alice in wonderland第四章梗概英文
Chapter 4 of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is titled "The Queen's Croquet Ground." In this chapter, Alice follows the White Rabbit and finds herself at a large croquet ground. The game is being played by the Queen of Hearts, the King of Hearts, and their three attendants: the White Rabbit, the Dormouse, and the Cheshire Cat.
Alice is given an opportunity to play, but she does not know how to play croquet. The Queen becomes angry with her and threatens to have her beheaded. However, the King intervenes and suggests that Alice be allowed to go through a series of challenges instead.
The first challenge is to cut off the head of the nearest hedgehog using a billy club. Alice succeeds, but the headless hedgehog rolls away and grows into a full-sized hedgehog. The second challenge is to roll up the hedgehog in a lace shawl and throw it over a nearby tree branch. Alice also succeeds, but the hedgehog falls out of the shawl and starts chasing her.
Alice runs away from the hedgehog and finds herself back at the croquet ground. She se
es that the game has stopped and everyone is looking for her. The Queen orders that Alice be found and brought back to be executed.
Alice hides behind a tree and watches as the Queen sends out her attendants to search for her. The White Rabbit finds Alice first, but he is too afraid to tell the Queen where she is. The Dormouse and the Cheshire Cat also find Alice, but they too are too afraid to tell the Queen.
Finally, Alice decides to confront the Queen and demands to know why she is being treated so poorly. The Queen explains that Alice is not one of them and therefore does not belong in their world. She orders that Alice be thrown out of Wonderland immediately.
Alice protests, but she is eventually escorted out of Wonderland by the White Rabbit. As she leaves, she realizes that she has grown much taller than when she first arrived in Wonderland.