设置铺层,选用conventional shell,但是需要将Part分割为几个cells建立set,在每个cell中设置,我分割了三个cells(厚度分别为0.01m,0.02m,
注意:每个cell中的Ply name不要相同,相同时不会提示出错,但是查看结果是看不到。例如我在cell-1中有一个ply name是ply-1,cell-2中也有一个ply name是ply-1,那么在查看结果plies时只有一个ply-1。
z Step-->field output--> Domain: composite layup,把每个layup都设置一下,Output at section points 中选择all section points in all plies
a)Mesh中选择continuum shell 单元SC8R(注意选择此单元时,网格划分技术只能用sweep)
b)Mesh中选择3D stress 单元C3D8R,提交Job时出错,提示为:
3000 elements have missing property definitions. The elements have been identified in
element set ErrElemMissingSection.
Section definitions are missing or incorrect for the elements indicated above. Further
processing of the input file is not possible until this input error is fixed.
个人理解为:用的是composite layup manager设置的铺层,section中什么都没定义,对于C3D8R单元来说估计是不合适的
就必须用composite layup manager设置铺层,用壳单元模拟复合材料。
S11 1B
[差值e-3]△/1B △/2A
ply-1 结构底部
两端 -8.158e3 -8.098e3 0.06 0.00735 0.00741
中间 4.488e3 4.462e3 0.026 0.00579 0.00583
两端 -6.526e3 -5.541e3 0.985 0.15 0.178
中间 3.591e3 3.516e3 0.075 0.0209 0.0213 Top
两端 -4.895e3 -3.559e3    1.366 0.273 0.375
中间 2.693e3 2.571e3 0.122 0.0453 0.0475
ply-5 结构顶部
两端 4.895e3 5.290e3 0.395 0.0807 0.0747
中间 -2.693e3 -3.428e3 0.735 0.273 0.214 Mid
两端 6.526e3 6.791e3 0.265 0.0406 0.0390
中间 -3.591e3 -3.907e3 0.316 0.0880 0.0809 Top
两端 8.158e3 8.291e3 0.133 0.0163 0.0160
中间 -4.488e3 -4.386e3 0.102 0.0227 0.0232
3、Part-- solid,continuum shell
结果和用conventional shell 的一样
4、Part-- solid,composite layup--> solid
a) 提交Job时出错,错误提示为:
*elastic,type=lamina may not be used with *solid section,composite
*elastic,type=lamina may not be used with *solid section,composite
*elastic,type=lamina may not be used with *solid section,composite
*elastic,type=lamina may not be used with *solid section,composite
*elastic,type=lamina may not be used with *solid section,composite
3000 elements have missing property definitions. The elements have been identified in element set ErrElemMissingSection.
Section definitions are missing or incorrect for the elements indicated above. Further processing of the input file is not possible until this input error is fixed.
b) 将type该为engineering constant,又提示出错,错误提示为:
3000 elements have missing property definitions. The elements have been identified in element set ErrElemMissingSection.
Section definitions are missing or incorrect for the elements indicated above. Further
processing of the input file is not possible until this input error is fixed.
Analysis Input File Processor exited with an error.
但是把Composite layup manager设置铺层该为用section设置时用engineering constant, orthotropic, isotropic和anisotropic定义时都会出现下面的问题:
c) 以上b)中的单元都是用的continuum shell,现在改为3D stress(C3D8R),依然用
Composite layup manager设置铺层
type--> lamina 提示出错 lamina只能用于平面应力单元
type--> isotropic Date Check成功
type--> engineering constant Date Check成功
type--> orthotropic Date Check成功
type--> anisotropic Date Check没有成功,但是原因应该是因为我随便给的数,不满
