IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词
44.Joey is a very funny man. He often tells us a lot of ______. (joke)
45.You can take the lift to the______floor. I'll wait for you in Room 509.(five)
46.Last New Year's Eve, Michael cooked a meal for his family all by______.(he)
47.The monitor looked______and relaxed when he gave the speech in class.(confidence)
48.You should give up smoking because it can____damage your health.(serious)
49.It was very nice of Joe to____us to his birthday party last Saturday evening.(invitation)
50.The old man was so sick that he had to go to the hospital for an____.(operate)
51.Gary was_____because his school football team lost the game yesterday.(happy)
44.jokes  45.fifth  46.himself  47.confident  48.seriously  49.invite  50.operation
IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词
44.Jane doesn't want to see the film because it brings her too many bad______.(memory)
45.Joe has recently returned from his_____trip to Australia.(five)
46.The young couple worked hard in order to give____children a good start in life.(they)
47.The law can____students to have more free time to play.(able)
48.The old man becomes so____that he even can't recognize his sons.(forget)
49.Mr.Green has lived in China for years and can speak Mandarin(普通话)____.(correct)
50.China remeasured(重测)the____of the Great Wall more than ten years ago.(long)
51.My mother was_____with my poor grades though she didn't say a word about it.(happy)
44.memories  45.fifth  46.their  47.enable  48.forgetful  49.correctly  50.length
3. 奉贤区
IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词
44.Nowadays people can't go on____during holidays because of the virus.(journey)
45.Although Zhong Nanshang is already in his____,he is still very energetic.(eighty)
46.Recently a new____ofCovid-19,Omicron(奥密克戎毒株)has been reported all around the world.(various)
47.If you want to____something. you can use the link method.(memory)
48.Although we have discussed it for many times,the final____is up to you.(decide)
49.Zhang Guimei,now 63,began teaching of the______areas, twenty years ago.(poor)
50.We hope the problems of traffic jams will____in the near future.(appear)
51.Our class is a model class. We always keep our classroom____clean(spotless)
44.journeys  45.eighties  46.variety  47.memorize  48.decision  49.poorest  50.disappear    51.spotlessly
IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)
44.This island offers different______of scenery and wildlife.(variety)
45.We celebrated the______birthday of the Communist Party of China on July 1,2021.(hundred)
46.He was aware of the power of______and technology after taking part in this activity.(know)
47.In my opinion,TV programs have a great______on children's behavior.(effective)
48.Do you know what skills are needed to______the machine?(operation)
49.Smoking has______damaged your health,so you should give it up as soon as possible.(serious)
50.The newly-built library contains a great number of foreign language______books.(refer)
51.Ava was ______at being left out of the dance team.She really enjoys dancing.(happy)
44.varieties  45.hundredth  46.knowledge  47.effect  48.operate  49.ference  51.unhappy
IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共8分)
44.The_______captured the city of Troy through a trick.(Greek)
45.The lady in her late______looks young for her age.(forty)
46.It's bad manners to talk with______mouth full.(you)
47.To learn English well, we should try some ways to______new words.(memory)
48.Going plastic-free can make a real______to the environment.(different)
49.When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help_______.(polite)
50.______has been a success - nearly half of the household waste is recycled.(recycle)
51. The new train line will ______ people to travel between the two cities in less than one hour .(able)
44.Greeks  45.forties  46.your  47.memorize  48.difference  49.politely  50.Recycling  51.enable
