Application for evaluation for the material change
Name of Change or Project
申请EHS影响评估日期Date of evaluation for EHS impacts
Scope of Changes
□新材料的使用new material  □新材料替换旧材料replacement of old material    □取消原材料 cancel the original material
一、工作场所变更的EHS评估申请Application for work site change on E.H.S Evaluation
1. 材料变更活动的背景介绍(如果没有,不用填写)Introduction to background for material change  (if there isnt, unnecessary to fill in)
2.变更项目负责人员/部门Implementation person/department for the Change Project: 
Management activities during the implementation of change.
1)采购部PUR:                  部门经理签字日期manager signature/date
新材料供应商的评价evaluating new material supplier                    Yes□    No
新材料的放行批准release of new material                              Yes□    No
新材料的MSDS的提交submit MSDS of new material                    Yes□    No
新材料的价格的核算price accounting for new material                    Yes□    No
2)技术部门TECH                 部门经理签字/日期manager signature/date
使用新材料的项目计划的策划Planning for the project of use of new material  Yes□    No
提交EHS影响评估申请apply for the EHS impact evaluation               Yes□    No
技术文件的修订(图纸、物料号与BOM、原材料、工艺文件等)Revise the technical documents(drawing, material no. BOM, material and process documents etc.) Yes□    No
确定工装模具的需求determine the need for fixtures and molds              Yes□    No
成本变化分析报告提交submit Cost Change Analysis Report                Yes□    No
EHS影响措施的执行implement actions addressing EHS impact            Yes□    No
执行更改项目计划(例如样品试制、试生产以及工艺的确认等)Carry out the change project (making samples, pilot production and validation of process)                    Yes□    No
3)质量部QA/QC:                  部门经理签字/日期manager signature/date
检验文件的修订revising the test documents                             Yes□    No
工艺参数的检查和验证testing and verification of process parameters          Yes□    No
产品的检查Production Inspection                                      Yes□    No
4)生产计划PP                  计划签字/日期 PP supervisor signature/date
预计新旧材料的切换时间以及新材料请购时间Changeover time for new material and the Purchase time for new material                              Yes□    No□ 预计时间 est. time:     
确认新料请购前的BOM和物料号已经由技术部更新confirm the update of BOM and Material No. of the new material before applying for purchase              Yes□  No□ 完成时间finish time   
统计旧材料做的成品数量通知客户服务部;determine the QTY of product made from the old material and inform CST                                    Yes□    No□ 通知时间inform time   
样品试制、试生产、批量生产所需的计划安排,确保库存量消耗Planning for sample making, pilot production, batch production and ensure the reduction of stock size           
Yes□  No□
                                      二、E.H.S影响评估(需要时填写) evaluation for change (Necessary)
5)生产Production              部门经理签字/日期Manager signature/date
组织培训员工,配合技术部门进行样品和试生产的完成organize training of operators, assist
Tech.dept.in the sample making and pilot production;                        Yes□    No 
相关的标示区分relating marking, labeling and separating                    Yes□    No
根据实际情况,进行定额的调整adjust the quota accordingly                Yes□    No
6)财务部门的管理活动Management activity of Financial Dept.:
部门经理签字/日期Manager signature/date
根据物料的变化,核实财务数据,进行成本数据的更新verifies financial data and updates the cost data according to material change                                          Yes□    No
7)客户服务CST                部门经理签字/日期Manager signature/date
告知销售部新、旧材料的产品的不同inform sales dept. the difference of products made from old and new material;                                                      Yes□    No
告知旧产品数量,要求尽快处理,预计切换时间;inform the QTY of product of old material and estimated changeover time from old to new material                                  Yes□    No
Technical department shall give advice on the mixed use of the product according to customer’s application                                                          Yes□    No
8)工程部Infrastructure          部门经理签字/日期Manager signature/date
Carry out design, purchase, trial molding, operating and acceptance of the fixtures and molds according to necessity                                                            Yes□    No
9)EHS部门 EHS dept.         部门经理签字/日期Manager signature/date
根据实际情况辨识危险源和风险的评价,采取相关措施(如下表)Carry out identification of hazards, evaluation of risks and determination of actions (as in table below)            Yes□    No
在现场进行监督实施以及有效性验证(另见验收报告)Carry out on-site monitoring of  implementation and verification of effectiveness of these actions(see the Acceptance Report)
1. 根据变更的介绍,识别环境因素、危险源辨识和风险的评价,初步评估所产生的环境保护、职业健康安全的措施要求(可附页)The requirements of E.H.S (Environment, Health and Safety) according to environment elements, hazard identification and risk assessment(attached pages allowed)
内 容
Requirements for focus on during
the implementation and action taken
a1相关的环境法律法规的要求Related legal requirements for environmental protection.
a2识别环境影响及措施要求identify the requirements for environmental impacts and actions taken
a3对于产生的废料,要考虑到回收处理事宜 Considering the production wastes and recycling matter
(E.P. supervisor evaluation)
环保主管(E.P. supervisor):              日期Date:
b1 相关的职业健康法律法规的要求Related legal requirements for Occupational Health
b2 识别职业健康及措施要求Requirements for Occupational Health and improvement actions
(E.P. supervisor evaluation)
环保主管(E.P. supervisor):                    日期Date:
C1此原材料是否为国家规定的危险化学品,是否需要登记备案?如果是,则登记备案。不是,则进行下面的过程。Is the material belongs to the category of hazardous chemicals specified by the nation? Must it have registration? If YES, do the registration; if NO, go to following process
C2相关的安全法律法规的要求Related legal requirements for Safety
C3 安全隐患及措施要求(即危险源辨识和风险评价以及其他措施要求)Requirements for safety and actions (hazards identification, risk assessment and other measures)
(Safety supervisor evaluation)
安全主管(Safety supervisor):                  日期Date:
if need to inform, training, check when implementation.
Inform: Yes□  No□  通知部门:                                   
check:  Yes□  No□    原材料质量检查Check for the material  □
过程质量检查Check for theprocess      □
最终产品检查Check for the Product    □
环境/职业健康/安全检查Check for E.H.S.□
项目负责人:                                          日 期:                 
Project leader                                          Date:
三、审 批 意 见 Comments
厂长批准Approved by Factory Manager
注:  1. 表格不够填写的可附页填写。If necessary, attachment pages
2. 当评估为会议方式进行时,附上会议记录作为依据。此表审批后,交给项目负责人或部门负责人保存原件, 其复印件由项目责任部门分发给EHS、实施部门等。If have a meeting to evaluation, please attach meeting record as on base. After approval send to the project implementation manager or department manager, then copy to supervisor of Environment, safety, project operation department.
表格编号form no.:A-PQEO-24/4-3/01
