Module 7
Unit 2
This little girl can’t walk.
1. 能听懂、会说、会认读并正确抄写kind. 和This little girl can’t walk.
2. 能听懂和读懂课文内容,正确流利地朗读课文。
3. 能运用can’t说明能力的不足,并模仿This little girl can’t walk. Her mother helps her. 进行描述和仿写。
4. 能感知firefighter中f的读音,kind中k的读音。
5. 能唱歌曲A good friend.
五年级学生基础较好,已掌握了一定的语音、词汇、语法、话题表达等英语基础知识,具备了一定的听、说、读、写能力,并掌握了大量的短语结构。如:play basketball, control the ball, catch the ball等。学生已能使用can和can’t来表达能力,并且可以进行替换。而在学校和家庭的熏陶下,已经使学生们初步掌握了助人为乐的、粗浅的价值观。因此,在教学中,应从学生已有的知识、能力、经验和兴趣出发,根据教学内容,采用灵活的教学方法,精心设计有一定挑战性的教学活动,促使学生在参与、实践、体验、合作与交流活动中学习、运用并掌握知识,进一步培养学生综合语言运用能力,稳定英语学习兴趣。
1. 重点词汇:kind.
2. 重点句型:This little girl cant walk.
Step 1:Warm up
Play a game: I say you do / I do you say. Then read the words together.
Chant: Dogs are clever. Dogs are cute…
Lead in
(1)T: What’s the chant about? (Ss: dog)
Dogs are clever. Dogs can help a lot.
Look and say: Whom did the dog help?
T: Do you love the dog? We love the dog. And now we help the dog.
Listen and repeat.
Sing a song: A good friend. T: Dogs can help us a lot. They are our good friend. Let’s sing a song, a good friend.
Free talk: Can the dog dance? Can the dog row a boat?
T-S1 Can you row a boat? Ss: He/ She can/ can’t a boat.
T-S2 Can you walk? Ss: He/ She can walk.
(8)Show the title and task:
出示小女孩图片: Can this little girl walk?Ss: No. she can’t.
This little girl can’t walk.
Task: What can you do ? What can’t you do? Let’s talk about your ability.
Step 2:While-reading
Look and guess: Can this little girl walk?
Watch and answer: Can this little girl walk? Who help her?
Look and say: 出示课文三幅图片,让学生说说图片内容。
Listen and choose:
(1) This old man can’t              .
A: see          B: sit down.
(2)                    helps him.
A: A kind girl          B: A kind boy
Kk / k /  kite  kiss  keep  kind(友善的)
Look and say: Who is kind?
(3) This girl can’t              .
A: carry the bag          B: carry the books
(4)                    helps her.
A: Her friend        B: A kind boy
(5) This little girl can’t              .
A: sing songs        B: swim
(6)                    helps her.
A: Her father        B: Her mother
Listen and imitate
Read in small groups.
Group competition
Recite the text.
Step 3:Post-reading
Look and write, then say.
e.g. This little girl can't walk.
Her mother helps her.
Make funny sentences.
Do a survey, then write.
Let’s talk: I can ... But I can’t...
swim      sing songs    play football    play basketball
play chess    row a boat    dance    fly kites    read
draw pictures    ride a bike    run fast    play the paino
Let’s write:
Hello, my name is          . Im a        boy(girl). I can              . I can                  .But I cant                    .            My friend            (朋友姓名)can                        well.He/ She can              too.But he/ she cant                    . We often help each other.(互相帮助)
Step 4:Homework
1.Listen to the tape and read the text.
2.Do exercise book.
3.Talk about your family's ability with your friend.
Module 7Unit 2
This little girl can’t walk.
