access例句1. advantage
词性: n.
解释: 优势,有利条件
例句: One advantage of living in a big city is that you have access to more job opportunities.
2. analyze
词性: v.
解释: 分析,剖析
例句: The scientist spent years analyzing the data before publishing their findings.
3. consequence
词性: n.
解释: 结果,后果
例句: If you don’t study for the exam, the consequence will be a low grade.
4. evaluate
词性: v.
解释: 评估,评价
例句: The teacher asked the students to evaluate their own performance on the group project.
5. illustrate
词性: v.
解释: 说明,阐明
例句: The professor used charts and graphs to illustrate her point during the lecture.
6. interpret
词性: v.
解释: 解释,理解
例句: The students were asked to interpret the meaning of the poem.
7. perspective
词性: n.
解释: 角度,观点
例句: It’s important to consider different perspectives when discussing a controversial topic.
8. similar
词性: adj.
解释: 相似的,类似的
例句: The two buildings look similar, but they were designed by different architects.
9. trend
词性: n.
解释: 趋势,倾向
例句: The latest trend in fashion is oversized sweaters.
10. unique
词性: adj.
解释: 独特的,特有的
例句: Every snowflake is unique; no two are the same.
