《我们这一天》前情提要Previously on This
你想出去兜风吗Do you want to go on a drive?
你想去哪Where do you want to go?
洛杉矶Los Angeles.
我妈说我疯了居然和不熟的人去洛杉矶My mom says I'm nuts for doing this with a guy I barely know.
我们认识一周了呢We've known each other a whole week.
那保持联系吧So, keep in touch.
一定把你的后续情况告知我们Definitely keep us posted on what you're up to.
他们说我唱得"匹茨堡一流" He said that I was "Pittsburgh good,"
我就当是夸我了which I've decided to take as a compliment.
我们回家吧Let's go home.
到家了We're home.
我睡了多久How long have I been out?
就一会会Just a little while.
第三次约会挺不错great third date.
我也这样觉得I thought so.
不觉得疯狂吗Isn't it crazy?
几周之前How, just a couple weeks ago
我只是一个在酒吧唱歌的姑娘I was a girl singing at a
就盯着一个帅小伙看I locked eyes with a
不不不不是你No. No, no, not you.
另外一个男的然后他走了There was another guy there, and then he left.
然后我看见了你想着"他也还凑合吧" And I saw you and I was like, "He'll do."
好我明白你意思了Okay, yeah. No, I got it.
好奇怪对不对It's so strange, isn't it?
就这样How, just like that
完全陌生的人成为你人生故事中重要的一个篇章a complete stranger can become such a big part of your story.
还挺吓人的It's actually kind of terrifying, you know?
就这样简简单单的遇见How a single cross with one person
就改变了一切you've never met verything.
crash是什么意思你好吗马利克你好吗What's up? Malik. What's up, man?
你怎么样你好吗What's up, man? You good?
进来快Come on in here. Come on.
好的好的开始I see you, I see you. Let's go.
好吧我在磨蹭All right, I'm stalling.
因为我不想下车'Cause I don't want to get out of this car.
我这样有点怪Which is odd for me
因为一般是'cause it's
我喜欢的坏坏音乐人badboy musicians I like
才会是改变我人生的陌生人when it comes to lifechanging strangers.
我还要和你说Uh, just so you know
我要高冷起来了I am gonna play it cool here
所以别期待我会马上so don't expect to get a phone call
给你打电话嗯from me right away. Oh, yeah.
我也一样Same here.
嗯我也挺忙的Yeah, II got a pretty full plate
说实话我得份工作to be honest. I got to find a job
现在还睡沙发所以嗯couch to crash on, Yeah.
所以我不期待你会那么快就联系我I wouldn't expect you to hear from me anytime soon. 或许就不联系了Or maybe ever again.
也挺有可能的嗯It's quite possible. Yeah.
我不会先给你打电话的I'm not calling you first.
我也不会I'm not calling you first.
我先给你打电话了I called you first.
高冷不下去了对吧Couldn't play it cool, huh?
嗯不是我的特长No, that's never really been my thing.
明天约会好吗好Hey, can I see you tomorrow? Yes.
我也不怎么会装高冷 that's never really been my thing either.
糟了明天Oh, shoot. Tomorrow.
我要和我爸妈一起吃饭I'm supposed to have dinner with my parents
还有他们朋友and their friends tomorrow.
他们想看我过得好不好proof of life.
不过你可以一起来But you could come.
是在他们的乡村俱乐部I mean, it's at their country club
不知道你想不想来so I don't know if you'd Yeah.
来我来No, I'll be there.
真的吗嗯Really? Yeah.
你得穿运动外衫Uh, you do have to wear a sport coat
但如果你要借的话but they have a few there
俱乐部那有if you want to just borrow one.
不用我有Mm, no. Nah, I'm set.
等一下Um, hold on one second.
我给你地址I'm gonna go find the address for you.
你们好啊卡西迪Hey. Hey, guys. Cassidy?
马蒂呢Hey. Hey, Matty?
就我马蒂不能熬夜ItIt's just me. Matty couldn't stay up any longer.
明早要上学但我拉了勾勾He's got school in the morning. But I pinky swore
要帮他问你有没有买闪电麦昆I'd ask if you got his Lightning McQueen.
买了买了跟他说我买了Yeah, I did. I did. You can tell him I did.
对不起我一直没打电话Sorry I haven't called.
我好想你们I miss you guys like crazy.
等这事一结束我想做的第一件事First thing I want to do when this is over
就是给你和马蒂做早饭is make breakfast with you and Matty.
我们可以晚饭做早餐吃的东西We can have breakfast for dinner.
记得吗我们之前一直这样干Remember when we used to do that all the time?
我最近老想着这个I think about that all the time lately.
你明白我的吧你知道You know that, right? You
就算我们没有说话even when we're not talking
我也一直想着你们I think about you both all the time.
每分钟每一天Every minute. Every day.
我知道I know.
宝贝我得挂了好吗Hey, babe,I got to go, okay?
么么Big kiss.
好的All right.
好吧好吧All right, fine.
胖死你It's your waistline.
萨米Oh, Sammy.
