1.只有那些面对困难不遗余力去克服的人才能取得他们渴望的成就。wordsspare no effort(s)  to do sth)
As an old saying goes,....)
(...,by/through which....)
7. 当今,父母为他们的独生子女做所有的事情,这使得这些独生子女非常依赖于父母。(which)
8.目前中国吸烟人数:约3.5亿,其中男性75%,女性24%。( ...., )
9.我们学校有四千多学生,大多数都能用心学习。(....,the majority )
3.中国有56个民族,其中汉族(the Han Ethnic Group) 是最大的一个,占94%。
4.中国政府已经把中秋节定为法定假日(make ...a legal/official holiday),在那天人们可以休假一天。
11.多年的校园生活教会了我很多东西,其中使我印象最深的是我们应该尽量不要用言语伤害别人,无论是故意还是无意。(..., of which what strikes me most is that .....)
1.Only those who spare no effort to confront problems can achieve what they long for. 
2.As an old saying goes, living without a clear and achievable aim is like sailing without a compass.
3.Speaking and listening are very important for a language learningby which you are sure to make great progress.
Students should take more part in outdoor activities, by which they can improve their social skills.
4.Much to my delight, the teacher sang high praise for my great achievements before my classmates, which made me very proud.
5.To begin with,the theme of the show is Environmental Protection,which will be not only meaningful but also interesting.
6.Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience for growth.
7.Nowadays, parents have done everything for their single children, which makes the children rely on their parents badly.
8.Currently China has about 350 million smokers, among whom 75 percent are men and 25 percent are women.
9.There are more than 4, 000 students in our school, the majority of whom put their hearts into their studies.
10.I would visit some museums which_should_not_be_missed to widen my horizons as well as enrich my knowledge.
1.Those who do simple and ordinary jobs are also promoting the development of the society.
Those who want to participate in the contest are supposed to sign up before May 25th.
2.I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it.
3.China has 56 peoples  , among which the Han Ethnic Group is the largest, accounting for 94% of the whole.
4.he Chinese government has made the Mid-Autumn Festival a legal holiday, when people can have a day off.
5.Patience is a kind of quality, without which you can’t work well.
6.We are going to learn some Chinese poems that/which were written in the Tang Dynasty.
7.The reason why I can't keep my word is that my uncle will go abroad for further study soon.
8.As an outgoing student, I am good at communicating with others, which makes me feel confident about this position.
9.People can enjoy the moon while eating mooncakes, which are the special food for this festival.
10.The reason why people celebrate the festival is that they believe it is the time when the moon is at its fullest and brightest in the whole year, and people will gather together eating mooncakes and appreciating the full moon.
11.Years of school life have taught me a lot of things, of which what strikes me most is that we should take care not to hurt others with our words, deliberately or by accident.
