外企英文邮件的 subject 应当注意哪几点?
总得来说,还是有一些讲究,最重要的是简洁,因为标题不是正文,不能写得太长,要能够让别人在最短时间内知道这幅邮件是讲什么的,才这叫 subject。words
1、直接写最重要的 key words。
New project A321 launch(新项目 A321 启动)
Meeting agenda(会议日程)
Training plan(培训计划)
2、如果关键词太短,或者仅仅是关键词的一部分内容,加一个 Regarding。
比如你仅仅只要讨论 Training plan(培训计划)的一部分内容,如时间、地点,直接用Training plan做标题人家会以为你做了一个 training plan来,此时就用 Regarding trainig plan(关于培训计划)就可以了,举几个例子
Regarding project deadline(关于项目最后期限)
Regarding travel policy(关于出差报销政策)
Regarding product quality(关于产品质量)
3、提问,用 Question about …
有时候发一封邮件就只为了问一个问题,以 Question about …开头,如:
Question about Performance Evaluation Criteria(关于绩效评估标准的问题)
如果只是一个非常简单的问题,别人马上就可以回答的那种,主题就直接写  Quick question 就可以了。
4、be 动词可以省略,如
Meeting canceled 或者 Meeting cancellation(Meeting has been canceled)
Vacation leave approved(Vacation leave has been approved)
Sample shipped(Sample has been shipped)
5、冠词 a, the 都可以省略,如:
Suggestion for team building activity(A suggestion for the team building activity)
Sample shipped(The sample has been shipped)
Regarding travel policy(Regarding the travel policy)
Urgent: Action Required - Deadline [Date]
Update: Project Deadline Extension
Reminder: Team Meeting Tomorrow
Announcement: New Employee Onboarding
Notification: System Maintenance
Thank You
Farewell and Thank you
Last day at XXX
比较好的做法是在新邮件的主题里 highlight 一下上一封邮件有错误,这样别人马上会注意到。
Correction: 原主题
Revised Information:原主题
然后正文第一句直接写:I apologize for making a mistake in my previous email. Please disregard the earlier message. Here is the corrected information。
- Please disregard my previous email as it was sent prematurely without being finished. Please refer to this one instead.
- I made the mistake of clicking send before finishing the email, so please disregard the previous one. Sorry for the confusion!
- Sorry, I pressed the "send" before correcting typos. The corrected message is the following :
