Unit4 Accidents教学设计
一、教学内容:Part 1,2(第一课时)
1、语言技能: Listen and read, then fill in the blanks.
Can use “Did he …” ask and answer questions.
2.语言知识:能初步理解和运用过去时的一般疑问句Did he/she…及其问答
3.学习策略: 语法学习策略:背诵例句做题阅读写作口语练习
三、教学重点: Listen and read, then fill in the blanks.
Can use “Did he …” ask and answer questions.
四、教学难点:理解和运用过去时的一般疑问句Did he/she…及其问答
Step 1 Warm up
1. Greetings
2. Showing a picture of ambulance, ask the pupils when will we see
Where is it going ?-----Hospital
The teacher read the new words accident , hospital then whole class read together then read in groups
at last read in pairs
Step 2 Presentation
1.Now we are going to listen to a passage about accidents. After
listening, please answer a question—when did Joel have an accident?
2.Next have kids open the books and listen again , then answer the
Did Joel break his leg?
Did Joel break his right arm?
How long was Joel in hospital?
3.Then have kids open the books , read the dialogue and then try to find
all the past tense of verbs . a game, match the verbs with their past tense
am/is cut
have broke
break was
go had
cut went
5. Using a calendar to help students understand when
they should use the past tense
I go to school every day.
I went to school yesterday.
6.Read the second passage in silence and try to find all
the past tense words and underline them.
7 .Finish the exercise in part 2
Step 3: Drill
8. After that, check the answers together, and help kids understand the sentences. Teacher can choose kids to explain the meaning of those sentences, make sure that every kid understands the meaning.
9.TPR using body language to help pupils understand and remember the passage quickly.
Step 4: Consolidation
1.Have kids work in pairs to read the passage.
2.Choose several pairs to read the passage in class.
Step 5 : Task
Try to read the passage frequently and recite the past tense we have learnt today.
Unit4 Accidents教学设计
一、教学内容:Part 3(第二课时)
1、语言技能:Look at the pictures, put the sentences in the correct order.
3.学习策略: 阅读句子,出过去式,归纳总结
三、教学重点: put the sentences in the correct order
Step 1 Warm up
1. Greetings
2. read the passage on P32
3.Quick response
am/is cut
have broke
break was
go had
cut went
Step 2 Presentation
1.Look at the picture guess what his job is
He is a police man
songwhat can you see in the picture
A police car
A ladder---la—dd---er
A window
2. Open your book and look at the picture on page 33, have a discussion with your partner and guess what
the story was.
3. Check the ansers
1, The children went to Mr Snow’s house
2, They found a ladder in his garden.
3, They called the police
4, The police came quickly.
5. They put the ladder away.
5,The children and the police saw a man at the window.
6. The man wanted to get down the ladder.
7. He fell from the window
8, The man broke his leg.
Step 3: Consolidation
3.Listen and point
4.Listen and read
www.doczj/doc/9715370366.html,ing the picture to retell the story
Step 4: Task
1,Read the sentences as frequently as possible
2, Three or four students in one group try to act the story out.
Unit4 Accidents教学设计
一、教学内容:Part 4(第三课时)
3.学习策略: 积极运用所学英语表达
Step 1 Warm up
1. Greetings.
2. Read the sentences on P3
Group work: Read quickly.
Step 2 Presentation
1.Tell your pupils: Today Toby will tell you some rules. You must listen
carefully and let’s see who can remember all the rules, ok?
2.The pupils listen to the song and then speak out the rules what they’ve
When you ride your bike, wear your helmet.
When you rollerblade, put on your pads.
When you ride in a car, put on your belt.
Look left and right in the street.
You must keep to these rules.
3.Open the books and listen again. Then sing the song.
4.Who knows some other rules?
Ask your pupils to speak out the other rules what they’ve known.
Step 3: Consolidation
a)Sing the song in groups.
b)TPR Using body language to help pupils understand and remember
the song quickly.
