1. Lexicology is the study of the structures, origins, meanings and usages of words.
2. A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.
3. Vocabulary refers to the total number of the words in a language. It also stands for all the words used in a particular historical period, of a given dialect or discipline, or possessed by a person.
4. Classification of Words:
(1)by use frequency :A .Basic Word Stock(基本词汇)
B. Nonbasic Vocabulary(非基本词汇): Terminology 术语/ Jargon 行话/  slang 俚语 / argot黑话/ Dialectal words 方言词 / Archaism 古语词  / Neologism 新词
(2)by notion: Content words and functional words 实义词与功能词
(3)by origin: Native words and borrowed words 本族词与外来词
5. Indo-European Language Family(印欧语系):
Language and Language Families
Number of languages in the world:
Number of language families in the world:
Basis for language family grouping:
      Similarities in the basic word stock and grammar of the languages
  The Indo-European, one of these, is made up of most languages of Europe, the Near East, and India.  (English belongs to Germanic , a Western set
1)Eastern Set东部诸语族):Albanian (阿尔巴尼亚语族)、Balto-Slavic (波罗的海-斯拉夫语族)、Amenian (亚美尼亚语族)、Indu-Iranian (印度-伊朗语族)
2)Western Set (西部诸语族)Germanic (日耳曼语族)、Celtic (凯尔特语族)、Hellenic
(古希腊语族)、Italic (意大利语族)
6. Three periods of the English language:
1) Old English (450AD—1150AD) when the first Germanic tribes began to settle in England.
a. Anglo-Saxon—the Germanic tribes
b. Latin –introduction of Christianity at the end of the 6th century.
c. Scandinavian –Norwegian and Danish vikings
d. 5000-6000 words; highly inflected
2) Middle English (1150—1500) during the Norman Conquest.
a. French influence Norman Conquest 1066
b. 9000 French words continually flowed into English
c. Dutch words entered English with the trade relation.
d. English regained position of importance
–Wycliff translation of the Bible (威克利夫)
–Writings of Chaucer and Langland (乔叟、朗兰)
–English gradually came back to schools
Midland is the chief ancestor of Modern English.
3) Modern English (1500—  ):
Early Modern English (1500-1700)    早期现代英语
The Renaissance 文艺复兴—a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics
1500-1700– over 10,000 new words entered English.
The Bourgeois Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, colonization– absorb words from all major languages in the world
Late Modern English (1700-up to now) 后期现代英语
World wars
Advances in science and technology
Thousands and thousands of new words have been created through borrowing and word-formation
New words in all walks of life: politics, economy, commerce, culture, entertainment, education, sports, transportation, mass media
From synthetic language to analytic language
7. Modes of Vocabulary Development  词汇的发展方式
Creation 创词– formation of new words by using existing materials such as roots,                                        affixes and other elements.
Semantic changes 旧词新义– an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need.
Borrowing借词—absorbing words from foreign languages
8.Morpheme (词素)
1) The minimal meaningful units of language are known as morphemes. 语言的最小意义单位称为词素。
2) The morpheme is the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words. (D. Crystal 1985) 词素是构词中最小的功能单位。
3)Free morphemes 自由词素:
Free morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences.
They are identical with root words.
Examples: man, earth, wind, car, anger.
4)Bound morphemes 粘着词素:bound root + affixes
Bound morphemes cannot occur as separate words but have to combine with other morphemes to form words.
5)Derivational and Inflectional Affixes 派生词缀和屈折词缀
Derivational affixes—they are conjoined to other morphemes new words.
Inflectional morphemes—  they are attached to the end of words to indicate 
  grammatical relationship.(P.47)
Modern English is an analytic language, which has only a few inflectional affixes.
Morphemes1) free---free root
          2) bound--- bound root
                    affixes---derivation (prefix  suffix), inflectional
