Crew members of Shenzhou XII mission gave a science lecture (讲座)400 kilometers above Earth to millions of students on Thursday afternoon, December 9, 2021 in the Tiango
ng space station.
The three astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu greeted students, teachers and other viewers when the lecture started in the afternoon. They explained their life and work inside the space station.
The astronauts made scientific experiments to display interesting physical phenomena (现象)in space, such as "disappearing buoyancyAA and a “water ball”. They also invited young viewers to do similar experiments along with them to see the differences between space and land environments to experience the fin of exploration. Besides, they answered questions from students during the lecture.
Tens of millions of teachers and students across China, including Hong Kong and Macao watched the hour-long televised event. They were excited to have such a chance to understand more about biology, physicsand chemistry through the experiments in space.

science.—Shi Yi, a teacher from BeijingNgawang Tenba, a primary school student
细节理解题。 根据"Chinese astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu gave a science lecture 讲 座)from China's space station to students on Earth on December 9th, 2021 ''可知,在中国空间站做了 个讲 座,应选C
主旨大意题。 根据“Shenzhou-13 members gave the students a tour of the living and working areas of the space station. They showed the students how to increase their strength with their exercise equipment…''可 知, 他们展 示了他们在太空是如何生活和工作的,应选D
词义猜想题。根据“More lectures will be held and presented by Chinese astronauts”可知,中国宇航员还将举 办更多讲座,所以presentedgiven义,应选A
推理纲断题。t 艮据“said the space lecture was an eye-opening experience that would ignite (y 与燃)students2" interest in science''"The experiments really surprised me”以及"It also helped to strengthen their national identity (认同)as they saw the rapid development of our country's space technology” 可矢口,提至 U 三位观 看者 的感受是为了凸显这次讲座是很有意义的,应选B
