Legal documents to authorize power of attorney
______________________ is authorized to accept as a legal document in person on behalf of the Company. I accept service of legal documents in China.
signature:_________________________________________ Authorized Address:
Telephone number :document有安卓版吗
Authorized Person
Note: This power of attorney from limited liability companies and offshore Corp. shareholders, sponsors (the donor) and in legal documents to accept the (authorized) signed authorized specified in the address, contact , Along with being the main donor eligibility certificate or a copy of proof of identity, explicitly authorized to accept
legal documents on behalf of their service. Authorized people can be outside shareholders, sponsors set up the branch or the company to be established (artificial authorized the company to be established, the company set up by force) or other relevant units in the change was authorized person, it should be signed The new "legal document service agreement" and a timely manner to the record company registration office, clients address matters such as changes in a timely manner to the record company registration office.