真是别萨米退后退后Crap. No. Sammy, get back, get back.
呆在那Just stay.
需要点什么吗Can I help you?
先生需要点什么吗Sir? Can I help you?
我的天Oh, my God!
对不起我的天你干嘛I'm so sorry. Oh, my God, why did you do that?
对不你干嘛碰我I' Why would you touch me?
对不起我只是想让你注意到我我我I'm so sorry. I...I was just trying to get your attention. I...I...
我的天Oh, my God.
吓到我了我开玩笑的That scared me. I'm totally kidding.
但我饿坏了But I'm starving.
所以你能带我个位置坐So if you could, like, show me to a table
那就太好了that would be really, really cool.
当然Of course.
这边请你能Right this way. Can
嗯你能... 对Yeah. Can Yeah.
谢谢Yeah. Thank you.
兄弟课前点名20分钟太久了吧Bro, 20 minutes is too long for homeroom.
我也说嘛没必要啊That's all I'm saying. It's got no purpose.
他们一个个点的名一个个They take roll in homeroom. Roll?
一个个马利克在吗Roll? Hey, Malik, you here?
在就一秒Here. That took one second.
我们都准备上高三了And we're going into junior year
还要在点名上浪费20分钟吗still losing 20 minutes to homeroom?
我就说这么多了That's all I'm saying.
你就说这么多了你保证吗Oh, that's all you're saying? Promise?
再多说一个字你就得给我一块钱'Cause you say one more word, you're giving me a dollar. 你真行That's cool.
给你傻子Here, fool.
拜托你了把手机放下吧Come on, man. Put the phone down.
你都为她着迷了You're obsessed with her.
如果她是你女儿你也会为她着迷的If she was your girl, you'd be obsessed, too.
好了大伙听着All right, guys, look
明天我会在家办开学前的最后一次聚会last kickback before school at my place tomorrow.
马利克你来吗Malik, you coming?
我妈说我们可以邀请女生来My mom said we can invite girls
我会安排你去烤肉and I got you on grill duty.
可能会去再说再说Maybe. I'll see, I'll see, I'll see.
我不保证一定去聚会No promises on the kickback.
可我现在得回家了But I got to get home.
好吧我跟我妈说了带点食物回家所以All right. Told Moms that I'd bring home some food, so...
好的稍后见Okay. Catch y'all later.
嗨妈Hey, Ma.
给你买了个汉堡Got you a burger.
不要走开No, no. Go away.
没你的好宝贝Not as good as yours, baby
但是好吃吧but. Yeah. I know.
我要上楼了I'm going to go
别吵醒宝宝Don't wake that baby.
我听不清你满嘴都是食物Can't hear you. Too much food in your mouth.
你怎么样啦What you doing up?
嗨珍妮儿Hey, Janelle.
你好呀Hey. Hey.
我今天一直在手机上看你I was watching you on my phone today.
你看See, look. Look.
来Come here.
你越来越重了You're getting heavy.
再也不用去新生儿重症病房了Long way from that NICU.
你奶奶说不要吵醒你但是You know, Grandma said not to wake you up, but
爸爸不怕奶奶对不对Daddy trumps Grandma, doesn't he?
对不对对不对Doesn't he? Doesn't he?
我能帮你什么吗Can I help you?
我在一套西装I'm looking for a suit.
你还需要什么吗咖啡Can I get you anything else? ?
不用我可以了谢谢No. I'm good, thanks.
等一下来坐下Wait. Come. Sit.
跟我一起吃我Join me. Oh, I...
你的轮班到时间了露西Your shift is over, Lucy.
我听到你跟另一位女士说了I heard you say that to the other lady.
我也是听到她叫你露西Also heard her call you Lucy
你要知道我不是跟踪狂just so you know I'm not a stalker.
来坐吧Come sit.
这里的培根真好吃This is amazing bacon here.
宿醉后吃这个最好了This is great for a hangover.
你为什么宿醉了Why are you hungover?
我宿醉是因为昨晚I'm hungover, 'cause, last night
我在写一首歌I was writing a song
我发现我太垃圾了I realized I completely suck
我要在鸡尾酒厅and I'm gonna be playing cocktail lounges
和乡村俱乐部卖艺度过余生了and country clubs for the rest of my life.你是个音乐人You're a musician?
我在努力I'm trying.
这里真敞亮It's bright in here.
你怎么我能看到一点光线How I can see some light.
就只有一点还有Just a little. And, um...
还有一些非常模糊的形状and really, really blurry shapes
但什么也看不清but nothing clearly.
我来过这好几次了I've been here a few times
但从未来吃过早餐but never for breakfast.
你能给我描述一下吗Can you describe it for me?
描述这个餐厅吗The restaurant?
好它Yeah, it's
它是那种it's one of those diners
永远不变的餐厅 never change.
要是我我不会开这种餐厅It's not what I would open.
我是个主厨I'm a chef.
应该说我想要成为一名主厨Or... I want to be a chef, I should say.
这里很温暖你懂吗warm here, you know?
