1 the image of the environment
Every citizen has had a long association with some part of his city, ans his image is soaked in memories and meanings.
City design is a continuous succession of phrase.
Legibility 可读性
Apparent clarity or legibility of cityscape.
One whose districts or landmarks or pathways are easily identified and are easily grouped into and overall pattern.
City image is the product both of immediate sensation and of the memory of the past experience, and it is used to interpret information and guide action.
A vivid and integrated physical setting can furnish the raw material for the symbols and collective memories of group communication.
Also provide emotional security
Positive values of legible surroundings: emotional satisfaction., the framework for communication or conceptual organization, he new depths that it may bring to everyday experience.
Building the image
Environmental images are the result of a two way process between the observer and his environment. The environment suggests distinction and relations, and the observer selects, organizes and endows with meaning what he sees.
Each individual creates and bears his own image but there seems to be substantial agreement among members of the same group. These group images interest city planners who aspire to model an environment that will be used by many people.
Structure and identity
An environment image may be analyzed into three components: identity, structure and meaning. Identity
Firstly imply it’s distinction it’s recognition as a separable entity, individuality or oneness.
Secondly spatial or pattern relation to observers and other objects Finally have practical or emotional meaning for observer
If an image is to have value for orientation in the living space, it must have several qualities: fist one sufficient, pragmatic实用主义sense. Second safe. Final, communicable to other individuals.
That quality in a physical object which gives it a high probability of evoking a strong image in any given observer.
A highly imageable (apparent, legible or visible) city in this peculiar特殊的sense would seem well formed, distinct, remarkable; it would invite the eye and the ear to greater attention and participation.
The perceptive and familiar observer could absorb new impact without disruption of his basic image, and each new impact could touch upon
many previous elements.
Since image development is a two way process between observer and observed, it is possible to stre
ngthen the image either by symbolic devices, by the retraining of the perceiver, or by reshaping one’s surroundings.
We now able to develope our image of the environment by operation on the external physical shape as well as by an internal learning process.
2Three cities
We suggest principles for urban design by develope and test the idea of imageablility, and also by a comparison of image with visual reality to learn what forms make strong image.
This work was done in conviction(定罪确信) that analyses of existing form and its effect on the citizen is one of the foundation stones if city design, and in the hope that some useful techniques for field reconnaissance(侦查勘测)and citizen interview might be developed as by-product(副产品)。
Boston: both vivid in form and full of locational difficulties
Jersey city:apparent formlessness
Los Angeles: new city with central gridiron(格子的,网格状的) plan Perpendicular 垂直的
Panoramas 全景图
Fraction 分数,小部分
3.The city image and it’s elements
Five types of elements: paths, edges, districts, nodes, landmarks
1.Paths are channels along which the observer customarily(通常地,习惯地),occasionally, or potentially moves. Along these paths other elements are arranged and related.
2.Edges are the linear elements not used or considered as oaths by the observer, they are the boundaries between two phases, linear breaks in continuity.
3.Districts are the medium-to-large sections of the city, having two-dimensional extent snd some common, identifying character.
4.Nodes are points, the strategic spots in a city into which an observer can enter, and which are the intensive foci(焦点) to and from which he is traveling. They can be junctions(连接,衔接) and concentrations. Some concentrations are the focus and epitome(缩影,象征) of a district, over which their influence radiates and of which they stand as a symbol.
5.Landmarks are another type of point-reference but this is external and can not be entered.
The image of a given physical reality may occasionally shift its type with different circumstances of viewing.
Panorama (全景图)
Concentration of special use or activity along a street may give it prominence(突出,显著) in the minds of observers.
Characteristic spatial qualities were able to strengthen the image od particular paths.
Special facade characteristics were also important for path identity. Proximity(接近,亲近,临近) to special features of the city could also endow(赋予赠与,天生具有) a path with increased importance. In this case the path would be acting secondarily as an edge.
Other qualities that give importance to single paths were the visual exposure of the path itself or the visual exposure from the path of other parts of the city.
The path, once identifiable, have continuity as well, is an obvious functional necessity.
Paths may not only be identifiable and continuous, but have directional quality as well: one direction along the line can easily be distinguished from reverse. This can be done by a gradient, a regular change in some quality which is cumulative in one direction.
Paths with clear and well-known origins and destinations had stronger identities, helped tie the city together, and gave the observer a sense of his bearings whenever he crossed them.
Once a path has directional quality, it may have further attribute(特质,属性,归属v.) of being scaled: one may be able to sense one’s position along the total length, to grasp the distance traversed(穿过,横贯,反对) or yet to go.
