1 be awash with 充斥着…….
例句:The internet is awash with all kinds of spam and web popup.
近义词:be inundated with / be saturated with
Nowadays, TV commercials are inundated with violence and pornography.
2 Propaganda v. 宣传(贬义)
例句:North Korea's state television newscaster announced such propaganda will not be tolerated
近义词:broadcast / publicize (中性)
Noncommercial plays a key role in publicizing the awareness of environmental protection.
3 Prevalent adj. 无处不在的
例句:Unsolicited commercial email and other forms of spam have become so prevalent nowadays.
近义词:ubiquitous / pervasive
A sense of social change is pervasive in her novel.
English is ubiquitous; as a result, it is suggested that it should be used as the single global official language.
4 Pornographic adj. 情的,淫秽作品的
例句:Teenagers are so immature that they are likely to be misled by the pornographic content in the mass media.
近义词:erotic / obscene /sexual
The technological progress “assists” the porn industry in expanding its scope by sending erotic pictures via internet.
Online content censorship can reduce and prevent fully the availability of indecent sexual materials to minors.
5 A Increasing number of 越来越多
近义词:the number(time) of ……is on the rise / growing 
An increasing number of individuals hold that the time wasted on the growing TV commercials is on the rise.
6 Misleading adj. 有误导性的
例句:Some private stories give a misleading example of love and marriage to readers.
近义词:misrepresented / distorted / misguiding
Without censorship, misguiding and uncontrolled messages on the internet tend to mislead young people into pornography.
7 Expose adj. 揭露
例句:To expose one’s privacy is an insult to his or her dignity.
近义词:reveal / bring to light / uncover
The newly found papers will bring to light what really happened
8 Scandal n. 丑闻,恶意诽谤
例句:It is a great scandal for officials in developing countries to take international aid for their own use.
近义词:disgrace / humiliation / shame
The way the sales were handled was a complete disgrace.
9 Censor v. 审查,检查
例句:There is a desperate need to censor the net to remove the filth that is not only available to adults, but is readily to any child that might have access to the net.
近义词:check up / examine / inspect / censorship n.
Media censorship needs implementing to provide guidance for media workers on how to distribute proper information in the media.
10 Deceitful adj. 虚假的,欺诈的
例句: we find ourselves in a radically democratized media culture that’s producing an overload of information, an alarming amount of which is deceitful or just mistaken
近义词:bogus / cheating / deceptive
Some ads targeted at children are cheating and misleading, which is harmful to the healthy development of youngsters.
A solution will filter out the deceptive advertisements without resorting to government regulation is self-regulation by companies.
11 Cover up 掩盖,掩饰
例句:The responsibility of newspaper is not to cover up the truth.
近义词:gloss over / whitewash
The administration is whitewashing the regime's actions.
12 Exaggerate v. 夸大事实
例句:The functions of the products are exaggerated sometimes by the advertisements, aiming to stimulate the sales.
近义词:sensationalize / blow things out of all proportions
The media is prone to sensationalize the news to attract the readers’ or audience’s attention.
PS: is prone to=is inclined to
派生:The newspaper accounts are exaggerated.
13 Reliable adj. 可信的
例句:There is no reliable information about earthquake in the newspaper because of the interference by government.
近义词:trustworthy / dependable / faith worthy
A trustworthy pet bring its master a sense of safety.
14 Biased adj. 不客观的
例句:This periodical carries a biased report on China.
近义词:Skewed / unobjective /
It is against the duty of the media to coverage some unobjective information.
15 Advocate v. 提倡,鼓吹
例句:In order to attract more attention from the audience, some advertisements advocate
unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee on every purchase.
近义词:support / defend
16 Revolutionize v. 彻底改变
例句:The internet revolutionizes the way we acquire the information.
近义词:turn the tide againstaccess例句
17 Ban v. 禁止
例句:The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves on useful purpose.
