gis中dbf转为csv_在python中将dbf转换为csv的⽅法?这是我多年来⼀直使⽤的解决⽅案。我有⼀个Python 2.7的解决⽅案和⼀个Python 3.5的解决⽅案(可能也是3.6)。
Python 2.7:python怎么读csv数据
import csv
from dbfpy import dbf
def dbf_to_csv(out_table):#Input a dbf, output a csv
csv_fn = out_table[:-4]+ ".csv" #Set the table as .csv format
with open(csv_fn,'wb') as csvfile: #Create a csv file and write contents from dbf
in_db = dbf.Dbf(out_table)
out_csv = csv.writer(csvfile)
names = []
for field in in_db.header.fields: #Write headers
for rec in in_db: #Write records
return csv_fn
Python 3.5:
import csv
from dbfread import DBF
def dbf_to_csv(dbf_table_pth):#Input a dbf, output a csv, same name, same path, except extension
csv_fn = dbf_table_pth[:-4]+ ".csv" #Set the csv file name
table = DBF(dbf_table_pth)# table variable is a DBF object
with open(csv_fn, 'w', newline = '') as f:# create a csv file, fill it with dbf content
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(table.field_names)# write the column name
for record in table:# write the rows
return csv_fn# return the csv name
您可以从pip install获取dbfpy和dbfread。
